Car plowed through the Christmas parade in Waukesha, Wisconsin

That's what I thought, you fat, white, lazy incel bitch. you didn't ever accidentally knock up a $10 hooker, did you?

Why, you think he might be your dad? :D

Oh, you're late. That joke was already made. What's funnier, though, is that you're like 80-something, and Stone's like 50-something. He's never been laid and you haven't been laid since he was alive. Now that's funny! :laugh:

Why would you repost that psychopath's incoherent babblings?
You know more about homosexual prostitution than hedge funds. Gutter trash.

What is your expertise in homosexual prostitution, Matt?

I can tell you a few things about heterosexual prostitution but I guess you guys were on a different side of town. Not that there's anything wrong with that.
What the psycho doesn't realize is that the douchebag playing him is smart enough to realize all nutjobs have problems with cognitive dissonance.

Example: Nutjob knows they are bipolar, schizo, whatever but refuse to take their meds. They know their illness causes problems but they won't accept treatment because they like their condition.

Intelligent, manipulative assholes can exploit extremist/nutjobs for their own gain. Such is the way of the world. My advice to all mental cases is to take your fucking meds. If you end up fucking yourselves over, you're on your own.

An example of Left Wing cognitive dissonance; 1) Sexual harassment and rape is bad! BUT 2) Bill Clinton is the greatest President who ever lived before Obama!

An example of Right Wing cognitive dissonance; 1) Life is sacred! BUT 2) white lives are most sacred.

To Legion: QED
What is your expertise in homosexual prostitution, Matt?

I can tell you a few things about heterosexual prostitution but I guess you guys were on a different side of town. Not that there's anything wrong with that.

Truthfully I know very little about both. I know things about the market, but not hedge funds.

As for homosexual prostitution. My ex befriended one for whatever reason so I had to play nice. He had some good jokes, really!

I don't swing that way, though. The dude was good for jokes, he's not getting near my penis, though.
What the psycho doesn't realize is that the douchebag playing him is smart enough to realize all nutjobs have problems with cognitive dissonance.

Example: Nutjob knows they are bipolar, schizo, whatever but refuse to take their meds. They know their illness causes problems but they won't accept treatment because they like their condition.

Intelligent, manipulative assholes can exploit extremist/nutjobs for their own gain. Such is the way of the world. My advice to all mental cases is to take your fucking meds. If you end up fucking yourselves over, you're on your own.

An example of Left Wing cognitive dissonance; 1) Sexual harassment and rape is bad! BUT 2) Bill Clinton is the greatest President who ever lived before Obama!

An example of Right Wing cognitive dissonance; 1) Life is sacred! BUT 2) white lives are most sacred.

Have you been microdosing acid?

Or maybe you just take the brown stuff and don't give a fuck. :laugh:
No, you dumb bitch. I asked several of you what his name was. And none of you could conjure it. And some of you said the wrong name.

Fail more. :)

I didn't see you "ask" for his name......I saw you claim people didn't know it......AFTER the police had arrested him.....AFTER it had been in the news.......AFTER it had been posted here several times......I asked you earlier to point to a single person who said the wrong gave us look incredibly stupid at this point, granted that is nothing new........but seriously, shut the fuck up until you finish reading a thread.....nobody should have to spoon feed you stuff that's already in a thread........
Good gods, no kidding. I usually skip over that racist's posts but had to see this since you quoted it. WTF. The accused guy is a messed up, many-times-arrested mixed-race felon who was reportedly involved in a domestic violence altercation right before he mowed the ppl down. It has nothing AT ALL to do with race -- except in the minds of the racists. It has to do with mental illness, our craptastic "justice" system, and our failure to properly treat -- or remove from society -- sickos like this guy.

It's no different at all than a mentally-ill white kid taking a gun to a school and mowing down as many as he can. This guy used a car rather than a gun.

Agreed. The usual suspects are trying very hard to make this a racial or Muslim thing (same person doing it) to justify starting a race war. RAHOWA was the old acronym they used. Probably #RAHOWA nowadays. LOL

I saw that same bullshit out in California in the 80s. There was the usual problem of some militant groups seeking to join the military for four years and gain expertise in combat arms or technology which they'd bring back to their clan.

Now, thanks to Al Gore, they can communicate via the Internet to organize around the country and have been doing so since the early 90s. Now they've risen to the level where DHS has warned they are a domestic terrorist threat.

Obviously everyone here remembers the Oklahoma bombing murdering 168 Americans including 19 babies and children in daycare.

The Secretary of Homeland Security has issued an updated National Terrorism Advisory System (NTAS) Bulletin regarding the current heightened threat environment across the United States. The Homeland continues to face a diverse and challenging threat environment as it approaches several religious holidays and associated mass gatherings that in the past have served as potential targets for acts of violence. These threats include those posed by individuals and small groups engaged in violence, including domestic violent extremists (DVEs) and those inspired or motivated by foreign terrorists and other malign foreign influences. These actors continue to exploit online forums to influence and spread violent extremist narratives and promote violent activity. The ongoing global pandemic continues to exacerbate these threats, in part due to perceived government overreach in implementation of public health safety measures. Further, foreign terrorist organizations and DVEs continue to attempt to inspire potential followers to conduct attacks in the United States, including by exploiting recent events in Afghanistan. As of November 10, 2021, DHS is not aware of an imminent and credible threat to a specific location in the United States.
Foreign and domestic threat actors, to include foreign intelligence services, foreign terrorist organizations, and DVEs, continue to introduce, amplify, and disseminate narratives online that promote violence, and have called for violence against elected officials, political representatives, government facilities, law enforcement, religious communities or commercial facilities, and perceived ideological opponents.