Bush is not as bad you think

I didn't suggest that you had no contact with the military, dickhead..show me where I said that..
I worked at military bases from 2002 to 2008, that is why I say I'll listen to what they had to say about it..
now your opinion is yours, mine is mine...

LOL. Come on, you are not even trying to cover up your slip Abs!
We really haven't had very many good presidents. Here's my list:

1. George Washington
2. James Monroe
3. Dwight D. Eisenhower
4. Ronald W. Reagan
5. William H. Taft
6. Calvin Coolidge
7. Abraham Lincoln
8. William McKinley
9. Benjamin Harrison
10. George H. W. Bush
11. Chester A. Arthur
12. James K. Polk
13. John Q. Adams
14. Warren G. Harding
15. Thomas Jefferson
16. Gerald R. Ford
17. Franklin D. Roosevelt
18. William J. Clinton
29. Millard Fillmore
20. Theodore Roosevelt
21. John Adams
22. James Madison
23. Rutherford B. Hayes
24. Grover Cleveland
25. Harry S Truman
26. James Madison
27. George W. Bush
28. Martin Van Buren
29. Richard M. Nixon
30. Jimmy Carter
31. Andrew Johnson
32. Herbert Hoover
33. Lyndon B. Johnson
34. Woodrow Wilson
35. Andrew Jackson
36. Franklin Pierce
37. James Buchanan
38. John Tyler
39. Ulysses S. Grant
That's pretty much most of them. Obama is number 44, if you count FDR twice because of the space between his second to third terms.
That's pretty much most of them. Obama is number 44, if you count FDR twice because of the space between his second to third terms.

Cleveland counts as both the 22nd and 24th presidents, because he served non-consecutive terms. WH Harrison, Taylor, and Garfield all can't be ranked because of how short of time they were in office. And I'm not going to rank a brand new president, either.


Grind is a fag - he neg repped me for this (doesn't know history, apparently).

I have been thinking on the title of this thread and I have to agree.

Bush cannot be as bad as I think or he would not be classified as human.
Yak droppings maybe?
um, you can start a thread for that, but i am talking to the majority of folks who hate bush and claim he screwed their lives up. what, personally, about their lives did bush, and bush alone screw up.

if you like, we can add:

1. personally
2. the universe

make you happy?

Spurt you're such an extremist moron. You equate well deserved criticism as "hate" that's why you have no credibility and are such a laughing stock on this board. You ask such blatant and stupid loaded questions and then expect intelligent replies to your dumbass questions. Get real.

I don't hate Bush. I wouldn't have any problems shaking his hand, drinking a beer or breaking bread with the man. I share much in common with the man. We both love baseball, the outdoors, riding bikes, we're both practicing Methodist, etc,.

But what the hell does that have to do with him having been one of the most inept Presidents in US History? Please explain that to me in objective terms. Why is it considered "Hate" in your book to be critical about his many failings as President?
We really haven't had very many good presidents. Here's my list:

1. George Washington
2. James Monroe
3. Dwight D. Eisenhower
4. Ronald W. Reagan
5. William H. Taft
6. Calvin Coolidge
7. Abraham Lincoln
8. William McKinley
9. Benjamin Harrison
10. George H. W. Bush
11. Chester A. Arthur
12. James K. Polk
13. John Q. Adams
14. Warren G. Harding
15. Thomas Jefferson
16. Gerald R. Ford
17. Franklin D. Roosevelt
18. William J. Clinton
29. Millard Fillmore
20. Theodore Roosevelt
21. John Adams
22. James Madison
23. Rutherford B. Hayes
24. Grover Cleveland
25. Harry S Truman
26. James Madison
27. George W. Bush
28. Martin Van Buren
29. Richard M. Nixon
30. Jimmy Carter
31. Andrew Johnson
32. Herbert Hoover
33. Lyndon B. Johnson
34. Woodrow Wilson
35. Andrew Jackson
36. Franklin Pierce
37. James Buchanan
38. John Tyler
39. Ulysses S. Grant

In no particular order?
name one thing that bush and bush alone did that is at fault for making your life worse... no one else's life, yours.

How about let's rephrase you're question. Can anyone state that they are better off than they were 8 years ago?

I can't state that.

