"Christianity" in America

Doesn't change that the principle applies to more than just the Hebrews. I bet you didn't know that?

Based on your minsdet, a Supreme Court decision only applies to those that brought the case.

You think that, do you? Makes no sense. Most of the epistles are written for specific audiences or congregations.
Way to stand up for Islam. So this guy's actions is the equivalent to ISIS and Al-queda. Christianity has been taken over by extremist because this guy best his wife. Excellent analogy

ISIS has bastardized Islam.. Most of those who joined up were criminals, drug addicts, drunks etc. Nothing noble or Islamic in their behavior.
ISIS has bastardized Islam.. Most of those who joined up were criminals, drug addicts, drunks etc. Nothing noble or Islamic in their behavior.

Well Zappa is trying to say this guy's behavior is equavalent and that he did this act in the name of Christianity and god.

I think it goes without saying this is a pretty poor (and that's being kind) analogy
Well Zappa is trying to say this guy's behavior is equavalent and that he did this act in the name of Christianity and god.

I think it goes without saying this is a pretty poor (and that's being kind) analogy

There has never been a shortage of nuts in any faith.....:)
You think that, do you? Makes no sense. Most of the epistles are written for specific audiences or congregations.

I get it. You want things that agree with what you support to be applied as a principle to all other situations yet if you don't agree, it's purely a case by case basis.

I know it, cunt. It's the double standard you leftwing POS practice daily.
There are several mentions in the Bible about killing non-believers.

From the link:

Unlike nearly all of the Old Testament verses of violence, most verses of violence in the Quran are open-ended, meaning that they are not necessarily restrained by historical context contained in the surrounding text (although many Muslims choose to think of them that way). They are part of the eternal, unchanging word of Allah, and just as relevant or subject to interpretation as anything else in the Quran.
Well Zappa is trying to say this guy's behavior is equavalent and that he did this act in the name of Christianity and god.

I think it goes without saying this is a pretty poor (and that's being kind) analogy

All Muslim crime isn't done in the name of Islam and Allah, despite what the detractors want everyone to think.
All Muslim crime isn't done in the name of Islam and Allah, despite what the detractors want everyone to think.

Of course it's not. But we do see Islamic extremists killing in the name of Islam. Zappa claiming this guy beating his wife, and making no mention of God, is the same and that it shows the Christian religion has been hijacked by extremists is an awful analogy
I posted my response to Cawacko on the way out the door to my firefighter meeting. I didn’t have time to elaborate. I want to be clear that the Bible (particularly the NT) doesn’t condemn the rich just because they’re rich. In fact, Christians who happen to be rich were given particular instruction on how to use their riches.

1 Timothy 6:17-19
Instructions to the Rich
Command those who are rich in this present age not to be haughty, nor to trust in uncertain riches but in the living God, who gives us richly all things to enjoy. Let them do good, that they be rich in good works, ready to give, willing to share, storing up for themselves a good foundation for the time to come, that they may lay hold on eternal life.

This wasn’t intended to turn into a Sunday school lesson but it really bothers me to see the misrepresentation of the word some claim to be upholding .... seemingly just for profit, like the Prosperity Doctrine type of stuff. And it gives overall Christianity a bad name, IMO.

Thanks, I definitely agree with you. It's not money that's the root of all evil but the love of money.
Of course it's not. But we do see Islamic extremists killing in the name of Islam. Zappa claiming this guy beating his wife, and making no mention of God, is the same and that it shows the Christian religion has been hijacked by extremists is an awful analogy

Some Christian sects treat their followers very harshly. JWs and the Amish practice shunning. James Dobson wrote a book "Dare to Discipline" about physical punishment. Evangelical authors Michel and Debi Pearl promoted abusing (not their words) children as discipline. Some of these disciplinary measures led to children's deaths. I've heard a lot of people quote the Qur'anic verse about striking a wife yet they're silent about these Christians' beliefs in striking little children.

You'd have to show me hard proof that every Muslim killing is done in the name of Allah because I don't believe it.
Some Christian sects treat their followers very harshly. JWs and the Amish practice shunning. James Dobson wrote a book "Dare to Discipline" about physical punishment. Evangelical authors Michel and Debi Pearl promoted abusing (not their words) children as discipline. Some of these disciplinary measures led to children's deaths. I've heard a lot of people quote the Qur'anic verse about striking a wife yet they're silent about these Christians' beliefs in striking little children.

You'd have to show me hard proof that every Muslim killing is done in the name of Allah because I don't believe it.

I'm not claiming every Muslim killing is done because of God. That's ridiculous. Where does that even come from?