"Christianity" in America

Some Christian sects treat their followers very harshly. JWs and the Amish practice shunning. James Dobson wrote a book "Dare to Discipline" about physical punishment. Evangelical authors Michel and Debi Pearl promoted abusing (not their words) children as discipline. Some of these disciplinary measures led to children's deaths. I've heard a lot of people quote the Qur'anic verse about striking a wife yet they're silent about these Christians' beliefs in striking little children.

You'd have to show me hard proof that every Muslim killing is done in the name of Allah because I don't believe it.

"To Train Up a Child" is considered child abuse advocacy by many. It's actually lead to the deaths of some children by its practitioners.

"To Train Up a Child" is considered child abuse advocacy by many. It's actually lead to the deaths of some children by its practitioners.


Exactly. And how about those parent who don't believe in medicine and let their children die from easily-treated conditions? And they do it in God's name.

We had a case here a few years ago where a devout Christian couple adopted two children from Africa and then mistreated them. Here's a link. It'll make you spitting mad.

Exactly. And how about those parent who don't believe in medicine and let their children die from easily-treated conditions? And they do it in God's name.

We had a case here a few years ago where a devout Christian couple adopted two children from Africa and then mistreated them. Here's a link. It'll make you spitting mad.


I am in NO WAY justifying this or condoning it. But there are tens of millions of Christians in the U.S. and if just a couple of random incidents are all that we have as examples of Christians killing in the name of God it hardly shows a religion being taken over by extremists. Again, even one death is too many but nonetheless...
I am in NO WAY justifying this or condoning it. But there are tens of millions of Christians in the U.S. and if just a couple of random incidents are all that we have as examples of Christians killing in the name of God it hardly shows a religion being taken over by extremists. Again, even one death is too many but nonetheless...

Cawacko there are way more than just a few random incidents. They just don't get the same kind of national publicity a Muslim incident gets.
Cawacko there are way more than just a few random incidents. They just don't get the same kind of national publicity a Muslim incident gets.

Not a rhetorical question, how many would you say? I'd honestly love to know because you're right, I don't hear about them.

I'm speaking from ignorance here because I don't know but I'm guessing if Christians were blowing up in buildings in the name of God it would make news. And while we are a majority Christian nation I don't know that most who work in our leading publications are strong Christians so I can't imagine them trying to bury stories to not make Christians look bad.
Not a rhetorical question, how many would you say? I'd honestly love to know because you're right, I don't hear about them.

I'm speaking from ignorance here because I don't know but I'm guessing if Christians were blowing up in buildings in the name of God it would make news. And while we are a majority Christian nation I don't know that most who work in our leading publications are strong Christians so I can't imagine them trying to bury stories to not make Christians look bad.

I wasn't talking about blowing up buildings. I was responding to posts about how Muslims condone rape, murder, and torture in the name of Allah.

Google "Christians and abuse" "Christians and shunning" "Christians and corporal punishment." I'm not saying the majority of Christians do these thing but when they do, it's not publicized as much.

Another one is FGM. People use that as an example of a Muslim-only atrocity when it's not.

Exactly. And how about those parent who don't believe in medicine and let their children die from easily-treated conditions? And they do it in God's name.

We had a case here a few years ago where a devout Christian couple adopted two children from Africa and then mistreated them. Here's a link. It'll make you spitting mad.


I couldn't finish it. And they got probation. WTF. I'm so glad those children have good parents now.
Why do libs love Islam so much? In most Islamic countries, being gay is punishable by death, and women can't drive. Yet you "feminist" love it. Maybe stockholm syndrome?

It's the enemy of my enemy is friend mindset. It's not that many like Islam per se but they dislike right-wing Christians who speak ill of Islam so they stand up for Islam or go after Christianity. (that's not to suggest Christianity is above reproach because it's not but you get the point)
A big round of applause for "the religion of peace"!

Indiana priest kidnapped his own wife, beat her and then raped her in horrific attack: police

An Indianapolis priest — the first of his archdiocese to be ordained despite being married — has been taken into custody for kidnapping his wife, beating her, and then sexually assaulting her after he caught her with another man.

According to Fox43, Father Luke W. Reese, 49, was taken into custody and charged with criminal confinement, kidnapping, domestic battery, and intimidation after he reportedly found his wife in the backseat of a car with a man in 2017.

