CEOs made nearly 200 times what their workers got paid last year

The median pay package for CEOs rose to $16.3 million, up 12.6%, according to data analyzed for The Associated Press by Equilar. Meanwhile, wages and benefits netted by private-sector workers rose 4.1% through 2023. At half the companies in this year’s pay survey, it would take the worker at the middle of the company’s pay scale almost 200 years to make what their CEO did.
What would you like to see done about this? More specifically, what would you like the federal government to do about this?
What would you like to see done about this? More specifically, what would you like the federal government to do about this?
Ill answer for that! :laugh: They want to see the CEO's continue making that money,.....even more if possible. Its just that they want the Govt to STEAL 90% of it and redistribute it to them. They want 90% of MORE,...not 90% of less! LOL. These people are common thieves.
After reading the comments of the conservatives in this thread...and realizing that their comments are reflective of most conservatives in America...I suggest that anyone who still votes for conservatives is a moron.

To paraphrase Mencken: No one ever went broke underestimating the intelligence of the typical American conservative.
So, the person with teh most risk and who brings the most value to a company made a lot more money than someone who flips burgers, etc.? Shocker!
a chimp could run a modern zombie corporation.

watching libertarians fluff CEOs for no reason has grown loathsome to me.

"supply side corporate fluffers who let you grab them by the pussy"
Ill answer for that! :laugh: They want to see the CEO's continue making that money,.....even more if possible. Its just that they want the Govt to STEAL 90% of it and redistribute it to them. They want 90% of MORE,...not 90% of less! LOL. These people are common thieves.
but how about when corporations use the power of corrupt government to get fat no-bid contracts and saddle all citizens with debt for products they don't want, like big pharma injections, or foreign wars for corrupt interests?

is that just free trade?

no. that's fascism.
but how about when corporations use the power of corrupt government to get fat no-bid contracts and saddle all citizens with debt for products they don't want, like big pharma injections, or foreign wars for corrupt interests?

is that just free trade?

no. that's fascism.
Totally agree. In a way thats another discussion,....but you will get no fight from me when it comes to total corruption that happens between big business and Govt. Yes,...we have a free market,.....but we also need protections so things just dont run completely off the rails. We CAN have BOTH things, market and protections, does not have to be a one way or the other situation.
Totally agree. In a way thats another discussion,....but you will get no fight from me when it comes to total corruption that happens between big business and Govt. Yes,...we have a free market,.....but we also need protections so things just dont run completely off the rails. We CAN have BOTH things, market and protections, does not have to be a one way or the other situation.
you're one of the good one's stone,...

but it basically IS one way with the wars and injections we don't want becoming a bigger threat moment by moment.

CEOs are at least half the problem, and here are the libertarians, blowing them as hard as they can.

it's just gross.
After reading the comments of the conservatives in this thread...and realizing that their comments are reflective of most conservatives in America...I suggest that anyone who still votes for conservatives is a moron.

To paraphrase Mencken: No one ever went broke underestimating the intelligence of the typical American conservative.
So what should we do about it? So if a middle class man, a rich man and a poor man all walk into a grocery store do they all carry little cards with them designating their financial status so the store can charge the poor man 50 cents for a gallon of milk, the middle 3.50, and the rich 15 bucks? There are only two different items that people buy. WANT items and NEED items. Nobody NEEDS a 75 inch tv,....but almost everyone wants one. What about for want items? Same deal? The poor guy gets his for 35 bucks and the rich guy pays 8995.00? LOL
you're one of the good one's stone,...

but it basically IS one way with the wars and injections we don't want becoming a bigger threat moment by moment.

CEOs are at least half the problem, and here are the libertarians, blowing them as hard as they can.

