Bush is not as bad you think

oh boy, the logical fallacy of appealing to popularity...oh noze, yurt is not popular on this board and because he is not popular he has no credibility.

if i'm an extremist, you're the grand dragon of the kkk. instead of being a little whiner, you could have simply given me just ONE example of how BUSH ALONE caused your life to be for the worse. but you didn't, because you can't.

i understand.

Don't evade the question you pussy. Why do you equate criticism towards a failed President as hate?
holy crap, you sure do live off the government tit...

as if bush ALONE is responsible for whether you are better off or worse now than during clinton. as if there are no other branches of government. wow, i had no idea bush was so powerful that he ALONE could affect you life so.

i don't live my life or base my success on who is in office, i make my own success. you should try it sometime.

How comes in a debate you can tell the presence of a wingnut extremist by the smell of burning straw. Don't you have a shred on intellectual honesty? Can't you rebut a point with out completely misrepresenting what someone else says?

What a light weight.
How comes in a debate you can tell the presence of a wingnut extremist by the smell of burning straw. Don't you have a shred on intellectual honesty? Can't you rebut a point with out completely misrepresenting what someone else says?

What a light weight.

no surprise you didn't actually debate a single thing and only insulted, its easy to tell when you've been whoooped, you give up and resort to insults instead of explaining any of your accusations and/or points.

lame and boring
Don't evade the question you pussy. Why do you equate criticism towards a failed President as hate?

mott, my old friend...don't waste your time on this neocon ambulance chasing loser. He is a faggot shyster excuse for a ******... he belongs back on DP.com with glock and palerider and RSR and the rest of his buttbuddies
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mott, my old friend...don't waste your time on this neocon ambulance chasing loser. He is a faggot shyster excuse for a ******... he belongs back on DP.com with glock and palerider and RSR and the rest of his buttbuddies

as i said, you can't debate....all you can do is insult. intellectual weakling.

i thought it was against the rules to give out personal information on this site? i guess you are above the rules....
as i said, you can't debate....all you can do is insult. intellectual weakling.

i thought it was against the rules to give out personal information on this site? i guess you are above the rules....

and who hear has mentioned ******ing and a certain town in Maine?

fucking hypocritical moronic loser.

Go ***** ******* ********* so you can pay the rent, loser.:321:
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that is not exactly what i meant, but i see how my posts indicates that. my whole point of this thread was to show that the dems are wrong and that bush is not as the claim.

no one can give one example where bush ALONE is responsible for their lot in life now. that was my point.

i'm really curious who the dems are going to blame now that bush is gone. oh wait, they will probably continue to blame bush, thus indicating obama is not a leader.
Actually my post was more my own melancholy than anything else. What would we have had if we had elected an actual conservative in 2000? What if Colin Powell had run?
Sorry MM, if they complain about it then we have to take it off... If you don't want anybody mentioning your vocation we will remove that also.
and who hear has mentioned ******ing and a certain town in Maine?

fucking hypocritical moronic loser.

Go ***** ******* ********* so you can pay the rent, loser.:321:

moron, your hometown is public knowledge, you MAPPED it genius

why don't you invite your "employees" here to see your posts?

and btw...you lied about not opening my posts again....
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Actually my post was more my own melancholy than anything else. What would we have had if we had elected an actual conservative in 2000? What if Colin Powell had run?

That is a good question, Damo.
Actually my post was more my own melancholy than anything else. What would we have had if we had elected an actual conservative in 2000? What if Colin Powell had run?

What if McCain had been nominated in 2000? Hell I'd probably still be a Republican and there's a good chance that after McCain, Colin Powel would have been our first black President.

Colin Powel, in my eyes, has made amends for the mistakes he made in the run up to the Iraq invasion. In his address on Meet the Press he pointed out, in exacting detail, why the Emperor had no cloths on in a scathing rebuke to the Republican party for its adoption of extremism and exclusion. That was very much a profile in courage.
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I agree Mott... I fondly recall the very beginning of the 2000 primary campaign and how excited I was to maybe have the chance to be faced with the very tough decision between McCain and Bradley. What a different world we would live in today if those had been our choices then.
I agree Mott... I fondly recall the very beginning of the 2000 primary campaign and how excited I was to maybe have the chance to be faced with the very tough decision between McCain and Bradley. What a different world we would live in today if those had been our choices then.

Amen to that. Hell I'd of even have accepted Gore, as much as I dislike the obnoxious preppy, at least he was fucking competent.
However, that was made up for in this 2008. This was the best election of my life time. I can't remember, in my life time, the two parties putting up two such excellent candidates. In a way, I feel bad for John McCain having lost but my respect for him has grown even more in how he handled defeat and has placed his country first. He's a great American!
However, that was made up for in this 2008. This was the best election of my life time. I can't remember, in my life time, the two parties putting up two such excellent candidates. In a way, I feel bad for John McCain having lost but my respect for him has grown even more in how he handled defeat and has placed his country first. He's a great American!

Amen to THAT!
mott, my old friend...don't waste your time on this neocon ambulance chasing loser. He is a faggot shyster excuse for a ******... he belongs back on DP.com with glock and palerider and RSR and the rest of his buttbuddies

Then why did you sneak away from DP like a thief in the night? You are a typical internet punk *** *

You have alot of courage sitting behind a keyboard, typing insults, death wishes, and persoanl attacks

But when those posts are made public for all to see, your yellow streak takes over and you run away

You are indeed a gutless coward who is an embarrassment to his ******, his frineds, and his family
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moron, your hometown is public knowledge, you MAPPED it genius

why don't you invite your "employees" here to see your posts?

and btw...you lied about not opening my posts again....

Yurt, the truth will always come out. His previous posts were seen by his friends - and I am sure in time his recent posts will be seen by all as well

He ran away from DP, had his name cahanged, and posted on other names in a feeble attempt to hide from the truth

But it was a waste of time. Mainman is who he is, and will never change. He is a gutless sniveling coward who is a disgrace to humanity

Now his "*****" and "friends" have sen his real side - just like the people who are close to him have known for years

It would not surprise me that many of those people have had to make frequent trips to the ER for treatment due to his temper and anger problems when they have stepped out of line and displeased him in some way
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Sorry MM, if they complain about it then we have to take it off... If you don't want anybody mentioning your vocation we will remove that also.

and *** MM is the biggest whiner and cry baby you will ever meet. He loves to dish it out - but has a serious issue with taking it