CEOs made nearly 200 times what their workers got paid last year

Thanks for exposing why inflation is so high in America.

CEO's are getting bonuses for inflating their prices- TO MAKE THE PRESIDENT LOOK BAD!

Trump has been telling them he is going to end their Tax responsibility in exchange for their million dollar donations and their keeping their prices as High as possible.
CEOs don't print money, Lizard. The Federal Reserve does. It is Congress that directs the Federal Reserve to print money, the direct cause of inflation.
CEOs don't print money, Lizard. The Federal Reserve does. It is Congress that directs the Federal Reserve to print money, the direct cause of inflation.
Listen up! I worked at the Federal Reserve Bank Of Dallas from 1970- 1980!

So I do not need you to tell me anything about the Federal Reserve Bank or How it works.

U.S. currency is produced by The Bureau Of Printing and Engraving and U.S. coins are produced by the U.S. Mint. Both organizations are bureaus of the U.S. Department of the Treasury.

I am not saying the that the Fed does not create money- But not in the sense that you think they do- and you are dead wrong about them printing US Currency. Most Money is created by a single Keystroke of a keyboard in today's world.

And Congress does not direct the Federal Reserve Bank to PRINT MONEY EGGHEAD! WHO THE FUCK TOLD YOU THAT?

I suggest you take an Elementary Economics 101 course and learn some things before you go spouting off your mouth WILLY NILLY about things you have no idea about.

And you may also want to take an Elementary Government 101 course to also understand how the US Government works as well!
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That is one cause of inflation that we cannot address. Corporate profits are at all-time highs too. The result is a wealth gap greater than the Gilded Age. This is America. Money=power.
The median pay package for CEOs rose to $16.3 million, up 12.6%, according to data analyzed for The Associated Press by Equilar. Meanwhile, wages and benefits netted by private-sector workers rose 4.1% through 2023. At half the companies in this year’s pay survey, it would take the worker at the middle of the company’s pay scale almost 200 years to make what their CEO did.
Buy your own midol and cranberry juice crybaby.
The rich get richer and the poor get poorer. That’s what happens when the conservatives are in control…oh wait…🤔
NEW YORK (AP) — The typical compensation package for chief executives who run companies in the S&P 500 jumped nearly 13% last year, easily surpassing the gains for workers at a time when inflation was putting considerable pressure on Americans’ budgets.

So what? If a typical worker made $1 million a year and the typical CEO made $200 million a year would you still be bitching about this? People get compensated for what they produce. If a CEO of a company that makes say, $10 billion a year gets $50 million in compensation and the mass of workers gets $50,000 a year on average, because that's what they individually produce why should you be bitching about it?

Sounds to me like you think morons like Marx and Engles were right.
Listen up! I worked at the Federal Reserve Bank Of Dallas from 1970- 1980!
I don't believe you.
So I do not need you to tell me anything about the Federal Reserve Bank or How it works.
I guess I do, since you don't know how it works.
U.S. currency is produced by The Bureau Of Printing and Engraving and U.S. coins are produced by the U.S. Mint. Both organizations are bureaus of the U.S. Department of the Treasury.
Nope. All dollars are created by the Federal Reserve. Dollars are not necessarily bills or coins (both of which are created under contracts). Most dollars are just bits.
I am not saying the that the Fed does not create money-
You just tried, Lizard.
But not in the sense that you think they do- and you are dead wrong about them printing US Currency. Most Money is created by a single Keystroke of a keyboard in today's world.
The creation of money is done by the Fed and only the Fed, as authorized by Congress. If a bill is printed, it is done through contracts with printers and engravers.
And Congress does not direct the Federal Reserve Bank to PRINT MONEY EGGHEAD! WHO THE FUCK TOLD YOU THAT?
It certainly does, Lizard.
I suggest you take an Elementary Economics 101 course and learn some things before you go spouting off your mouth WILLY NILLY about things you have no idea about.
Economics is not a course.
And you may also want to take an Elementary Government 101 course to also understand how the US Government works as well!
You deny the Constitution of the United States and all State constitutions. Don't tell me you're any kind of 'expert', Lizard.
That is one cause of inflation that we cannot address. Corporate profits are at all-time highs too. The result is a wealth gap greater than the Gilded Age. This is America. Money=power.
There is no such thing as a 'wealth gap'. Corporation revenue is not profit. Both are only the result of high inflation. An economic depression is not profit.
So what? If a typical worker made $1 million a year and the typical CEO made $200 million a year would you still be bitching about this? People get compensated for what they produce. If a CEO of a company that makes say, $10 billion a year gets $50 million in compensation and the mass of workers gets $50,000 a year on average, because that's what they individually produce why should you be bitching about it?

Sounds to me like you think morons like Marx and Engles were right.

People are compensated according to price discover, as with any market...UNLESS the government tries to impose price controls (fascism).
Price controls never work. They always cause shortages.

Hume is just bitching because he isn't worth much to anybody, so he gets paid very little.

Some get paid a lot without producing much, because someone is willing to pay them that much for what they do.
Others work hard and get paid very little because there are too many like that with very little skill. That market is glutted with unskilled people, so the price they can fetch for their services (wages) is low.

It is just like any market. The employee wants the highest price (wage) he can get, but he has to compete with others that will do the same job that are willing to beat his price. The company wants to pay the lowest price for an employee to do that job. Somewhere in the middle they meet and the transaction takes place (the person is hired). It is just price discovery all over again.

