China Virus? Must be election season

Or it is used to wipe mess left by your tiny prick.

It is a plot of some kind for some reason, still unknown. But rightys have ferreted it out and they will not take vaccines. That will show us. Brilliant move.
It is a plot of some kind for some reason, still unknown. But rightys have ferreted it out and they will not take vaccines. That will show us. Brilliant move.

Not "rightys", but Trumpers, the dumb version of those on the RW. I consider it evolution in action for them to kill themselves off out of stupidity.
[url],onerror=redirect,width=1920,height=1920,fit=scale-down/[/url] [/QUOTE]

The more you post, the more likely I think you were fired from your "travel" job, Tiny Dick.

Which do you hate more, Tiny Dick?: the Jewish doctors or the Jewish nanobots?