Cher Suddenly Doesn’t Support Mass Immigration After Trump’s ‘Sanctuary Cities’

Not my point lol.

Think of thousands of democrat voters like Cher saying ‘ok, this is ridiculous. We need to put a stop to this bullshit and I don’t care if it gives Trump a political victory’.

Nancy’s district town hall can get a little rowdy. I’ll guarantee she’s hoping Trump is bluffing.

Cher said that? I'll have to check her twitter.
I think you should read Cher's twitter, Darthy. She doesn't say anything about giving trump a political victory, in fact, she's totally contemptuous of him lol.

Cher said “there must be a process,” for immigrants seeking asylum and stressed that access to judges, proper interviews and even disbursement to cities across the U.S. was necessary, rather than targeting cities for “revenge.”


She also said this about trump: HE’S IGNORANT THUG WITH LIZARD BRAIN THAT GUARANTEES HIS SURVIVAL ABOVE ALL ELSE.^google|twcamp^serp|twgr ^author
Congress won't address it in the specific way trump wants, which is to fund a 30-foot wall extending a thousand miles or more. And I don't blame them one bit, it's overkill and a waste of money lol.
it's (wall) the only way to stop immigration between ports of entry..with due respect
where do you think the 100,000k a month we are now picking up are captured? illegal entry.

Congress could change the asylum laws in a heartbeat -and it would'nt require comprehensive reform-
just overhaul the asylum laws
it's (wall) the only way to stop immigration between ports of entry..with due respect
where do you think the 100,000k a month we are now picking up are captured? illegal entry.

Congress could change the asylum laws in a heartbeat -and it would'nt require comprehensive reform-
just overhaul the asylum laws

Not yet! How do I get some of these illegal folks? I have bilges to clean and would like to throw a Taco party for the crews........hehehehehe......
Not yet! How do I get some of these illegal folks? I have bilges to clean and would like to throw a Taco party for the crews........hehehehehe......
The El Paso sector seems to be the hot spot..1400 apprehensions per day last week
it's (wall) the only way to stop immigration between ports of entry..with due respect
where do you think the 100,000k a month we are now picking up are captured? illegal entry.

Congress could change the asylum laws in a heartbeat -and it would'nt require comprehensive reform-
just overhaul the asylum laws

You beat me to it.

The wall is a long term solution but there’s nothing to prevent congress from closing immigration loopholes in the meantime. Tomorrow would be nice.

Well, Trump signing the bill is a problem to some lol.
it's (wall) the only way to stop immigration between ports of entry..with due respect
where do you think the 100,000k a month we are now picking up are captured? illegal entry.

Congress could change the asylum laws in a heartbeat -and it would'nt require comprehensive reform-
just overhaul the asylum laws

Are you saying 100K a month were caught? If so they haven't actually entered and disappeared into the country.

I'm curious how figures of illegals living in the country are counted if the people weren't caught.
You beat me to it.

The wall is a long term solution but there’s nothing to prevent congress from closing immigration loopholes in the meantime. Tomorrow would be nice.

Well, Trump signing the bill is a problem to some lol.

I don't think these costs are justified, even the lowest one. How much extra do you want to pay in taxes to cover the outlay lol?

The Real Cost of Trump’s Border Wall on Your Wallet

Trump claimed that the cost would only amount to $12 billion. But even that amount isn’t that low when compared with the $2.3 billion spent on physical barriers for the entire period between fiscal years 2007 to 2015. Plus, an internal report by the Department of Homeland Security estimated the cost of the wall to be much higher at about $21.6 billion, and even that could be an underestimation, according to the Brookings Institution. The DHS report didn’t provide enough comprehensive analysis to convey the true cost of the wall and its inefficiency, according to a report by the Government Accountability Office, which will ultimately cost the American taxpayer.

Then there is the economic cost of the wall beyond the immediate acquisition of land, legal fees and construction. Mexico is America’s third-largest trading partner. Foreign-born workers in the U.S. account for about 16 percent of the labor force as of August 2017, and they frequently work in key domestic businesses like automotive manufacturing. In addition, foreign-born workers still actually contribute to the U.S. Social Security fund. In 2010, according to the Brookings Institution, undocumented workers contributed $13 billion to Social Security.

At this point, the exact cost of the proposed wall for U.S. taxpayers is unknown, but there are tangible hints at the price. For instance, according to CNN, eight prototype walls have been constructed as of May 2018, with a cost between $300,000 and $500,000 each. The people footing the bill to protect the prototypes, San Diego taxpayers, have shelled out at least about $2.3 million to support the cost.

Here’s a breakdown of construction cost estimates according to various sources:

  • President Trump: $12 billion
  • Former House Speaker Paul Ryan: $15 billion
  • Department of Homeland Security: $22 billion
  • The Washington Post: $25 billion
  • Senate Democrats: $70 billion

Besides the cost of the physical construction of the wall, there also is all the paperwork. For example, there are legal fees that must be paid in order to acquire the land where the wall is going to be constructed. Even after acquisition, the U.S. government still has to compensate the former owner, which will raise the total bill on the construction of the border wall.