Can Artificial Intelligence have free will?

Schizophrenics see "2" as being larger than the "2" most of us see.

One needs more than just a brain stem in order to understand and appreciate humor, Terry, although Spanky doesn't need anything more to enjoy you. Just concentrate on your sponge bath.

All you have said is that you totally buy into the illusion of free will. Your position is that the sheer quantity of people projecting/promulgating the illusion of free will somehow transforms the illusion into objective reality.

Unfortunately, we can see by looking at, say, optical illusions or by watching a magician create an illusion, that illusions remain illusions regardless of the number of individuals who are completely fooled.

So your belief of the illusion of free will actually being objective reality is based on your religious beliefs you say? Does your perception stem from a complete discard of neurophysiology, or from a lack of neurophysiology understanding?

who's pulling your puppet strings then?.......some else exercising his free will?.....
Yes, agree. The ability to process information about the environment and act in it is a definition of free will.

I just watched a documentary on AI in the use of military drones where they are getting to the point where they can simply let them go and the machine will choose targets and decide if they should eliminate them without human permission.

This begs the question, is it free will or programming?

I honestly don't think there is an answer to this question yet.
I just watched a documentary on AI in the use of military drones where they are getting to the point where they can simply let them go and the machine will choose targets and decide if they should eliminate them without human permission.

This begs the question, is it free will or programming?

I honestly don't think there is an answer to this question yet.

Free will. That said, most discussion of free will do not give a working definition.
Free will. That said, most discussion of free will do not give a working definition.

I agree.

AI is now becoming the thing and we are working on how to define it.

The next 50 years will be very interesting in regards to this subject.

However, it can't be stopped especially on the military front.

Nations will have to keep up with other nations which will push the technology even further.

I think everyone agrees that AI will be the future driving by the need for military superiority and that will spill over into the private sector.

The kids nowadays are going to be living in a far different world then what we grew up with.
I agree.

AI is now becoming the thing and we are working on how to define it.

The next 50 years will be very interesting in regards to this subject.

However, it can't be stopped especially on the military front.

Nations will have to keep up with other nations which will push the technology even further.

I think everyone agrees that AI will be the future driving by the need for military superiority and that will spill over into the private sector.

The kids nowadays are going to be living in a far different world then what we grew up with.

I'm looking forward to autonomous killer drones and mechanical war dogs.
Me also and it's coming.

The only question is will it be more expensive or cheaper?

I'm thinking cheaper.

Expensive or cheaper are both relative. What's cheaper, an autonomous robotic war dog or a human being?

I'm a licensed Part 107 drone pilot. Fire departments are using drones with infrared and thermal imaging to check floors on high rise buildings. It's cheaper and less risky than sending firefighters into a burning building.

Police are doing the same when tasked with going to a building: they can use scanning tech and also check out backyards and other hiding places without risking human life.
Expensive or cheaper are both relative. What's cheaper, an autonomous robotic war dog or a human being?

I'm a licensed Part 107 drone pilot. Fire departments are using drones with infrared and thermal imaging to check floors on high rise buildings. It's cheaper and less risky than sending firefighters into a burning building.

Police are doing the same when tasked with going to a building: they can use scanning tech and also check out backyards and other hiding places without risking human life.

That depends on how much value an organization places on a human life.

World War 1 would be a good example of that.

Is it cheaper to send in a few firemen or an army of drones that you will lose?
That depends on how much value an organization places on a human life.

World War 1 would be a good example of that.

Is it cheaper to send in a few firemen or an army of drones that you will lose?
Meanwhile, over 100 years later many people do care about human life....except the Republicans. They rank human lives based upon gender and skin-tone. LOL

It's one drone, dear, versus a squad of firemen to search a building before it burns down. You aren't very technically oriented, are you, Tink?

I just watched a documentary on AI in the use of military drones where they are getting to the point where they can simply let them go and the machine will choose targets and decide if they should eliminate them without human permission.
That's a command and control issue. No, the military will not be turning over the targeting decision-making and the kill decisions to a program. Congress just recently passed H. R. 2894 to prohibit the use of Federal funds to launch a nuclear weapon using an autonomous weapon system that is not subject to meaningful human control, and for other purposes.

This begs the question, is it free will or programming?
Programming. If you ever wonder if software can become sentient, anticipate me asking you if my living room furniture can become sentient.

I honestly don't think there is an answer to this question yet.
Is there an answer to whether my living room furniture can become sentient?


Meanwhile, over 100 years later many people do care about human life....except the Republicans.
Meanwhile, over 100 years later many people are capable of responding with intelligent discussion....except Terry. Terry ranks human lives based upon gender, skin-tone, sexual confusion, gender confusion, identity confusion, and projects this dishonesty onto Republicans for not doing any of the above. LOL

It's one drone, dear, versus a squad of firemen to search a building before it burns down. You aren't very technically oriented, are you, Tink?
Multiple drones are used Terry in an effort to search as rapidly as possible. Your lonely brain stem isn't very technically oriented, is it, Terry?

In addition to the LLM (Large Language Model), however, a language agent has files that record its beliefs, desires, plans, and observations as sentences of natural language. The language agent uses the LLM to form a plan of action based on its beliefs and desires. In this way, the cognitive architecture of language agents is familiar from folk psychology.

You would have to define "free will" first.