BREAKING NEWS: Memo finally released!!!!!!!!

I don't care about them jerkoffs ( although they should get due process and fired).

Think of Clarence Page-
a Naval Acadamy graduate who's life was upturned by a FISC mostly based on the "salacious and unverifiable"
Steele dossier

I do care for Carter Page, I agree.....and even Gen. Flynn.
Yup, you don’t see them working overtime to end an investigation.

Didn't Strzok squelch criminal charges for Hillary by changing the language in Comey's infamous memo before the former director decided not to charge her - before he'd investigated her?

Isn't it true that Cankles Lynch is widely suspected of an improper conversation with Blowjob Billy on the tarmac?

It's a fact that Obama is on record stating that he didn't find out about Hillary's private server until the media reported it, although he had personally sent e-mails to that server previous to that statement, isn't it?
So what we know now, is that the memo did not offer...

Any claim that the information used in the Steele report was false.


There is no legitimate claim that anyone's constitutional rights were violated...

This is why its a NOTHING BURGER, and the way you Rumppers acted upon its release was SILLY.

Hillbag paid for the Steele dossier.
that is your defense of them using shoddy information?

So if Page was under watch before, it justifies them using political opposition research obtained during a Presidential election by a presidential opponent and not telling the truth to the FISA Court? Good for you

You put your stupidity in huge blue letters. None of it is true, assuming the horrible sentence structure can be solved.. Hillary funds were used to get a search warrant? WTF , that makes sense to you? Hillary had nothing to do with the FISA warrant. The Steele memo came after the first 2 warrants. So how could they be the base. Popadaopolous was being listened to before Steele was hired.
You put your stupidity in huge blue letters. None of it is true, assuming the horrible sentence structure can be solved.. Hillary funds were used to get a search warrant? WTF , that makes sense to you? Hillary had nothing to do with the FISA warrant. The Steele memo came after the first 2 warrants. So how could they be the base. Popadaopolous was being listened to before Steele was hired.

You don't understand the facts or you are ignoring them. It's OK. You can't believe this will blow back on Obama
Русский агент;2211874 said:
Didn't Strzok squelch criminal charges for Hillary by changing the language in Comey's infamous memo before the former director decided not to charge her - before he'd investigated her?

Isn't it true that Cankles Lynch is widely suspected of an improper conversation with Blowjob Billy on the tarmac?

It's a fact that Obama is on record stating that he didn't find out about Hillary's private server until the media reported it, although he had personally sent e-mails to that server previous to that statement, isn't it?

only by Rumppers
Русский агент;2211877 said:
So you say.

Do you deny that there is an entrenched bureaucracy in every federal branch, department, agency and office, Brad?

I dont deny that, its intentionally to prevent wild swings in policy. To keep change slow. It is not inherently liberal or conservative. Its the same as the Vast Rightwing Conspiracy HRC is widely laughed at for discussing.
I dont deny that, its intentionally to prevent wild swings in policy. To keep change slow. It is not inherently liberal or conservative. Its the same as the Vast Rightwing Conspiracy HRC is widely laughed at for discussing.
bureaucrats are NOT there to keep policy from "swinging"..Congress or the Senate -yes.
Bureaucrats SERVE the elected officials policies -wild swings or not.
Then Comey, McCabe, Blumenthal, Steele, Strzok & Page, Shearer, Schiff, Lynch, Clinton, Obama, et al have nothing to worry about.

I get such a kick out of all you RED NECKS coming up with shit that just melts away just like the MEMO... NOTHING BURGER ,,JUST LIKE YEARS OF INVESTIGATIONS ON HILLARY...YOU GOT ZERO....AND THAT'S WHAT YOU RED NECKS ARE 0