it's just gross.
I believe in fair business practices, fact Im KNOWN for it here. In the end a person has to live with themselves and do right. This goes for everyone,.....from street sweeper to CEO. Business is basically a contract,....or sale of some sort. I do not believe that the other party has to lose for me to win. In fact,...I believe that the best contracts are when BOTH parties win. It absolutely CAN be that way,.....I do it every day.
Basically people are screwed in the head when it comes to WANT or NEED items. Giant Tv= want item. Long term care insurance policy= a need item. Guess which one is easier to sell? :laugh: NOBODY wakes up in the morning thinking..........."
DAMN IM EXCITED!!!!! Today is the day I get to go shopping for a good long term care policy!!! YIPPPEEE!" :laugh:
I believe in fair business practices, fact Im KNOWN for it here. In the end a person has to live with themselves and do right. This goes for everyone,.....from street sweeper to CEO. Business is basically a contract,....or sale of some sort. I do not believe that the other party has to lose for me to win. In fact,...I believe that the best contracts are when BOTH parties win. It absolutely CAN be that way,.....I do it every day.
This is pretty pollyanna considering the billions of dollars of donations and other payola YOU KNOW are heaped on washington to avoid having to comply with regulations, fairness,"doing right", or even having to care shit thing one about anything except their next quarter, the nation and its people be damned.
So what should we do about it? So if a middle class man, a rich man and a poor man all walk into a grocery store do they all carry little cards with them designating their financial status so the store can charge the poor man 50 cents for a gallon of milk, the middle 3.50, and the rich 15 bucks? There are only two different items that people buy. WANT items and NEED items. Nobody NEEDS a 75 inch tv,....but almost everyone wants one. What about for want items? Same deal? The poor guy gets his for 35 bucks and the rich guy pays 8995.00? LOL
So what should we do about it? So if a middle class man, a rich man and a poor man all walk into a grocery store do they all carry little cards with them designating their financial status so the store can charge the poor man 50 cents for a gallon of milk, the middle 3.50, and the rich 15 bucks? There are only two different items that people buy. WANT items and NEED items. Nobody NEEDS a 75 inch tv,....but almost everyone wants one. What about for want items? Same deal? The poor guy gets his for 35 bucks and the rich guy pays 8995.00? LOL
I think large basic protections are necessary to keep the country basically unified.

we need tariffs and we need border enforcement and even reduced legal immigration (for the secret globalists).

and when they start injecting us with poison that we don't want but are forced to pay for, the fascism has gone too far.
Basically people are screwed in the head when it comes to WANT or NEED items. Giant Tv= want item. Long term care insurance policy= a need item. Guess which one is easier to sell? :laugh: NOBODY wakes up in the morning thinking..........."
DAMN IM EXCITED!!!!! Today is the day I get to go shopping for a good long term care policy!!! YIPPPEEE!" :laugh:
I was always amazed when I saw a man drive to the ER in a new pickup truck and have ZERO insurance for the care of his child and be unable to pay. When I was going through medical school and could not really afford health care I kept it on my family the entire time. I drove a POS car with 250K on it and its transmission exploded on the highway. :laugh: Health insurance is a must.
Listen up! I worked at the Federal Reserve Bank Of Dallas from 1970- 1980!


I am not saying the that the Fed does not create money- But not in the sense that you think they do- and you are dead wrong about them printing US Currency. Most Money is created by a single Keystroke of a keyboard in today's world.


And Congress does not direct the Federal Reserve Bank to PRINT MONEY EGGHEAD! WHO THE FUCK TOLD YOU THAT?

Strawman alert!!!

Yet, when Congress authorizes spending that surpasses revenues, yes, the Fed starts printing money. When they print money without regard to economic conditions, you get inflation.

I suggest you take an Elementary Economics 101 course and learn some things before you go spouting off your mouth WILLY NILLY about things you have no idea about.

And you may also want to take an Elementary Government 101 course to also understand how the US Government works as well!

Ironic coming from a goofy, low IQ clown that spouts moronic bullshit in here every damned day. The demand side of inflation:

An increase in the money supply will tend to cause inflation, as Moss explains. “With more cash in their pockets and bank accounts, consumers often find new reasons to buy things,” he writes in the book. “But unless the supply of goods and services has increased in the meantime, the consumers’ mounting demand for products will simply bid up prices, thus stoking inflation. Economists sometimes say that inflation rises when ‘too much money is chasing too few goods.’” This is sometimes referred to as “demand-pull inflation.”
After reading the comments of the conservatives in this thread...and realizing that their comments are reflective of most conservatives in America...I suggest that anyone who still votes for conservatives is a moron.

You sad, delusional dumbass. It's voters like you who are the morons. You actually think BIG Government is good and can salve the nations problems and manage economies. The evidence is the exact opposite. But because you are a clueless, mindless caricature of ignorance and stupidity, you've been indoctrinated to buy into Marxist dogma.

To paraphrase Mencken: No one ever went broke underestimating the intelligence of the typical American conservative.

To paraphrase Truth Detector: no one would mistake you for a thinking person with an IQ above room temperature.