Can Artificial Intelligence have free will?

No Terry, I do not. I answered his question. He asked me if I made a particular claim. I answered that I made no affirmative claim.

It's one of the reasons I know you are totally brain dead. You have all the English reading comprehension of someone in a persistent vegetative state, Terry.

It's one of the reasons I know you live a life of self-delusion, Terry, due to your bitterness and self-loathing. You have no choice but to convince yourself that you are a psychiatric professional. Unfortunately, you can't even read a post, and you are too stupid to even distinguish between different people. It's why you need Spanky to give you regular sponge baths.


Do you believe this because:
1. your religion mandates you believe it?
2. political thought-masters require you to believe it?
3. because of your layman understanding of neurophysiology?
4. because you are a psychiatrist?
5. because it helps distract your attention away from the lingering aftertaste of Spanky in your mouth?

You're a disingenuous poster, Sybil, but I forgive you because you are clearly not firing on all cylinders.
In other words, consciousness or "I" is an illusion. In that case, you and I wouldn't be aware of anything.

What we call "I" is just what it's like to experience our unique stream of consciousness. There is no separate that sits outside of our stream of consciousness. There's no "I" standing on the river bank watching our thoughts go by. There's no "I" sitting in the theater of our life, watching our experiences on the screen. There is only consciousness and it's contents and we are equal to it.
What we call "I" is just what it's like to experience our unique stream of consciousness. There is no separate that sits outside of our stream of consciousness. There's no "I" standing on the river bank watching our thoughts go by. There's no "I" sitting in the theater of our life, watching our experiences on the screen. There is only consciousness and it's contents and we are equal to it.

Agree. And free will is perfectly compatible with that.
Your definition of free will, yes, but your definition grants free will to your home AC system. I'd bet that a LARGE majority of people would not define free will as you do.

I define it as scientists and philosophers do. Most Americans don't think about anything. They're watching the new Barbie movie.
I define it as scientists and philosophers do. Most Americans don't think about anything. They're watching the new Barbie movie.

It seems unlikely that scientists would grant free will to my AC system, but that's beside the point. The average person believes two things... a) there's a self that is thinking/creating/managing thoughts, making decisions, feeling feelings, etc and b) they believe, in any given situation where a decision needs to be made, that "I" truly has a choice.

Your definition of free has neither. Your definition basically grants free will to any thing that can do something.
It seems unlikely that scientists would grant free will to my AC system, but that's beside the point. The average person believes two things... a) there's a self that is thinking/creating/managing thoughts, making decisions, feeling feelings, etc and b) they believe, in any given situation where a decision needs to be made, that "I" truly has a choice.

Your definition of free has neither. Your definition basically grants free will to any thing that can do something.

yes. And lots of people think Trump is a great man. Popular opinion is not always correct.

The logic of AI is showing that intelligence is not a function of human biology.
The logic of AI is showing that intelligence is not a function of human biology.

Ironically I actually agree with you on this. Probably not for the same reason as you believe it, but I agree that AI shows that intelligence is not the sole purview of biology. But the reason I believe this is because it points up our general lack of understanding what "intelligence" (or even agency) means to a living being.

If one understands how AI functions you see it does much of what the human brain does: it uses training sets to gather information which it then stores in its memory to be called up and combined when the proper stimulus arises.

When you meet another HUMAN you don't really know the thought process they use to arrive at their conclusion. It is effectively a perfect "black box". We DO know, however, that it was trained up with background data and experience like an AI system.

When you meet someone who really likes Trump you know that they have had a different training set from someone who sees him as a grifter megalomaniac with limited self-control.

You're a disingenuous poster, Sybil, but I forgive you because you are clearly not firing on all cylinders.
Keep your forgiveness. It is impolite to throw your trash at others, Terry. However, I forgive you because I realize that you are locked into a nasty self-delusion that you are somehow a smart person who sits in judgement of others, e.g. a psychiatric professional. You don't have the tools the realize that you aren't qualified to make any sort of assessments of anything outside the children's table.

For just as the popular mind
separates the lightning from its flash and takes the latter for an
action, for the operation of a subject called lightning, so popular
morality also separates strength from expressions of strength, as if
there were a neutral substratum behind the strong man, which was
free to express strength or not to do so. But there is no such substratum; there is no "being" behind doing, effecting, becoming;
"the doer" is merely a fiction added to the deed-the deed is everything.
So you are a little slow on the uptake. Your point is that AI demonstrates that human biology is not needed for intelligence, yet human biology is needed to program the AI, and to train it, and to cause every change at every step.

Also, you claim that you define AI the way scientists do. Scientists don't define AI. You apparently don't know what science is or what constitutes a scientist.
shut the fuck up you moron
Hold your breath until I do. Meanwhile, continue your job search for a door-stop position or maybe Wal-Mart can take you on as one of their shelves. You might not be the brightest bulb in the pack but at least you hold steady in your dim-wittedness, i.e. when you try to put some thought into a post, you never draw much current.

Fuck you very much.
Hold your breath until I do. Meanwhile, continue your job search for a door-stop position or maybe Wal-Mart can take you on as one of their shelves. You might not be the brightest bulb in the pack but at least you hold steady in your dim-wittedness, i.e. when you try to put some thought into a post, you never draw much current.

Fuck you very much.

you are a waste of time troll