
Tom, do you know what Americans call the Welsh? English! Good job wiping them out, subjugating them, and making them irrelevant. :D

So what does that say about Americans other than they are ignorant of the world in the main? In other news, the sun rose in the east this morning and is expected to set in the west later.
You really don't much about the Welsh, the whole country west and north of Cardiff basically hates the English and that includes royalty. The Welsh call people from there Cardiff Cockneys.

the Welsh have contributed greatly to our culture....without them we would have no word to describe people who don't pay their debts........
Tom, do you know what Americans call the Welsh? English! Good job wiping them out, subjugating them, and making them irrelevant. :D

There speaks the Rightist: it is their desire to do the same to everyone, as we know. Pity they're such cowardly shites that they'd run away from a mouse.

Incidentally, isn't it interesting how rightists are incapable of thought or discussion? All they ever do is shout abuse at someone's 'team'. Drear buggers!
So what does that say about Americans other than they are ignorant of the world in the main? In other news, the sun rose in the east this morning and is expected to set in the west later.

The sun sets on the British Empire rather quickly these days, doesn't it?
I take it that I started a thread here, but I can't recall how, and can see no means to do it again. Since the bold Weirdoes are preventing my posting on climate threads it would be nice if someone could explain. Or perhaps they can ban me from that too? American freedom works, okay? You better believe it!
They abandoned their faith and became zombies for the Dems. Even the English never accomplished a feat like that.
It was a different era then 3D. No one gave a rats ass about guns, gays or abortion...I still don't.

Back then they were far more concerned about all those god damned mackeral snappers invading our country.
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But do the Brits like being reminded that the Welsh are Brits? :chesh:

We are the British, actually, an were always so described until the Union of Crowns wanted a label. The others identify with various foreign conquerors, poor pathetic buggers. They are almost as bad as American racists.

And I still don't understand how we untermenschen start a threat, if the Herrenvolk allow such a thing here. Heil McCarthy!
We are the British, actually, an were always so described until the Union of Crowns wanted a label. The others identify with various foreign conquerors, poor pathetic buggers.

If Wales is so wonderful, how come you aren't posting on a Welsh politics forum?
I take it that I started a thread here, but I can't recall how, and can see no means to do it again. Since the bold Weirdoes are preventing my posting on climate threads it would be nice if someone could explain. Or perhaps they can ban me from that too? American freedom works, okay? You better believe it!

It is not rocket science, even Desh can figure it out sometimes.
Here is something you probably didn't know. Even after 1922 the Irish never needed any documentation to come to England to settle. Even in the dark days of the Troubles in Northern Ireland that never changed.

I wonder if one of the history geniuses can explain that? I doubt that any other country would have done the same when it was being bombed by terrorists. Of course, it goes against the narrative that you are all spoon fed.
It's simple - you owed the Irish, just like we owed the blacks and Indians.

If blacks and Indians started blowing up people they would be fucking SWAT squads all over them, the Boston Marathon is good example of that in action. Anyway if Britain hated the Irish so much why did they lend the Irish £7 billion in loans a couple of years ago?
If blacks and Indians started blowing up people they would be fucking SWAT squads all over them, the Boston Marathon is good example of that in action. Anyway if Britain hated the Irish so much why did they lend the Irish £7 billion in loans a couple of years ago?

Does that make up for the preceding 600 years or so?