Governments like to impose price controls in the form of minimum wage laws. This interferes with the market, and the price controls have the same effect as always: shortages. In this case, shortages of jobs. If the minimum wage exceeds the price for that type of employee, the company simply will not hire them, and make due with automation or a smaller staff doing more work (and usually paying them better for it!).

In capitalism, EVERYONE has to compete. Businesses, employees, etc. The only exception is the government, since it can tax (which is not capitalism). On the other hand, EVERYONE can play. It is the only system where the poor can become rich simply if they have the initiative and drive to do so.

Consider your own skills. People are willing to pay you for them because you have developed those skills. It took time and effort and dedication to do so. This is the initiative and drive I am referring to. The unskilled or low skilled have not done this, and they are simply worth less in the marketplace.
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Hume is making an egregious mistake here. Other Democrats fall into this line of thinking as well, since they all support communism and fascism, both forms of socialism (along with slavery, which Democrats also want). He denies capitalism simply because he would rather whine about his low skill level (and corresponding low wage level) that he has.

Capitalism and the free market go hand in hand. ANYONE can play the game of capitalism, which is the voluntary production of products and services for voluntary sale at the agreed upon price. ANYONE can go get a set of skills and get a good job. ANYONE that has the initiative and drive to start a successful business can. In capitalism, the only reason the poor exist at all is because they are simply lazy and don't want to apply themselves.

Even Besos and Bill Gates started with nothing much more than initiative and drive. THAT's why they became rich. It is the same with Elon Musk or Donald Trump. All of them became rich the old fashioned way...they earned it.

Capitalism is the ONLY economic system that creates wealth. Note that money is NOT wealth. It is only a medium of exchange of wealth. Wealth is the actual useful products and services that people are willing to pay for.

Socialism comes in three major forms: communism, fascism, and slavery. ALL socialism is based on theft of wealth.

Under communism, government owns the wealth. They don't know the business, so they try to mandate it. If people don't want to buy it, they will revolt against the mandate. People will eventually overthrow such a government, since they don't like their wealth being stolen.

Under fascism, government does not own the wealth, but they mandate to businesses how to manage their wealth. Examples of fascism are the government declaring minimum wage laws, maximum fuel price laws, bans of certain types of light bulbs, toilets, stoves, weapons, etc.; who you must hire, who you must fire, your operating hours, the price you charge for your product, the price you must pay for your suppliers, mandates on what you must buy or cannot buy, etc.

Fascism is theft of wealth because of government mandates that prevent a business from functioning properly in the marketplace. It was considered by Karl Marx to be a stepping stone on the way to communism.

Remember, GOVERNMENT DOES NOT KNOW THE BUSINESS they are trying to control. They don't have to compete, since they can tax.

Slavery is, of course, theft of labor.

ALL forms of socialism depend on tyranny to implement, since people don't like their wealth stolen.

Capitalism, communism, and fascism exist in every nation on Earth. In most of them, including the United States, slavery also still exists. In nations where socialism is predominant, tyranny is also; usually with the forms of government as a dictatorship or an oligarchy.

Nations that have capitalism predominant have a minimalist and limited government. This is what the United States was (and still is by the Constitution of the United States). Unfortunately, the federal government has ignored more and more of the very constitution that defines it, and become more and more an oligarchy.

Jimmy Carter tried price controls on fuel. The result was the fuel shortage. Gas stations were NOT going to sell the fuel for less than they themselves paid for it! So...long lines of cars waiting to refuel.

Clinton tried price controls on housing. The result was predictable. A housing shortage. More and more people simply cannot afford housing.

Obama tried mandates on used cars (to destroy them). That failed due to the costs it involved. The result was predictable...a shortage of used car parts. Obama simply didn't understand that a car is one of the most recycled items we have to date. He paid people (briefly) to destroy them instead, creating waste where none existed before.

Obama also tried price controls on health insurance. The result was predictable...high health insurance prices and a shortage of health insurance.
Obama went so far as to try to convert it to communism. That failed as well, since the government is broke and can't afford it.

Now comes Biden, with mandates for electric cars, mandates for what energy you are allowed to buy, mandates on what weapons you are allowed to buy, mandates for charging stations at property owner's expense (a massive tax).

Or...should I say Obama, running as a shadow government 3rd term. Biden is, after all, a mere puppet.

The choice is clear. Follow the Democrats down to economic ruin, with their mandates, their price controls, and their socialism and tyranny; or

Donald Trump, who knows how to run a successful business, understands and wants capitalism, and wants to get government out of it's way. True liberty. THIS is what makes America Great. Trump wants to Make America Great Again.

To those Democrats that think they are the Elite, they are mere pawns, being useful idiots. They too will suffer under the heel of tyranny.
A whole lot of LWers seem to want money just handed to them these days instead of working for it. Being psychological infants they simply do not understand how an economy works,...or how life works for that matter. You must work. Not working is for the old who put in their time or the infirm. And for those who do work, sparingly as that may be,...these crazy socialistic ideas you have about resetting the economy are nothing but pure nonsense.

Listen dummies,.....if you pay the lowest end workers 75 grand a year do you think that pay increase only effects them? :laugh: It doesnt. It also effects every single working person above you in the pecking order. The factory workers then demands 120,000 a year if the burger flipper is getting 75,...the tradesman then demands 150 and so on and so forth,...all the way up the chain. Along with this the price of EVERYTHING goes up accordingly,...everything from food, rent, utilities, disposables, home pricing,...every single aspect of the economy. In the end you havent reset anything. You are STILL at the very bottom of the food chain except now you are paying much more just to live your daily life let alone actually save anything. Kind of a lot like,....gee,....a lot like how things are right now isnt it? DUMMIES!