The report states that Reese, a former Anglican priest who was part of a group ordained into the Catholic Church in 2016, came upon his his wife in the car, ordered her out, then drove around Indianapolis with her as his captive while blasting heavy metal music at her.

According to his wife’s statement to police, Reese drove to Holy Rosary Catholic Church where she said he made her kneel at the altar, claimed he could choke her, then slammed her into a wall before banging her head against their car before driving her to her “90-something-year-old” grandmother’s house to confess.

The wife’s affidavit also states Reese subsequently took her home, ripped off her clothes, then shredded other clothes “that he thought were slutty,” before he raped her.

According to Holy Rosary Catholic Church, Reese is currently taking a leave of absence, saying in a statement: “Father Reese notified me that he was experiencing some personal and family issues which would require a greater amount of his attention,” and admonishing parishioners to respect his privacy with the warning to “mind your own business.”


Yep......a dog bites someone, thus all dogs of that bread are guilty and must be put down. How many times have we witnessed this "selective outrage" form the left? Enlighten us.....just what part of the scriptures declare that its DOCTINE to molest and rape someone? Book, Chapter, and Verse. :palm: Simply because someone pretends and professes something (you on the left should be well versed concerning hypocrisy) does not make them a Christian. Salvation is a continuing endeavor: Faith without works is dead. Does this mean that Faith is worthless, that works are worthless....it simply means that salvation is not possible without either as they complement the true Christian.

Hitler should have demonstrated something to you socialists. Hitler a leftist socialist....who started the fascist Socialist workers party of Germany...i.e., the NAZI party declared he was a Christian and was doing God's work. (: Yet it was a nation constructed upon Judeo/Christian Philosophy that put the nails in his coffin. Which dog best represents Christianity? The nation that defended liberty or the nation that sought to conquer the world though physical violence just like the false religion of Islam that propagates sword point salvation until the world is conquered and under Muslim rule?

Christianity is a spiritual faith/kingdom not a physical kingdom...a spiritual kingdom that rests within the heart of each citizen that claims citizenship in the kingdom of God....i.e., the Christian Church, Christ's church. There is but one true church...the one that takes its doctrine from the word of God. Faith cometh by hearing and hearing by the word of God. Citizenship in that kingdom is granted by a free will choice. One can enter that kingdom or leave that kingdom behind and go back into the world into sin...its a choice between good and evil that all men are free to make. (that is literally what the word Church means.....it means separated from the World). All men sin....as long as the Christ is your advocate that sin is forgiven by grace....but when you stop attempting to live by the word delivered by the Christ, there is no advocacy possible...you have refused that grace as grace is a gift that can be accepted or rejected.
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Why do libs love Islam so much? In most Islamic countries, being gay is punishable by death, and women can't drive. Yet you "feminist" love it. Maybe stockholm syndrome?

People who say we "love" Islam are part of the problem. You all seem to have trouble understanding sweeping generalizations. You paint the entire 1.8 billion Muslims with a broad brush. Do Muslim women in Dearborn MI drive? Until six months ago Saudi Arabia was the only Muslim country where women couldn't drive. And it's not true that being gay is punishable by death "in most Islamic countries." There are 50 Muslim-majority countries and 12 have a death penalty. Now that's twelve too many, but they're making progress even if it's too slow for us.
I couldn't finish it. And they got probation. WTF. I'm so glad those children have good parents now.

Probation because they have a couple of natural children who weren't abused and were young enough to need their mother all the time. This mother claimed that her treatment of the adoptees was obedience-based Christian parenting. Christian parenting that resulted in the baby's loss of vision in one eye. They all need to burn in hell.
It's the enemy of my enemy is friend mindset. It's not that many like Islam per se but they dislike right-wing Christians who speak ill of Islam so they stand up for Islam or go after Christianity. (that's not to suggest Christianity is above reproach because it's not but you get the point)

Yes but if you make friends with the devil, prepare for the worst.
Probation because they have a couple of natural children who weren't abused and were young enough to need their mother all the time. This mother claimed that her treatment of the adoptees was obedience-based Christian parenting. Christian parenting that resulted in the baby's loss of vision in one eye. They all need to burn in hell.

Sometimes I wish there really was such a place. So are the authorities monitoring the other kids closely?