"Christianity" in America

Indeed.....the Book of Rev. ID's just whom that book was written to and where the information delivered came from.

This Book was written by "John". The source of the Book is the Christ Himself. The words were given to an angel who gave them to John. John drafted the words given to him. (Rev. 1:1, 4, 9 and 22:8).

The Book of Rev. even reveals just when the Book was written. It was written in the 1st century around 68AD during the Roman Reign of Nero. How do we know this? The Book reveals that hostile action by Rome was becoming severe against Christians. (Rev. 1:9) John was imprisoned on the Isle of Patmos. (Rev. 2:10) This passage declares "Things that you will shortly suffer". Shortly not some distant time in the future but SHORTLY. Then the Book directly mentioned another Christian who was executed by Rome in that time period, "Antipas". https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Antipas_of_Pergamum

The revelations in the Book where to "shortly take place." -- Rev. 1:1,3,22:6,10. Thus, any view or attempt at "interpretation" that does not take into account the actual writings that state when these revelations are to take place as being in the 1st century are contradicting the scriptures.

This does not mean that all the revealed information was to take place in the 1st or early 2nd century as there are specific and unambiguous texts that talk about the 2nd coming of the Christ. But the information to the 7 Churches was indeed speaking of that time period in which the Book was first written. Rev. 1:4 states that the Book was written to the 7 churches found in Asia Minor at that time period. Chapters 2 and 3 give the names of these Churches that have been historically proven to exist during that period. Why just mention 7 churches in that region when more clearly existed. The Book of Revelation also clearly states the information being delivered was symbolic (Rev. 1:1)...the word SIGNIFIED means symbolic, the way information can be interpreted.

7 in the Judeo/Christian philosophy is described as THE PERFECT NUMBER....thus, the 7 churches were the perfect symbolism to rightly interpret the things that were SIGNIFIED/symbolic.

John also mentions 7 spirits. A clear reference to another part of the Bible (Zech. 4:10) which mentions the 7 eyes of the Lord.....all seeing, all knowing.

John borrowed Revelation from an earlier Jewish apocryphal writing.

Look at Revelation.. It identifies who the letter is written to.. seven churches.. You prefer to ignore that or change it?

Keep practicing that double standard, hypocrite. The Bible speaks of your type, too. It may not have been directly addressed to you in a letter but it applies.
John borrowed Revelation from an earlier Jewish apocryphal writing.


Yep...that explains Rome. Enlighten us.....show us the Jewish Apocrypahl writing were Rome is mentioned as being the destroyer of Jerusalem....as revealed by the Christ in Matthew 24 and confirmed by history actual. ;) Parroted "propaganda"...snowflake. :laugh: The Jewish faith and Nation of Israel were both destroyed in the first century according to history actual. Strange then that a Book of Revelation dated between 68-90AD can be referenced as stolen from a nation or faith that no longer exists. And the reference to 7 Christian churches (historically proven to exist during the 1st and early 2nd century) clearly was stolen from archived Jewish writings.....NOT. Just how stupid are the folks from which you parroted this propaganda THINK all people to be?
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Yep...that explains Rome. Enlighten us.....show us the Jewish Apocrypahl writing were Rome is mentioned as being the destroyer of Jerusalem....as revealed by the Christ in Matthew 24 and confirmed by history actual. ;) Parroted "propaganda"...snowflake. :laugh: The Jewish faith and Nation of Israel were both destroyed in the first century according to history actual. Strange then that a Book of Revelation dated between 68-90AD can be referenced as stolen from a nation or faith that no longer exists. And the reference to 7 Christian (historically proven to exist during the 1st and early 2nd century) clearly was stolen from archived Jewish writings.....NOT. Just how stupid are the folks from which you parroted this propaganda THINK all people to be?

Matthew was written about 80 AD.. Of course the " 7 churches" or communities existed. More Jews lived outside of Palestine by the time of Christ's birth than lived in it.
Matthew was written about 80 AD.. Of course the " 7 churches" or communities existed. More Jews lived outside of Palestine by the time of Christ's birth than lived in it.

And this explains how you can prove that "JOHN" stole the Book of Revelation from archived Hebrew Scriptures? Why deliver the message in Greek....instead of the original Hebrew language? And we are still awaiting you to point out What Hebrew writings mentioned Rome as being the destroyer of Jerusalem as predicted by the Christ in Matthew 24. How long should we wait....forever?;)

You do know that the Christ pointed out to the folks of His generation that they would see the destruction of Jerusalem within the time period of their own generation?
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And this explains how you can prove that "JOHN" stole the Book of Revelation from archived Hebrew Scriptures? Why deliver the message in Greek....instead of the original Hebrew language? And we are still awaiting you to point out What Hebrew writings mentioned Rome as being the destroyer of Jerusalem as predicted by the Christ in Matthew 24. How long should we wait....forever?;)

Because Greek and Aramaic were the languages used at the time. Hebrew was for all practical purposes a dead language at the end of the Babylonian exile.

Prophecy and prophets and apocryphal writings were very popular. Palestine was crawling with prophets. They even had schools for prophets.
Saudi is the only Muslim country that prohibited women driving and that has actually been changed recently. Women will start driving this year.

But they still have to wear Burkas and walk behind men. Again why do you libs love Sharia law?
John borrowed Revelation from an earlier Jewish apocryphal writing.


The book of revelations, specifically the 7 churches referenced, is a book for believers. It is not so much intended to tell us of Christ’s return, but as a warning of what to avoid within our ranks before his return; lack of faithfulness, modeling worldliness, and not Christcentric practices.

There exists plenty of corruption amongst those calling themselves Christian, there has been in each generation. Is this the point you are trying to make?
The book of revelations, specifically the 7 churches referenced, is a book for believers. It is not so much intended to tell us of Christ’s return, but as a warning of what to avoid within our ranks before his return; lack of faithfulness, modeling worldliness, and not Christcentric practices.

There exists plenty of corruption amongst those calling themselves Christian, there has been in each generation. Is this the point you are trying to make?

No.. I am just interested in the Bible, archaeology and the history of the first century.
All organized religions are Lucifer mason globalist shit holes of shittiness.

Love humanity.

Populism forever.

The reptiles can blow me.
If this is the worst Christianity has to offer then it speaks pretty highly of the religion.

You don't have to go back in time very far at all to find plenty of ppl who would vehemently disagree with you. We have indigenous elders here in this area that would quietly tell you how very wrong you are about that. Children were forcibly taken from their families, forced into "boarding schools" where they were forbidden to speak their language or practice their spirituality, beaten, deprived of food and love, and in some cases they died. This was within your lifetime, and mine.

Waiting to understand how any country can accept such unbelievable Nazi codswallop without any attempt to provide evidence or make sense. Heil Trump!
Never fails with Taffy!

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