Calling gays an abomination is not a personal attack

Oh, I didn't know jollie was MichaelK. Shit, no wonder he writes novels.

Majority is also some good trolling.

I'm on the wall about majority. I'm like 90% sure he's a troll, but I've also met some libertarians who were really that dumb and viewed the ideology that way.

But it's entirely more likely it's the first humorous Strawman-Libertarian troll.

P.S. The caps on Michael/Jollie are a dead giveaway.
Ok where does it say that gays are an abomination? Chapter and Verse if you please?
It's in Romans. I'll get chapter and verse for you later. It speaks of women lying with women and vice versa and calls it an "abomination to God".
Actually in Romans Paul is merely repeating the Levitical laws. And if we are going to hold that God thinks that homosexuality is an abomination then I think we should look deep in to leviticus and root out all the other people that should be punished, sold into slavery, and killed for their crimes against god. I love how the RR is so quick to jump into Leviticus on the queer issue but not so quick to mention that children that dishonor their parents can be stoned to death.
Actually in Romans Paul is merely repeating the Levitical laws. And if we are going to hold that God thinks that homosexuality is an abomination then I think we should look deep in to leviticus and root out all the other people that should be punished, sold into slavery, and killed for their crimes against god. I love how the RR is so quick to jump into Leviticus on the queer issue but not so quick to mention that children that dishonor their parents can be stoned to death.

It's easy to explain. Most christians are brainwashed noahide idiots who don't really believe in The New Covenant, and seek to return to the law and legalistic sacerdotal corruption.
It's easy to explain. Most christians are brainwashed noahide idiots who don't really believe in The New Covenant, and seek to return to the law and legalistic sacerdotal corruption.
I don't know about all this but I once saw a bible covered in Naugahide.
Actually in Romans Paul is merely repeating the Levitical laws. And if we are going to hold that God thinks that homosexuality is an abomination then I think we should look deep in to leviticus and root out all the other people that should be punished, sold into slavery, and killed for their crimes against god. I love how the RR is so quick to jump into Leviticus on the queer issue but not so quick to mention that children that dishonor their parents can be stoned to death.
No, in Romans Paul explained the New Covenant. This was just one example in that explanation. The difference is. Things that were solely for purification so you could go to the Temple and be in God's presense no longer apply.

This particular example was used to show that things that were sin directly were still a sin. It directly describes the acts and says they are an abomination and he was not "repeating" although he was reiterating, he did not just quote Leviticus, he wrote of the "sin" directly.

Hence circumcision = not required, homosexual acts = sin (abomination).
Yep the Christian religion according to Paul an ex roman tax collector . Pretty funny, why is it not called Paulism ?

Not to be confused with ron Paulism now.