Cher Suddenly Doesn’t Support Mass Immigration After Trump’s ‘Sanctuary Cities’

Yeah, Gavin Newsome said it was illegal. Doesn't sound like he want them, you phony

He is not a mayor representing one of the supposed sanctuary cities you said won't accept immigrants, and he is criticizing Trump for employing the threat for political purposes, just as I said Democrats are doing, I'm waiting for you to show us what city shouted they didn't want them

If you can't deliver, it makes your whole post invalid
Tell us why the orange blob didn't follow through on his threat, you fucking idiot.

I already explained it to you. Maybe a picture will help.


He is not a mayor representing one of the supposed sanctuary cities you said won't accept immigrants, and he is criticizing Trump for employing the threat for political purposes, just as I said Democrats are doing, I'm waiting for you to show us what city shouted they didn't want them

If you can't deliver, it makes your whole post invalid

You are a retard
So you say. Prove it.

I'll understand if you can't.

How many illegals did you say you are housing personally? :D

Unlike RWNJs I don't buy into the lie that we are supposed to house detainees. That's just a stupid simplistic meme that anyone with an ounce of brains can pick apart in no time. :cool:
Unlike RWNJs I don't buy into the lie that we are supposed to house detainees. That's just a stupid simplistic meme that anyone with an ounce of brains can pick apart in no time. :cool:

Yet you haven't, and we both know why.

They aren't "detainees" after they are released in accordance with the term of the Flores settlement, as you know.

Yet you haven't, and we both know why.

They aren't "detainees" after they are released in accordance with the term of the Flores settlement, as you know.


Whatever. Show me some official proclamation that says people have to house immigrants.

I'll understand if you can't. :D
Show me some official proclamation that says people have to house immigrants.

If I'd said there was an "official proclamation that says people have to house immigrants," you'd have a point.

Since I didn't, you don't.

You pretend to care and do....nothing. :D
If I'd said there was an "official proclamation that says people have to house immigrants,: you'd have a point.

Since I didn't, you don't.

You pretend to care and do....nothing. :D

Nah, I just like showing RWNJs the idiocy of their arguments.

Case in point: RWNJs say people need to be turned back at the border and we need a 30-foot wall to insure immigrants can't come in illegally.

Then RWNJs say we are supposed to offer housing to those same people rather than turn them back at the border. The cognitive dissonance, it's frightening! :D