BREAKING NEWS: Memo finally released!!!!!!!!

False, simply untrue. A plea cannot be withdrawn except for under very narrow circumstances. How much would you like to bet about Flynn withdrawing his plea? I don’t usually bet on here, but I will on this one!

Grind never said that Flynn WOULD, he said he COULD.

Do you need Grind to explain the difference to you?? :palm:
He wasn’t looking for the truth or justice, he was on a political mission to get Trump and Flynn was in his cross hairs.

Should I spell it further?

You need evidence he lied about or presented untrue evidence... and that the lie or false evidence affected the case, you got that?
I was always against FISA, even when the Republicans accused me of being unpatriotic for it!

I remember you saying that republicans said that, but don't remember any actual republicans saying that.

Though it was one of the few times we agreed on anything.
ROTFLMAO, is the Federal Record fake also?

I have no doubt about it. catch up. do you need to know the story of barack ? I will tell you the story of barack if you are ignorant of the story of barack and his damned job. barack, with your total consent/ [you are complicit still; no repentance] corrupted every us gov. department/ [agency]. I am a full disclosure kind of guy.i consider you, sir, to be an active political/ fake news information "combatant"; a BZA army soldier.
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I have no doubt about it. catch up. do you need to know the story of barack ? I will tell you the story of barack if you are ignorant of the story of barack and his damned job. barack, with your total consent/ [you are complicit still; no repentance] corrupted every us gov. department/ [agency]. I am a full disclosure kind of guy.i consider you, sir, to be an active political/ fake news information "combatant"; a BZA army soldier.

Cool dude!