Can we talk about rally crowds?

ROTFLMFAO!! Check out Harris’s Atlanta crowd. Poor Trump. He is going to lose his mind. Not an empty seat in the arena.
It's a mere fraction of the crowds that Trump draws in, NINE years later... Harris's gatherings are nothing more than manufactured enthusiasm. There's nothing organic about it. You should also note that there were performers there... Harris herself can't draw the crowds that Trump does.

Thankfully, Trump is ignoring the advice to only do indoor rallies. That advice was only given for optics purposes, so that the manufactured enthusiasm for Kamala could be similar in optics to the authentic enthusiasm for Trump (IOW, indoor arena filled vs indoor arena filled). Now, since Trump is going to continue outdoor rallies (and believe me, the "return to Butler" rally is going to be HUUUUUUUUUUUUUUGE with all sorts of overflow crowds there), Democrats can no longer get the manipulated "equal crowd size" optics that they were hoping to get. Trump's outdoor rallies will keep showing the many tens of thousands of people who show up to every single rally of his, meanwhile, Harris will be limited to hundreds, thousands at the most for her indoor rallies, and only IF her campaign pays people, busses them in, and has leftist musicians present at the events.
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That is not true. They have closed off sections and had the news cameras focus on the concentrated crowds. Trump makes wild claims about the crowds every time. I remember him claiming an audience of 40, 000 in an area with 8000 capacity. Trump has cancelled speeches due to poor attendance.
He can’t afford to rent large venues, anymore and certainly can’t fill them.
Indeed. And angry, unhappy people like Mattie, ExpressLame, Toxic, and the other Reichwing haters make for hilarious times on political discussion forums. :laugh:
All of which are all hopeless convenient idiots for Trump.

All of which have a holier-than-thou feeling of superiority over everyone that is not as hateful and sinister as they are.

The reason why the MAGATARDS are not worried about the election, is because they know they have put MAGAHATS in all of the voting executive positions across all of the Battleground states, who are planning on refusing to verifying the votes in their states, and where the Supreme Court will elect Donald Trump automatically.

We will not know who wins the election until the Supreme Court hands it over to Donnie- months into the new year.

When the Democrats win this time, the Supreme Court will be the one that overturns the will of the people, violate the Constitution, snd there is no other governmental body that can do anything about it, because the Supreme Court has the Supreme Power in America obviously.

Due to this, we have already lost Democracy in this country, and there may not be anything we can do about it now.

So we still need to vote so that our win will sttill be on the record.
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All of which are all hopeless convenient idiots for Trump.

All of which have a holier-than-thou feeling of superiority over everyone that is not as hateful and sinister as they are.

The reason why the MAGATARDS are not worried about the election, is because they know they have put MAGAHATS in all of the voting executive positions across all of the Battleground states, who are planning on refusing to verifying the votes in their states, and where the Supreme Court will elect Donald Trump automatically.

We will not know who wins the election until the Supreme Court hands it over to Donnie- months into the new year.

When the Democrats win this time, the Supreme Court will be the one that overturns the will of the people, violate the Constitution, snd there is no other governmental body that can do anything about it, because the Supreme Court has the Supreme Power in America obviously.

Due to this, we have already lost Democracy in this country, and there may not be anything we can do about it now.

So we still need to vote so that our win will sttill be on the record.
or you could explain how it;s smart to send all the jobs away and lose all production capacity and jobs.


can you?

nobody can.
or you could explain how it;s smart to send all the jobs away and lose all production capacity and jobs.


can you?

nobody can.

Arguing with idiots is a total waste of time for everyone concerned.
But do keep looking for someone else that will argue with an idiot!
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It's hard to argue with someone who is scared of the world!

SO you may as well go crawl back under your ROCK and Hide!- Meanwhile it's a big world out here and we enjoy being a part of it!!
so why is it smart to send all the jobs away?

it's stupid to allow totalitarianism and slavery to succeed by incentivizing them with fat purchase orders.

do you have a rebuttal?

no, you don't.

you're a dumbfuck.

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