Car plowed through the Christmas parade in Waukesha, Wisconsin

Dear fucking idiot

That little racist admitted he did a hate crime

He sought out black people to shoot

Only a racist can’t see beyond people being of different colors

Racist thinking

Fuck you very much

Where did I say otherwise?

My point was one doesn't have to be a member of a terrorist group to be a terrorist.

Your IQ must be exceedingly low.
If you can’t discern a hate crime from an impulse crime because different races are involved you are likely a racist

Kid has priors and incarcerations

Decides to go balls out escape mode

Likely thinks the barriers means no cars to contend with past the cones

Flys down the open lane then slows when he encounters people in “his” lane

Weaves around the people

Then tries to go around the bulk of people

Only to realize there are too many people and no way around them

Feels trapped and panics back to balls out mode

This kid has a tweaked brain

He’s a straight up criminal with sociopathic tendencies

Mental illness

Not even a hate crime

If it was a hate crime

Why did he go around so many white people he could have just blown the fuck over?

Because that was not his chosen task

His chosen task was “I’m getting the fuck outta here”

Yeap this is the perfect case to separate the racists from those who apply the very same human motives to people of any color, sex or religion

If you can’t tell the difference

You are a racist

Read this again real slow
Nawwwwwwww,....he isnt a racist. Doesnt everybody sing songs about targeting old white people and knocking them out? :rolleyes: You will lose at this Evince,....just like you did with Rittenhouse. Because YOU LIE.

On the first two pages of this thread we saw JPP's cultist magtards blame this incident on Muslims, China, the woke, BLM, and Antifa.

Is there any sane person left who doesn't blame our current state of atrocious affairs on these assholes?
Funny how the left is trying to paint a FUCKING FORTY YEAR OLD MAN as.........a kid! :laugh:
Do you have any other tricks besides hating White people?

Truly s one trick pony.

Think of the impact on the jury if he could have told them he believed in the BLM movement?


He’s a good kid

But his lawyer could not ask him that question

He was under oath

That means the prosecutors could bring in evidence that showed he had racist tendencies

Like partying with proud boys and flashing a racist hand signal

Proof that he was very likely lying about that support

So a right wing fake news Guy allows him to say he likes BML so that the world won’t hate him

Self serving claim that “I’m a good kid and not a racist”

That way he hopefully won’t get scorned by the world

Because the only people who like racists are other racists

Everyone else hates them


The world hates racists

Not black people

It’s why your little dreamed of race war will be a miserable failure

We have morals and decent people on our side

Most people are mostly good

You are vastly outnumbered

And the government bullets are on our side
How about waiting for the facts to come out.

Of course we can suspect things. While I personally suspect that it's either a Muslim related attack against Christians or a BLM/Antifa related attack ("Rittenhouse retaliation") against Caucasians, those details are still unknown at the moment and remain suspicions.

What IS known atm is that the perp (Darrell E. Brooks Jr.) is a 39 year old black male from Milwaukee who has a lengthy criminal record [including domestic abuse, battery, disorderly conduct, bail jumping, and resisting arrest] and just got out on a $1,000 cash bond a couple days before the incident occurred.

It is known that a black male intentionally targeted a group of white victims, and that the government/media will NOT like talking about this at all, as they only like to race bait in reverse. In this case, the media will defend the black perp and appeal to his "expression of frustration towards a systemically racist system". If, however, it was reversed and a white male intentionally targeted a group of black victims (say, at a Kwanza parade?), then you'd be hearing chants of "white supremacy" and there would be demonization of all white people.

Remember, the enemy is NOT "black people" or "white people". The enemy is THE MEDIA and their race-baiting, lies, and inciting of violence.
On the first two pages of this thread we saw JPP's cultist magtards blame this incident on Muslims, China, the woke, BLM, and Antifa.

Is there any sane person left who doesn't blame our current state of atrocious affairs on these assholes?

Yeah,....Im sure him making statements on social media about how to get away with running someone over and singing songs about targeting old white people had nothing to do with it whatsoever...:rolleyes:
The ole right wing thought shuffle

They debate you

They lose the debate

They pretend they won the debate

They keep pretending they won that debate until the subject changes


To them I give the “shut the fuck up Donnie, you are out of your element” award

Good thing I'm such a charitable, forgiving nice guy who recognizes that of these mentally ill, poorly educated, low IQ, backside of the economic curve, retarded and/or racist white supremacist Trumper Terrorists are in need of help, not condemnation.

All are completely harmless physically. Stone is just the water boy for his militia; he has money and buys them drinks while he gets to act like he's one of them. They, in turn, think he makes a good club mascot.

Spaz is retarded and will be living with his parents the rest of his life. When they pass, he's going to be royally fucked and may end up homeless...and still a virgin...unless he goes to prison then he won't be one for long. LOL

Most of the others like TDAK, Truth Detector, Grokmaster, Matt/Wolverine, etc are elderly shut ins. The worse thing they can do is hit a staffer with their canes which means they'll lose their canes and keep finding pubic hairs in their pudding.


Of course we can suspect things. While I personally suspect that it's either a Muslim related attack against Christians or a BLM/Antifa related attack ("Rittenhouse

retaliation") against Caucasians, those details are still unknown at the moment and remain suspicions.

What IS known atm is that the perp (Darrell E. Brooks Jr.) is a 39 year old black male from Milwaukee who has a lengthy criminal record [including domestic abuse, battery, disorderly conduct, bail jumping, and resisting arrest] and just got out on a $1,000 cash bond a couple days before the incident occurred.

It is known that a black male intentionally targeted a group of white victims, and that the government/media will NOT like talking about this at all, as they only like to race bait in reverse. In this case, the media will defend the black perp and appeal to his "expression of frustration towards a systemically racist system". If, however, it was reversed and a white male intentionally targeted a group of black victims (say, at a Kwanza parade?), then you'd be hearing chants of "white supremacy" and there would be demonization of all white people.

Remember, the enemy is NOT "black people" or "white people". The enemy is THE MEDIA and their race-baiting, lies, and inciting of violence.


You are a racist idiot

The world hates you losers

Your thoughts are all tainted

It’s why you fail in life

You could change your fate

But you wont