BREAKING NEWS: Memo finally released!!!!!!!!

No, what you are saying is the lie.

FACT: Opposition research created and paid for by the DNC and Hillary Clinton campaign was used to get a FISA warrant.

I heard they also used a Yahoo news article, which was written by Michael Isikoff after meeting Christoper Steele and Glenn Simpson of Fusion GPS.
Русский агент;2208535 said:
I heard they also used a Yahoo news article, which was written by Michael Isikoff after meeting Christoper Steele and Glenn Simpson of Fusion GPS.

Its getting smellier still- Steele was fed information from persons in the obama administration, as well as people from the Hillary campaign.
Its getting smellier still- Steele was fed information from persons in the obama administration, as well as people from the Hillary campaign.

DoJ employee Bruce Ohr's wife Nellie supposedly wrote a lot of the "Russian" memos that Steele claimed he got from "intelligence sources", I've heard. His wife and Glenn Simpson of Fusion GPS are old pals, too.
Русский агент;2208560 said:
DoJ employee Bruce Ohr's wife Nellie supposedly wrote a lot of the "Russian" memos that Steele claimed he got from "intelligence sources", I've heard. His wife and Glenn Simpson of Fusion GPS are old pals, too.

More smelly swamp ooze.

So let’s get this straight, Downer, the Australian who purported that Papadopoulos, discussed with him in a wine bar in London, that he knew about hacked Hillary email. That this same Downer was also under investigation for fraud with the Clinton Foundation... as in you owe us a favor Downer?
Biggest political scandal in US history.

So what we know now, is that the memo did not offer...

Any claim that the information used in the Steele report was false.


There is no legitimate claim that anyone's constitutional rights were violated...

This is why its a NOTHING BURGER, and the way you Rumppers acted upon its release was SILLY.
So what we know now, is that the memo did not offer...Any claim that the information used in the Steele report was false.
and There is no legitimate claim that anyone's constitutional rights were violated... This is why its a NOTHING BURGER, and the way you Rumppers acted upon its release was SILLY.

Wishful thinking on your part, Brad?
So what we know now, is that the memo did not offer...

Any claim that the information used in the Steele report was false.


There is no legitimate claim that anyone's constitutional rights were violated...

This is why its a NOTHING BURGER, and the way you Rumppers acted upon its release was SILLY.

Well it's back to Benghazi
Русский агент;2211340 said:
I don't recall stating that it did, Brad.

To paraphrase a bit of proverbial wisdom, "it ain't over until Threedee's wife sings." :rofl2:

I said the memo did not offer those things.

You said, wishful thinking.

I'm simply pointing out that its not wishful thinking, its simple fact.
Some nitwits, upon the release of this memo got so excited they could not contain their wild exultations and made fools of themselves.