Car plowed through the Christmas parade in Waukesha, Wisconsin

Or spot them anywhere in this forum. They're thick as flies on a fresh mound of dog poop.

The smell of a highly topped and neatly piled dogshit is a major attractant to them.

This clown is from Milwaukee,....IMO he CHOSE Waukesha because it is a mostly White area and right wing stronghold. It is like 23 miles or so to the west of Milwaukee, kind of the last suburb out that way. It abuts the farmlands. This is a BLM thing, pissed off about the Rittenhouse verdict thing. In ootherwords......a leftwing Terrorist thing. As all the JPP lefties have been screaming for months now......DEATH TO TERRORISTS! Will you scream that NOW? This terrorist targeted the old and CHILDREN? WILL YOU SCREAM IT NOW? Or will you show us all exactly what we already KNOW you are? Choose...... ;)

You were posting these lies at 3:00 in the morning? You need an intervention and forced detox.
Quote Originally Posted by ThatOwlWoman View Post
All I've read today said that he was "possibly fleeing" from "another incident," but nothing about being chased, so far.

How do you know what race the people who were hit are? That's right, you don't. But like all good little white supremacists, you assume that they're all white because a black man is the accused perp.
???.....there's video of him driving over them......who needs to assume anything?.....
You were posting these lies at 3:00 in the morning? You need an intervention and forced detox.

Cops now say he willingly chose to go thru blockade and run down people,... was NOT being chased either. Those are called FACTS.
Does anyone think the Biden Admininstration's DOJ will fall all over themselves to charge this guy with hate crimes? Just curious.
Can you PROVE Im wrong about EVERYTHING before the facts all come out little RatFace?

I can PROVE you can't PROVE a fucking thing you type. I can PROVE that you've been PROVEN wrong hundreds of times. Seriously, Fruity Pebble. No one takes you seriously. Go smoke another bowl of meth and come comment at me at 3:00 in the morning.
I work a lot. And I have a personal life. And a family. And a romantic life. I can't be troubled to bang on a keyboard and spit at Fox News for 20 hours a day like you do.

but you find it easy to make shit up and post as if you knew something when you didn't.....