Cher Suddenly Doesn’t Support Mass Immigration After Trump’s ‘Sanctuary Cities’

I know. She didn't say not to take them into the city, but that the city was already doing a poor job in dealing with the current homeless population.

And why is that lol?

Because it’s insanely costly and takes up too many resources. Cher might as well parroted Trump in saying ‘the country is full’ but I saw where she backed off because of the Bad Orange Man bit.
Cher Suddenly Doesn’t Support Mass Immigration After Trump’s ‘Sanctuary Cities’ Threat

Pop icon has a dramatic change of heart.

Pop icon Cher has suddenly had a dramatic change of heart on mass immigration after President Trump threatened to dump illegals in the “sanctuary city” where she lives.

Imagine my shock.

On Friday, Trump said his administration was considering the idea of releasing immigrants into sanctuary cities, partly in retaliation to Democrats’ support for open borders.

Previously, Cher had demanded, “Anyone who can must take a dreamer in2 their home & protect them!! I’m ready 2 do this & others in my business will do the same!! Sanctuary.”

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However, she rapidly reversed her feelings on the matter following Trump’s threat to place those “dreamers” in her city.

In a tweet posted Sunday, Cher said, “I understand helping struggling immigrants but my city (Los Angeles) isn’t taking care of its own.”

She went on to urge that more focus be put on native homeless people than illegal immigrants.

Wow, it’s almost like Cher’s concern for illegal immigrants suddenly disappeared when she feared there could be a deluge of them in her own back yard!

Cher said, “I understand helping struggling immigrants but my city (Los Angeles) isn’t taking care of its own.”

Cher, It’s not just about your city. It’s about the entire nation.

What a hypocrite.
Quoting this again because it's so fucking stupid. Nice logic, retard

GFY moron. If the city can't take care of the current homeless population they sure as hell can't take care of more homeless.

I'm not surprised you would support trump's revenge fantasy of dumping immigrants into sanctuary cities. And like trump you're dumb enough not to realize that moving them into cities is exactly what they want, and that once they're in a particular city they can move themselves somewhere else.

Lay down the crack pipe you paranoid idiot.
Sure she did, as did Pelosi and most of the far left loons where the illegals were going to be sent.

Did you know that the US Census has identifies sanctuary state California as # 1?
And why is that lol?

Because it’s insanely costly and takes up too many resources. Cher might as well parroted Trump in saying ‘the country is full’ but I saw where she backed off because of the Bad Orange Man bit.

Have you guys really thought about how trump's half-assed revenge fantasy would play out in real life, Darthy?
GFY moron. If the city can't take care of the current homeless population they sure as hell can't take care of more homeless.

I'm not surprised you would support trump's revenge fantasy of dumping immigrants into sanctuary cities. And like trump you're dumb enough not to realize that moving them into cities is exactly what they want, and that once they're in a particular city they can move themselves somewhere else.

Lay down the crack pipe you paranoid idiot.

Likewise, if a country can't provide opportunity for all its citizens, it can not afford to accept refugees. Your own logic you just wrote applied to a larger scale. Now tell me how I'm wrong
Did you know that the US Census has identifies sanctuary state California as # 1?

My city will welcome immigrants. Don't tell me you can't understand the idiocy of trump's comments. Sending immigrants to US cities is EXACTLY what they want. :awesome:
Have you guys really thought about how trump's half-assed revenge fantasy would play out in real life, Darthy?

Yeah, liberal cities that espouse the lame rhetoric would get a taste of their own prescription and find out the conservatives were right: We can't provide opportunities for everyone who wants to come here.
Cher Suddenly Doesn’t Support Mass Immigration After Trump’s ‘Sanctuary Cities’ Threat

Pop icon has a dramatic change of heart.

Pop icon Cher has suddenly had a dramatic change of heart on mass immigration after President Trump threatened to dump illegals in the “sanctuary city” where she lives.

Imagine my shock.

On Friday, Trump said his administration was considering the idea of releasing immigrants into sanctuary cities, partly in retaliation to Democrats’ support for open borders.

Previously, Cher had demanded, “Anyone who can must take a dreamer in2 their home & protect them!! I’m ready 2 do this & others in my business will do the same!! Sanctuary.”

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However, she rapidly reversed her feelings on the matter following Trump’s threat to place those “dreamers” in her city.

In a tweet posted Sunday, Cher said, “I understand helping struggling immigrants but my city (Los Angeles) isn’t taking care of its own.”

She went on to urge that more focus be put on native homeless people than illegal immigrants.

Wow, it’s almost like Cher’s concern for illegal immigrants suddenly disappeared when she feared there could be a deluge of them in her own back yard!

Cher said, “I understand helping struggling immigrants but my city (Los Angeles) isn’t taking care of its own.”

Cher, It’s not just about your city. It’s about the entire nation.

Why would anyone anywhere care what Cher thinks? Did anyone care what Cher thought when at least she was relevant? Why is it important to you now what Cher thinks?
Yeah, liberal cities that espouse the lame rhetoric would get a taste of their own prescription and find out the conservatives were right: We can't provide opportunities for everyone who wants to come here.

Has any of those supposed "liberal cities" said they don't want immigrants? Other than Democrats correctly saying Trump is using the immigrants as political pawns, has any city come out and declared they don't want the immigrants?
Has any of those supposed "liberal cities" said they don't want immigrants? Other than Democrats correctly saying Trump is using the immigrants as political pawns, has any city come out and declared they don't want the immigrants?

Yeah, Gavin Newsome said it was illegal. Doesn't sound like he want them, you phony
I've thought about the fact that just the suggestion has exposed the hypocrisy of the liberal left. :D

My city is the liberal left and we would welcome detainees. My life isn't going to change if more people come in; it will be great for the economy. And don't start with the crap that they would be sitting around doing nothing except collecting some kind of benefits. :nono:

"Pittsburgh Mayor Bill Peduto said Friday he would welcome detainees and speculated that the city could have found homes for several hundred if the Trump administration had decided to send some to Pittsburgh.

Peduto, who has been clear that his administration will welcome immigrants to the city, made the comments after The Washington Post broke a story about a White House proposal to send immigrant detainees to sanctuary cities to retaliate against President Donald Trump’s political foes. The proposal never moved forward, The Post reported."