Calling gays an abomination is not a personal attack

The theory is flawed, by the entire lack of evidence of any conspiracy within the fraternity. Reading a website that simply says that there is one is not evidence. I joined seeking such evidence, and found none.

Many important member have published the secrets and they are pretty sinister and machiavellian. But of course, they're all liars.

It is impossible for you to know everything that goes on. In fact, it is a real possibilty you are ignorant entirely in the matter.
Many important member have published the secrets and they are pretty sinister and machiavellian. But of course, they're all liars.

It is impossible for you to know everything that goes on. In fact, it is a real possibilty you are ignorant entirely in the matter.
It is also possible that I know more about it than you do, and that you are wrong. That I went in thinking about all the sites and information that you puport to believe and sought links that would prove such things. It's possible that in seeking I found none. In fact, it is exactly what happened.
This was a good troll thread until post number 7 then you just started repeating.

I give this 4 trolls out of 10. 4/10
It is also possible that I know more about it than you do, and that you are wrong. That I went in thinking about all the sites and information that you puport to believe and sought links that would prove such things. It's possible that in seeking I found none. In fact, it is exactly what happened.

It's possible, but not likely.

People who are "seeking" probably get branded as low level fodder.
It's possible, but not likely.

People who are "seeking" probably get branded as low level fodder.
LOL. Right. And people who aren't in, they get all the information... ;) It's more than possible, it is very likely. Your information is, at best, hearsay. I went as far as I could with that, then wanted more.
Well, if you read the link I provided they give many reasons. They think that Freemasonry teaches a religion (it doesn't whatever religion you are when you join you remain, there is no attempt to convert you to any other belief) and have other issues based on things said by people like AssHat.

Before the prohibition there were many Priests that would become Freemasons.

There's a lot in there, and no I haven't read it all, but I was looking for a historical context.
There's a lot in there, and no I haven't read it all, but I was looking for a historical context.
There are many theories on this, I suspect it was because they didn't control it, therefore they made their own version called the "Knights of Columbus" that they could control, and made it "bad" to join the other.
"In addition to being the worst troll ever, he actually gives me some sympathy for Christian fundamentalists confronted with a moronic strawman like that, which in turn makes me more mad that I'm sympathizing with Christian fundamentalists."

So I'm making you angry? How many replies do I have here? Over 90? Yep, I'm a terrible troll alright. Trolls only make people happy and they never attract a large number of responces in their threads. Good point idiot. If you'd like, I can give your pastor a call and tell him not only are you an enemy of God, but a complete moron as well. What's his phone number?

LoL I'm an atheist I just think you're retarded and do more harm than good.

This is some pisspoor trolling. My dead grandmother trolls harder than this.
I understand the concept of forgiveness. I also understand that to continue a lifestyle of sin will damn you. You can't just ask for forgiveness on your death bed and expect it to be accepted.
Chistians will tell you that they fall short everyday of their life but it is only through Grace that they will enter the kingdom of heaven. It is not possible to lead a sinless life. That is the whole concept of Grace. I know it bothers many christians like you, but ALL THAT IS REQUIRED, is acceptance that Jesus Christ is the savior. That he died for your sins. And that only through your belief in him that you will come to the father. The parable of the Vineyard shows that whenever you come to the father, whether it be in the first hour or the eleventh hour, all received the exact same reward.

Matthew 20

9 And when they came that were hired about the eleventh hour, they received every man a penny.

10 But when the first came, they supposed that they should have received more; and they likewise received every man a penny.

No matter how you lived your life prior, No matter how long you lived without accepting Christ, when you do you get the same reward as those that have lived their whole life as a believer.

So the last shall be first, and the first last: for many are called, but few are chosen. Matt. 20:15-16

Not my rules, Gods. Hell I don't believe any of this, but if Christians are going to be Christians they should at the very least understand that being a Christian and accepting Christ as your savior is the Golden Ticket. The idea of belief plus acts was ultimately rejected by the Church at the insistance of Augustine.
Chistians will tell you that they fall short everyday of their life but it is only through Grace that they will enter the kingdom of heaven. It is not possible to lead a sinless life. That is the whole concept of Grace. I know it bothers many christians like you, but ALL THAT IS REQUIRED, is acceptance that Jesus Christ is the savior. That he died for your sins. And that only through your belief in him that you will come to the father. The parable of the Vineyard shows that whenever you come to the father, whether it be in the first hour or the eleventh hour, all received the exact same reward.

Matthew 20

9 And when they came that were hired about the eleventh hour, they received every man a penny.

10 But when the first came, they supposed that they should have received more; and they likewise received every man a penny.

No matter how you lived your life prior, No matter how long you lived without accepting Christ, when you do you get the same reward as those that have lived their whole life as a believer.

So the last shall be first, and the first last: for many are called, but few are chosen. Matt. 20:15-16

Not my rules, Gods. Hell I don't believe any of this, but if Christians are going to be Christians they should at the very least understand that being a Christian and accepting Christ as your savior is the Golden Ticket. The idea of belief plus acts was ultimately rejected by the Church at the insistance of Augustine.
If it isn't possible then why would Christ have told people to "sin no more"? It seems he wouldn't order them to do something impossible.
LOL. Right. And people who aren't in, they get all the information... ;) It's more than possible, it is very likely. Your information is, at best, hearsay. I went as far as I could with that, then wanted more.

You still don't know everything that goes on.
My family is chock full of Masons and former-Masons, and none of them seem to have learned in decades of devoted study what AssHat apparently learned in 5 minutes on some conspiracy website.

Hmm... Strange.
My family is chock full of Masons and former-Masons, and none of them seem to have learned in decades of devoted study what AssHat apparently learned in 5 minutes on some conspiracy website.

Hmm... Strange.

They're also taught to lie about it. I rejected that aspect of the teaching.
Yet they believe they are "the chosen people". The chosen PEOPLE.

Is anti-semitism racism?

The word "anti-semitism" is a misnomer because arabs are every bit as "semitic" as Israelis.

"Chosen people" is for the stupid.

Why would God choose a people?

Would not God's first people whose DNA courses through the veins of all humans be his "chosen people" if he had to choose?

If you are born, you are chosen.
The word "anti-semitism" is a misnomer because arabs are every bit as "semitic" as Israelis.

"Chosen people" is for the stupid.

Why would God choose a people?

Would not God's first people whose DNA courses through the veins of all humans be his "chosen people" if he had to choose?

If you are born, you are chosen.

Yet, anti-semitism is grouped in with racism.

And yes, their race based religion does seem contrary to "what god would do" or what seems better to us, non racism.
Remember now who wrote that chosen people stuff down in the bible.
Did you think that they would really write down what they really were at the time. Warriors killing women and children ?

they had to justify/rationalize that out somehow.
I have nothing against Israelis or Jewish people, however, I do have serious criticism of the Israeli government and zionism .. but I share that with a great many Jewish people who take a similar stand against their government and zionism.
I have nothing against Israelis or Jewish people, however, I do have serious criticism of the Israeli government and zionism .. but I share that with a great many Jewish people who take a similar stand against their government and zionism.

IS this your PC disclaimer? From where do you think Zionism derives it's authority, Islam?