
You will not stand out, unless you talk right-wing nonsense! Croeso! I should stick to the South if alcohol is your bag - it is better appreciated there! :)

So are you saying I'm not welcome in your freesest of houses?
more idiot ball swinging

jesus Im sick of testosterone being so important to people who have no self control
Deshy has to be excluded unless you want her to crapflood every single thread with the same endlessly-repeated off-topic posts.
I think it's a stupid feature, it's stupid to allow people to establish their own little fiefdoms and exclude other users who haven't violated any rules from using the site.

little DICK tatters who seek to find a place where their lies can hide from the facts.

note who uses the little trick.

Its mostly cons who know a certain poster can tear their shit a new one in seconds so they ban them from the thread
I am astonished how gutless American extremists are though, scared stiff of truth. It is because they can't shoot me or throw me out of work á la McCarthy, doubtless. Poor wet buggers!
I don't know why my body drains of all fear when someone tries to intimidate me ( maybe its an Irish thingy) but It sure has come in handy in my life to realize who bullies are inside their skins.

I am a 5'5" and seen the fear in the eyes of an adult bully when they look at someone smaller than them that glares into their eyes without a shred of fear in them.

freaks them the fuck out.

someday it may get me killed but so far its been a blessing
Shame on the Northerners for being less appreciative of the finer things in life!


Plenty of the them are, but they are ALL swamped with loud, drunken (or even sober) foreigners and tend to withdraw into themselves, as would we all.