Cher Suddenly Doesn’t Support Mass Immigration After Trump’s ‘Sanctuary Cities’

Pelosi doesn’t want ‘the little gifts of love’ dumped on her district lol.

Trump’s proposal actually makes sense: why should border communities be forced to contend with them? Spread the misery around.

Looks like the bluff is working. Suddenly it seems some DEMOCRATS are willing to work on immigration reform instead of "resisting", lol.
Pelosi doesn’t want ‘the little gifts of love’ dumped on her district lol.

Trump’s proposal actually makes sense: why should border communities be forced to contend with them? Spread the misery around.

Tell me Darthy, do you think when illegals enter any city there's somebody watching and alerting the citizenry lol?
You guys are having a hard time understanding how silly trump's plan is, so maybe this article will make it plainer lol.

"Trump’s rhetoric about undocumented immigrants and asylum seekers has not just been about how they are taking advantage of lax American laws or that they are in the country illegally but that they are also dangerous. He has decried them as gang members, “animals” and even terrorists. He has said Mexico and Central American countries are sending their dregs northward. “They’re bringing drugs, they’re bringing crime, they’re rapists,” Trump said in his 2015 presidential announcement speech, “and some, I assume, are good people.”

So what better way to deal with the increasing problem at the Southern border, Trump reasons, than to ... tell these alleged criminals they’ll get a one-way ticket to a community that will welcome them?

The first major issue with this is that, regardless of where these people are sent, they can go wherever they want after that. The Post’s Nick Miroff and Tim Meko this weekend showed us where people tend to go once they cross the border, and it’s to nearly every corner of the country. If people have the means and wherewithal to get from the border to Crookston, Minn., what’s to stop them from, after they get sent to San Francisco, simply resuming their plans to go wherever they initially intended to go?"

Why would they want to leave sanctuary cites lol?

And if they do leave, what is Nancy worried about? Democrats should hope Trump is blowing smoke or has it blocked by the Ninth Circus because thousands of immigrants getting dumped in blue precincts could change the political calculus on immigration dramatically.
Why would they want to leave sanctuary cites lol?

And if they do leave, what is Nancy worried about? Democrats should hope Trump is blowing smoke or has it blocked by the Ninth Circus because thousands of immigrants getting dumped in blue precincts could change the political calculus on immigration dramatically.

That's the second RWNJ claim on this thread lol. First, that libs have to "house" illegals; second, that libs want illegals here so they can vote Dem.
Tell me Darthy, do you think when illegals enter any city there's somebody watching and alerting the citizenry lol?

Nope, and that’s part of the problem.

Once they get here they can get lost in the numbers. Of course, the immigrants are fully aware of this which is a big reason they risk the journey.

Since congress *will not* address it, Trump has threatened to close the border and now he is threatening to dump them on sanctuary cities.

Isn’t Congress wonderful?
That's the second RWNJ claim on this thread lol. First, that libs have to "house" illegals; second, that libs want illegals here so they can vote Dem.

Democrat leaders do not want them here because of compassion. There is an ulterior motive. During the Obama Administration they could not deport them fast enough or get border walls repaired and built fast enough.
Democrat leaders do not want them here because of compassion. There is an ulterior motive. During the Obama Administration they could not deport them fast enough or get border walls repaired and built fast enough.

They couldn't cage kids fast enough, either, Cap'n. I have picture to prove it.
That's the second RWNJ claim on this thread lol. First, that libs have to "house" illegals; second, that libs want illegals here so they can vote Dem.

Not my point lol.

Think of thousands of democrat voters like Cher saying ‘ok, this is ridiculous. We need to put a stop to this bullshit and I don’t care if it gives Trump a political victory’.

Nancy’s district town hall can get a little rowdy. I’ll guarantee she’s hoping Trump is bluffing.
Nope, and that’s part of the problem.

Once they get here they can get lost in the numbers. Of course, the immigrants are fully aware of this which is a big reason they risk the journey.

Since congress *will not* address it, Trump has threatened to close the border and now he is threatening to dump them on sanctuary cities.

Isn’t Congress wonderful?

Congress won't address it in the specific way trump wants, which is to fund a 30-foot wall extending a thousand miles or more. And I don't blame them one bit, it's overkill and a waste of money lol.