Cher Suddenly Doesn’t Support Mass Immigration After Trump’s ‘Sanctuary Cities’

Remember when immigration advocates slammed the "slimy" Obama Administration?


President Barack Obama’s administration requested that a federal court reverse a 2015 order which prohibited the detention of mothers and children who fled violence in countries in Central America.

In a filing submitted in the United States District Court for the Central District of California, the Justice Department argued the administration may have violated the “Flores agreement,” in force since 1997, which is supposed to protect the rights of immigrant children. However, the claimed any violations do not matter anymore because Homeland Security and Immigration Customs and Enforcement (ICE) changed the policies at issue in this lawsuit challenging immigrant family detention.

The Obama administration insisted it had ended the “blanket” detention of “female-headed families.” It maintained that the length of detention at family facilities had been dramatically reduced. And it claimed that ICE “no longer considers general deterrence as a factor in individual bond determinations for Central American women and children.”

The filing added, “The court’s order almost exclusively analyzed and addressed detention policies and practices that no longer exist.”

This represents a slimy attempt to push Judge Dolly M. Gee into scuttling an order which sought to hold the Obama administration accountable for corruption and misconduct that has been ongoing as a result of immigration policies. But the administration did not stop there.

The Justice Department stretched the nature of the judge’s order and disingenuously claimed this may undermine the government’s ability to detain and expedite removal of undocumented immigrants. It suggested progress achieved in “reducing the number of families illegally crossing the Southwest border since the summer of 2014” could be undone.

It was a despicable example of fear-mongering.

People (*cough* trump *cough*) who throw around numbers like 25,772,342 illegal aliens, with nothing to back that up. ttps://

Linky no worky. :D
How can anyone do an effective cost analysis on the wall when no one can put a firm number on how many people are coming across lol?

Is that the kind of question only a Trumper would ask?