"Christianity" in America

People who say we "love" Islam are part of the problem. You all seem to have trouble understanding sweeping generalizations. You paint the entire 1.8 billion Muslims with a broad brush. Do Muslim women in Dearborn MI drive? Until six months ago Saudi Arabia was the only Muslim country where women couldn't drive. And it's not true that being gay is punishable by death "in most Islamic countries." There are 50 Muslim-majority countries and 12 have a death penalty. Now that's twelve too many, but they're making progress even if it's too slow for us.

So you are comparing Muslims in Dearborn as the norm? What a joke. SA is hardly the only country where they make women 2nd class citizens. Idk why you make so many excuses for a religion that wouldn't even allow you to speak at a trial.

Most muslime majority countries support sharia law. Sharia law means women are beyond 2nd class citizens. Yet you on the left have no qualms with attacking christianity, which doesn't do anything to women or gays. Your ideology is incoherent and backwards.
Some Christian sects treat their followers very harshly. JWs and the Amish practice shunning. James Dobson wrote a book "Dare to Discipline" about physical punishment. Evangelical authors Michel and Debi Pearl promoted abusing (not their words) children as discipline. Some of these disciplinary measures led to children's deaths. I've heard a lot of people quote the Qur'anic verse about striking a wife yet they're silent about these Christians' beliefs in striking little children.

You'd have to show me hard proof that every Muslim killing is done in the name of Allah because I don't believe it.

are you going to pretend Dare to Discipline is the equivalent of honor killing?.......
I wasn't talking about blowing up buildings. I was responding to posts about how Muslims condone rape, murder, and torture in the name of Allah.

Google "Christians and abuse" "Christians and shunning" "Christians and corporal punishment." I'm not saying the majority of Christians do these thing but when they do, it's not publicized as much.

Another one is FGM. People use that as an example of a Muslim-only atrocity when it's not.


shunning isn't beheading......
I wasn't talking about blowing up buildings. I was responding to posts about how Muslims condone rape, murder, and torture in the name of Allah.

Google "Christians and abuse" "Christians and shunning" "Christians and corporal punishment." I'm not saying the majority of Christians do these thing but when they do, it's not publicized as much.

Another one is FGM. People use that as an example of a Muslim-only atrocity when it's not.

"Female Genital Mutilation Is Not a Uniquely Muslim Problem – Mother ...
Feb 6, 2016 - Basically, FGM is a practice limited to certain parts of Africa—and although it's more common among Muslims than other religions, Christians are pretty close in most countries. As for Britain, its FGM problem is more due to where their African immigrants come from than it is to Islam per se. "
Source: UNICEF, 2013
Figure 2 - Percentage of girls and women aged 15 to 49 years who have undergone FGM, by country

I get it. You want things that agree with what you support to be applied as a principle to all other situations yet if you don't agree, it's purely a case by case basis.

I know it, cunt. It's the double standard you leftwing POS practice daily.

Look at Revelation.. It identifies who the letter is written to.. seven churches.. You prefer to ignore that or change it?
I am in NO WAY justifying this or condoning it. But there are tens of millions of Christians in the U.S. and if just a couple of random incidents are all that we have as examples of Christians killing in the name of God it hardly shows a religion being taken over by extremists. Again, even one death is too many but nonetheless...

Religions, or any group, are generally judged by the worst among it.
Why do libs love Islam so much? In most Islamic countries, being gay is punishable by death, and women can't drive. Yet you "feminist" love it. Maybe stockholm syndrome?

Saudi is the only Muslim country that prohibited women driving and that has actually been changed recently. Women will start driving this year.
Saudi is the only Muslim country that prohibited women driving and that has actually been changed recently. Women will start driving this year.

Women will also be serving in the Saudi military .. and 67% of university students are women.
Honor killing in KSA is just murder...

so is honor killing in Missouri......Dobsen promoted setting firm guidelines about child behavior and upholding them with non-physical punishment.....Chrispy thinks not treating them equally is hypocritical....
I don't understand your last sentence.

Chrispy is Christiefan.......because she gets burned frequently......Dobsen is the author of Dare to Discipline.......the book she claimed showed Christians are as bad as Muslims when it comes to atrocities......
Look at Revelation.. It identifies who the letter is written to.. seven churches.. You prefer to ignore that or change it?

Indeed.....the Book of Rev. ID's just whom that book was written to and where the information delivered came from.

This Book was written by "John". The source of the Book is the Christ Himself. The words were given to an angel who gave them to John. John drafted the words given to him. (Rev. 1:1, 4, 9 and 22:8).

The Book of Rev. even reveals just when the Book was written. It was written in the 1st century around 68AD during the Roman Reign of Nero. How do we know this? The Book reveals that hostile action by Rome was becoming severe against Christians. (Rev. 1:9) John was imprisoned on the Isle of Patmos. (Rev. 2:10) This passage declares "Things that you will shortly suffer". Shortly not some distant time in the future but SHORTLY. Then the Book directly mentioned another Christian who was executed by Rome in that time period, "Antipas". https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Antipas_of_Pergamum

The revelations in the Book where to "shortly take place." -- Rev. 1:1,3,22:6,10. Thus, any view or attempt at "interpretation" that does not take into account the actual writings that state when these revelations are to take place as being in the 1st century are contradicting the scriptures.

This does not mean that all the revealed information was to take place in the 1st or early 2nd century as there are specific and unambiguous texts that talk about the 2nd coming of the Christ. But the information to the 7 Churches was indeed speaking of that time period in which the Book was first written. Rev. 1:4 states that the Book was written to the 7 churches found in Asia Minor at that time period. Chapters 2 and 3 give the names of these Churches that have been historically proven to exist during that period. Why just mention 7 churches in that region when more clearly existed. The Book of Revelation also clearly states the information being delivered was symbolic (Rev. 1:1)...the word SIGNIFIED means symbolic, the way information can be interpreted.

7 in the Judeo/Christian philosophy is described as THE PERFECT NUMBER....thus, the 7 churches were the perfect symbolism to rightly interpret the things that were SIGNIFIED/symbolic.

John also mentions 7 spirits. A clear reference to another part of the Bible (Zech. 4:10) which mentions the 7 eyes of the Lord.....all seeing, all knowing.

Conclusion? Rome was the Beast mentioned, and a corrupted format of Christianity dictated by Rome for political reasons and global conquest.

FYI: We are currently living in the last times/days and have been for over 2 thousand years when the Death of the Christ ushered in a New Covenant between man and God....the LAST COVENANT before Judgment is to take place. All men have been living and dying in "tribulation" over this time period. The Christ has been reigning over His Kingdom....the church well past the symbolic 1000 years mentioned in Revelation. The "anti-Christ"....not a single person, but an ideology has existed on earth for over 2000 years...anyone, any faith that does not accept Jesus as the Christ of scripture is propagating an Anti-Christ doctrine.
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