ahh well maybe his wife is no winner either. But I really have no idea.
After all she is married to him though....
I love this response that I found on the HuffPo. I am with her! :

"I wouldn't have been available to walk out on the stage with him in a public show of solidarity with his dirty old self. I would have been down at the local medical laboratory, getting tested for every blood-borne virus known to be transmitted sexually. There woulda been fireworks at the Spitzer house if I was married to that old boy. I'd thrown every one of my throwing dishes at his head, threw his clothes out the front door, crashed his Lexus and told him to hire one of those honeys at 5500 hundred a pop to walk out in front of the cameras with him in my place."

Title 18 USC 2421

Whoever knowingly transports any individual in interstate or foreign commerce, or in any Territory or Possession of the United States, with intent that such individual engage in prostitution, or in any sexual activity for which any person can be charged with a criminal offense, or attempts to do so, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than 10 years, or both.

Does road head count?

Is it just me or does his missus look like an "old" Jennifer Anniston?
If it were anyone but Spitzer I wouldn't give two $hits. But the man based his entire candidacy on "ethics" and abiding by the law. If he can't even do that himself that's pretty telling of his character. I think its safe to think he thought he was above the law and was pretty much on power trips most of the time.

I don't feel sorry for him one iota. He needs to resign.
Yeah, on about 5 vicodin....

Well do you blame her? I hope I live long enough to see the husband of a powerful, well-know, female politician, stand beside her and gaze at her adoringly while she confesses to screwing every young guy she could either buy, or get her hands on.

I would also like to live long enough to see one of these scumbags, just one of them, show some goddamned respect for their wives and walk out there alone, say what he has to say, and finish with “I now have to go home to my wife, in the hopes of convincing her to forgive me, even though I don’t deserve it and never deserved her, she is the one thing I don’t want to lose. She isn’t here today, because I would never further humiliate her by asking her to stand next to me as if she bore some responsibility for my disgusting actions. She does not.”

But I’ll be dead long before either of these things come to pass.
Well do you blame her? I hope I live long enough to see the husband of a powerful, well-know, female politician, stand beside her and gaze at her adoringly while she confesses to screwing every young guy she could either buy, or get her hands on.

I would also like to live long enough to see one of these scumbags, just one of them, show some goddamned respect for their wives and walk out there alone, say what he has to say, and finish with “I now have to go home to my wife, in the hopes of convincing her to forgive me, even though I don’t deserve it and never deserved her, she is the one thing I don’t want to lose. She isn’t here today, because I would never further humiliate her by asking her to stand next to me as if she bore some responsibility for my disgusting actions. She does not.”

But I’ll be dead long before either of these things come to pass.
It's what I'd do. If I was stupid enough to attempt to play this game there is no way I'd ask my wife to get on that stage, absolutely no fricking way.
How does she even end up on stage with him at that point? Why can't he go it alone, considering the circumstances? No one is buying the "my wife forgives me, simply because she's here" routine.

Bad character, imo. I felt really bad for her, and the kids. He is already putting them through absolute hell because he had no self control; why drag her up there to twist the knife?
I've never gotten that either. All the politicians wives end up on stage with them. Take this McGreevey debacle. They have a very nasty and bitter divorce ensuing. I'm sure she was just as po'd then as she is now at the entire thing. Who do they think they're fooling?