Car plowed through the Christmas parade in Waukesha, Wisconsin

I did once, it was your mom son. But it was back in Korea so it only cost me a candy bar. Now listen to Daddy and go lay down, I KNOW its been a rough day for you.

Ok, but someone did kill that baby, right? JPP, can you imagine if another fat assed, corny looking loser like Fruity Pebbles was wandering about the planet collecting unemployment and stealing beer money from his comatose parents? The horror.
He did not. I asked him to try. And he didn't.

Seriously, Baby Rock, lay off the meth and shitty beer.

You dont have it kid. Your comeback game is lame. You get that from your mother too. That and the love of mens johnsons.
Stone posted that fat sloppy looking dude as his avatar. Hilarious and I tip my cap if it isn't him.
If it is him, it's sad on two levels.
Ok, but someone did kill that baby, right? JPP, can you imagine if another fat assed, corny looking loser like Fruity Pebbles was wandering about the planet collecting unemployment and stealing beer money from his comatose parents? The horror.

Stupid. You got no game kid. None at all...

What does white have to do with anything? You racist little fuck. See, If I would have been around when you were growing up you would have turned out better son.

You were 50 when I was born and already 600 pounds. Did Oprah get your exterior wall demolished so the government can crane cheeseburgers into your maw?
Wrong again little Ratface, got that from your mom BTW, asked and I told you to go fuck yourself and look it up.

A serious person does not tell a different serious person to prove his point for him.

Fourth grade fucking argumentation. You're a confirmed retard.
You guys have fun with it all......shit to do. But remember,....... you sure dont get much for a perfectly good candy bar these days! ;)
You dont have it kid. Your comeback game is lame. You get that from your mother too. That and the love of mens johnsons.

I see. The last time I met a "yo mama" "you gay" kind of faggot like you are he was sucking my dick in his car a block away from my Lyft drop-off. That was Saturday. So nice to meet you in person. You need to practice your toothy blowjobs.
Cognitive dissonance is a salient characteristic among leftists, isn't it?

What the psycho doesn't realize is that the douchebag playing him is smart enough to realize all nutjobs have problems with cognitive dissonance.

Example: Nutjob knows they are bipolar, schizo, whatever but refuse to take their meds. They know their illness causes problems but they won't accept treatment because they like their condition.

Intelligent, manipulative assholes can exploit extremist/nutjobs for their own gain. Such is the way of the world. My advice to all mental cases is to take your fucking meds. If you end up fucking yourselves over, you're on your own.

An example of Left Wing cognitive dissonance; 1) Sexual harassment and rape is bad! BUT 2) Bill Clinton is the greatest President who ever lived before Obama!

An example of Right Wing cognitive dissonance; 1) Life is sacred! BUT 2) white lives are most sacred.
No, it is not. This guy is a black thug with a very long rap sheet. He recently ran over others with the same car and was charged with just assault. His bail was set at a ridiculous $1000 by the prosecutor's office (the same Democrats that tried to convict Kyle). He jumped bail and ran his car into a group of innocent people at the parade.

He should've been shot long ago.

That beard screams "Alla Ackbar".
You were posting these lies at 3:00 in the morning? You need an intervention and forced detox.

Good gods, no kidding. I usually skip over that racist's posts but had to see this since you quoted it. WTF. The accused guy is a messed up, many-times-arrested mixed-race felon who was reportedly involved in a domestic violence altercation right before he mowed the ppl down. It has nothing AT ALL to do with race -- except in the minds of the racists. It has to do with mental illness, our craptastic "justice" system, and our failure to properly treat -- or remove from society -- sickos like this guy.

It's no different at all than a mentally-ill white kid taking a gun to a school and mowing down as many as he can. This guy used a car rather than a gun.