
the right doesn't like to listen to others.

Its why they are always getting the facts wrong.

even Robmoney got caught up in the insane lie fest while running to represent them.

embarrassed himself good for listening to the altered states the right works themselves into out a disrespect for facts
It's the same thing as having a door to my house. It keeps out people I don't want to associate with to begin with. Or a shotgun. That keeps people out too.

Nothing like the American devotion to free expression, is there? What a bloody gang of hypocrites!
I voted against the feature. That said, there are certain posters on this site who would have a difficult time starting threads because they are the targets of really obnoxious trolls and flamers who would derail and pervert each one.

I have battled that out the old fashioned way in the past.

I would start threads on usmessageboards that would then be flooded by right wing fucknuts of all flavors simplely calling me a poopy head or dirty whore and the like.

pages and pages of mindless idiot boring insults and me providing insults that far outshined any of the stupid shit those humorless sphincter brains could muster and then taunt them for Not being able to address the facts provided them and repeting those said facts with further and further detail.

Its ended up being a showcase for the very facts they were so VERY desperate to push into silence.

Pretty much why they banned me

Nothing they could do to try and bully me could stop me from kicking their asses non stop
they are taunt monsters.

they try to piss you off so you get off subject and get frustrated.

they try all manner of crap.

they tried and tried and that site is WAY bigger and has tons of cons.

Not one of those fuckers could stop me.

that is why they banned me.

try what you like.

IF the playing field is left open enough for the discussion of facts the right loses.

the facts have a left wing Bias
be affraid be very afraid

If you have to create your own facts you have already lost.

when will you cons stop creating your own facts ?

until you start accepting known facts you will be gulping tar.

You have no one to blame but yourself
Global warming is real

raising the minimum wage does not harm the economy

Bush lied us into war

abortion will never again be illegal

facts are facts and trying to shut them out of your world merely makes you out of your minds
How are we supposed to know some weirdo is afraid of us before we waste a lot time writing posts to threads from which they have done the Index-bit on us? How they must long for good old burnings!
Oh they would if they could.

I merely scold them publically for being fact adverse puppets of the monied interests.

its what they are and they likely will never change.

But you sure can out their stupid insane thinking process for all to view
many of the people we talk to on the internets who persist in this crazy behavior I suspect are the very people who raise children who bully.
I have battled that out the old fashioned way in the past.

I would start threads on usmessageboards that would then be flooded by right wing fucknuts of all flavors simplely calling me a poopy head or dirty whore and the like.

pages and pages of mindless idiot boring insults and me providing insults that far outshined any of the stupid shit those humorless sphincter brains could muster and then taunt them for Not being able to address the facts provided them and repeting those said facts with further and further detail.

Its ended up being a showcase for the very facts they were so VERY desperate to push into silence.

Pretty much why they banned me

Nothing they could do to try and bully me could stop me from kicking their asses non stop

I think USMB is the pits. Some of those people are actually proud of their bigotry and hatefulness.
Well. nobody minds red-neck nutters talking to themselves over the rot-gut, but in what sense is that a discussion? It sounds like something Senator McCarthy set up to save the purity of the Extremist mind (such as it is), doesn't it?

You might want to see if your doctor has some salve, for that sore mangina of yours. ;)
This your home, is it? Wind blown away your soil out by Lyncher's Landing? Move to California, pwrdab! :)

Are you recanting your invitation? Because I'll be in Wales in a few months. Yes I'll be incredibly drunk, but that shouldn't be a problem for such a freedom minded person as yourself.
Are you recanting your invitation? Because I'll be in Wales in a few months. Yes I'll be incredibly drunk, but that shouldn't be a problem for such a freedom minded person as yourself.

You will not stand out, unless you talk right-wing nonsense! Croeso! I should stick to the South if alcohol is your bag - it is better appreciated there! :)