BREAKING NEWS: Memo finally released!!!!!!!!

Right proclaimed: "Biggest political scandal in US history."

It may well prove to be just that, Brad, based on appearances.

Many seem to think it's "worse than Watergate".

Now, let's address your "evidence". "Examples" is plural. You mentioned more than one "nitwit"; to wit:

Some nitwits, upon the release of this memo got so excited they could not contain their wild exultations and made fools of themselves.

I see no corroborating evidence attached to your singular assertion.

Hearsay, unless you can provide a link.
It will be interesting to see if Rump will release it.

Your boy Schiff put in sources and methods

Trump should kick it back and have them remove them.

Your girl Hillary used campaign funds to buy a wiretap. You think that is why she didn’t campaign in Michigan?
Then Comey, McCabe, Blumenthal, Steele, Strzok & Page, Shearer, Schiff, Lynch, Clinton, Obama, et al have nothing to worry about.
I don't care about them jerkoffs ( although they should get due process and fired).

Think of Clarence Page-
a Naval Acadamy graduate who's life was upturned by a FISC mostly based on the "salacious and unverifiable"
Steele dossier
I don't care about them jerkoffs ( although they should get due process and fired).

Think of Clarence Page-
a Naval Acadamy graduate who's life was upturned by a FISC mostly based on the "salacious and unverifiable"
Steele dossier