We've had the worse attack on our soil since Pearl Harbor. I make about $15,000 per year less than I did in 1999 and I'm living in fear that I may get laid off any day now due to a recession resulting from regulators being asleep at the wheel. My over all tax burden is higher than it was in 1999. My portion of the national debt has just about doubled. We're now bogged down in a quagmire in an immoral war of choice. We've radicalized the middle east so that it's now much more dangerous to travel abroad. We are at much greater risk to attack due to increased hostility towards us due to an inept and arrogant foreign policy. My civil liberties and my right to privacy have been systematically and illegally violated. The values and principles that my country stands for have been prostituted and the rest of the world now thinks my country is a bunch of xenophobic rednecks. We have a government that can't be trusted to respond to disasters with out tripping over their own feet and as a result one of our great Cities drowned. Our science institutions that our nation depends on for our economic well being and national defense have been undermined by a bunch of religious nuts and to top that off were losing the war in Afghanistan against the people whom attacked our nation in the first place.

On the plus side. I did get married to a beautiful woman in 04. :)

By any objective measure, and with the exception of my marriage, I was much better off in 1999 than I am after 8 years of Bush.
Spurt you're such an extremist moron. You equate well deserved criticism as "hate" that's why you have no credibility and are such a laughing stock on this board. You ask such blatant and stupid loaded questions and then expect intelligent replies to your dumbass questions. Get real.

I don't hate Bush. I wouldn't have any problems shaking his hand, drinking a beer or breaking bread with the man. I share much in common with the man. We both love baseball, the outdoors, riding bikes, we're both practicing Methodist, etc,.

But what the hell does that have to do with him having been one of the most inept Presidents in US History? Please explain that to me in objective terms. Why is it considered "Hate" in your book to be critical about his many failings as President?

bravo! bravo! VERY well said!!!
Bush is not as bad as you think?

What a rousing vote of confidence.
How about let's rephrase you're question. Can anyone state that they are better off than they were 8 years ago?

I can't state that.

We've had the worse attack on our soil since Pearl Harbor. I make about $15,000 per year less than I did in 1999 and I'm living in fear that I may get laid off any day now due to a recession resulting from regulators being asleep at the wheel. My over all tax burden is higher than it was in 1999. My portion of the national debt has just about doubled. We're now bogged down in a quagmire in an immoral war of choice. We've radicalized the middle east so that it's now much more dangerous to travel abroad. We are at much greater risk to attack due to increased hostility towards us due to an inept and arrogant foreign policy. My civil liberties and my right to privacy have been systematically and illegally violated. The values and principles that my country stands for have been prostituted and the rest of the world now thinks my country is a bunch of xenophobic rednecks. We have a government that can't be trusted to respond to disasters with out tripping over their own feet and as a result one of our great Cities drowned. Our science institutions that our nation depends on for our economic well being and national defense have been undermined by a bunch of religious nuts and to top that off were losing the war in Afghanistan against the people whom attacked our nation in the first place.

On the plus side. I did get married to a beautiful woman in 04. :)

By any objective measure, and with the exception of my marriage, I was much better off in 1999 than I am after 8 years of Bush.

holy crap, you sure do live off the government tit...

as if bush ALONE is responsible for whether you are better off or worse now than during clinton. as if there are no other branches of government. wow, i had no idea bush was so powerful that he ALONE could affect you life so.

i don't live my life or base my success on who is in office, i make my own success. you should try it sometime.
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Spurt you're such an extremist moron. You equate well deserved criticism as "hate" that's why you have no credibility and are such a laughing stock on this board. You ask such blatant and stupid loaded questions and then expect intelligent replies to your dumbass questions. Get real.

I don't hate Bush. I wouldn't have any problems shaking his hand, drinking a beer or breaking bread with the man. I share much in common with the man. We both love baseball, the outdoors, riding bikes, we're both practicing Methodist, etc,.

But what the hell does that have to do with him having been one of the most inept Presidents in US History? Please explain that to me in objective terms. Why is it considered "Hate" in your book to be critical about his many failings as President?

oh boy, the logical fallacy of appealing to popularity...oh noze, yurt is not popular on this board and because he is not popular he has no credibility.

if i'm an extremist, you're the grand dragon of the kkk. instead of being a little whiner, you could have simply given me just ONE example of how BUSH ALONE caused your life to be for the worse. but you didn't, because you can't.

i understand.
yep, that is all the confidence i have in bush, not as bad as libs think. i don't think he is great, but he is not as bad as liberals claim.
That's pretty much all we get out of 8 years of his Presidency. Not as bad as his political opponents think.

That's pretty much all we get out of 8 years of his Presidency. Not as bad as his political opponents think.


that is not exactly what i meant, but i see how my posts indicates that. my whole point of this thread was to show that the dems are wrong and that bush is not as the claim.

no one can give one example where bush ALONE is responsible for their lot in life now. that was my point.

i'm really curious who the dems are going to blame now that bush is gone. oh wait, they will probably continue to blame bush, thus indicating obama is not a leader.