Chiefs kicker Harrison Butker bashes Pride Month, tells women to stay in the kitchen

Exactly. They claim to love Jesus and then condemn gay people to hell, call Black people the n-word, and whisper about their entire congregation behind their backs after every mass. Catholicism is one of the most awful perversions of Christ's teachings in existence.
I appreciate you posting your total dishonesty for everyone to see. You're just a HATER posting for the consumption of other dishonest HATERS. My assumption is that you will prove to be a poster who cannot bring himself to make any sort of honest, positive contributions to this board.

It must suck to be you.
The left likes to paint a picture of the way things are in an attempt to shape how people think and feel.
It's better to say that leftists paint pictures of how things aren't, and they OBEDIENTLY do so at the bidding of some coward who has them bent over furniture and is reaming them with disinformation. As such, honesty is the first casualty, which explains why they spray lies like a firehose and preemptively call opponents liars.

It doesn't take long to realize that they are uneducated morons, explaining why they were so easily manipulated into being reamed with disinformation. You can tell that there will be no usable knowledge forthcoming. Your best best is to assume every word is untrue, being part of a well-crafted lie for the board's consumption.
It's better to say that leftists paint pictures of how things aren't, and they OBEDIENTLY do so at the bidding of some coward who has them bent over furniture and is reaming them with disinformation. As such, honesty is the first casualty, which explains why they spray lies like a firehose and preemptively call opponents liars.

It doesn't take long to realize that they are uneducated morons, explaining why they were so easily manipulated into being reamed with disinformation. You can tell that there will be no usable knowledge forthcoming. Your best best is to assume every word is untrue, being part of a well-crafted lie for the board's consumption.
The entire elite class is generally ignorant that they have no idea that they are historically ignorant.

In a universe where stupid hurts.
It very well could just be the Catholics I know. I was a Catholic for 20 years. My relatives identities are completely defined by Catholicism, according to them. They are wicked, judgmental, hypocritical people who hate everyone different from them. So is Butker.
That's a good example of what some people pervert their religion from a guide to how to live to a cudgel to beat others over the head.
Exactly. They claim to love Jesus and then condemn gay people to hell, call Black people the n-word, and whisper about their entire congregation behind their backs after every mass. Catholicism is one of the most awful perversions of Christ's teachings in existence.
We were raised as Lutherans; my mom was a Sunday school teacher as well as being on various women's committees at church. So every Sunday we spent the entire morning and part of the afternoon there. I heard a lot of that same derogatory gossip from some of the other ladies. I don't think it's just Catholics who don't seem to be able to understand and follow Jesus's teachings.
One hundred percent, TOP.

He spoke of the values that made America unique, family, home, faith.

These far left loons will be left on the trash heap of history.
Family, faith, and home are unique American values? 😂 You're a fucking idiot, just like Toxic.

Reminds of Hitler's Kinder, Küche, Kirche -- children, kitchen, church. What good German women were supposed to embrace.

pEarl doesn't even try to hide his inner Nazi any more. :laugh:
Morning, TOP.

Lou Holtz to Newsmax: We've Lost Our Values

"Notre Dame football coach from 1986 to 1996 and Medal of Honor recipient Lou Holtz told Newsmax that the reason Kansas City Chief kicker Harrison Butker's speech at Benedictine College, a Catholic university, is getting so much attention today is because America has gotten away from its "values."

Holtz told "America Right Now" on Saturday the reason utterances about traditional values are getting so much attention today is "because of our values."

Coach Holtz is one hundred percent correct. America started losing its values when Democrats started losing theirs.
That's we're working hard to get them back...and it is working...
The "NoMo values" way of life is fading fast.... as they say, empowerment starts with us...We need to be the change they need...
Condescending, pompous, pretentious, judgmental, hypocritical, passive aggressive, delusional, a liar, and an Internet troll. Toxic is all of those things.
Yep, absolutely spot on description of the hateful bimbo. I haven't read through all the remaining posts yet, but won't be a bit surprised to find her bumping this thread at 4:30 am today. She enjoys negative attention and being kicked around verbally. It's a sickness.
That's we're working hard to get them back...and it is working...
The "NoMo values" way of life is fading fast.... as they say, empowerment starts with us...We need to be the change they need...
Indeed, TOP.
What good advice...everyone would be so much happier...there's far too much anger and hate around here...
So easily solved...
Freedom from within...what a concept in America...embracing your own preferences and decisions...
Bring respect for that back again...
You and your lapdog pEarl and your psycho drunken boyfriend are some of the biggest purveyors of hate here. No doubt in the real world as well. It's so much a part of who you are that you can't even see it anymore. You can try to cover it up with smarmy memes and virtue-signaling trite cliches, but we all see it. As Christie said, every. single. day. Sad.
It is funny that the left is so triggered by the suggestion that motherhood is a noble job. I would say it is the most important job in the world.
It’s guilt. They feel the guilt of placing their own interests ahead of the children that they brought into this world.

The children understand this and feel abandoned…rightfully so in many cases, not all but many.
Weak, low-quality "men," and a #PickMEEE grrl. :rolleyes:
They want to someone to dominate, not share or partner. Again, only weak and stupid people want such a relationship.
