"Christianity" in America

A lot of people at JPP should be more clear.

Yet day after day we are bombarded with one thread after another claiming every follower of Islam is evil, thanks to the actions of a microscopic number of extremists.

It's pretty poor logic to respond with a finger pointing as a justification. We were talking about how you placed your quotes, transposed against the meaning you say you wanted to convey.

As to what posters say or don't say regarding Islam, I have always referred to "radical" Islam in posts/threads about islamic terrorism.
That sounds right. Like PA's Tim Murphy, repub pro-lifer who suggested his extramarital girlfriend get an abortion when she thought she could be pregnant.

There you go. Might explain too why even with a majority at the federal level, they haven't seemed too eager to write any new legislation seeking to tighten up on the procedure.
I posted my response to Cawacko on the way out the door to my firefighter meeting. I didn’t have time to elaborate. I want to be clear that the Bible (particularly the NT) doesn’t condemn the rich just because they’re rich. In fact, Christians who happen to be rich were given particular instruction on how to use their riches.

1 Timothy 6:17-19
Instructions to the Rich
Command those who are rich in this present age not to be haughty, nor to trust in uncertain riches but in the living God, who gives us richly all things to enjoy. Let them do good, that they be rich in good works, ready to give, willing to share, storing up for themselves a good foundation for the time to come, that they may lay hold on eternal life.

This wasn’t intended to turn into a Sunday school lesson but it really bothers me to see the misrepresentation of the word some claim to be upholding .... seemingly just for profit, like the Prosperity Doctrine type of stuff. And it gives overall Christianity a bad name, IMO.
I posted my response to Cawacko on the way out the door to my firefighter meeting. I didn’t have time to elaborate. I want to be clear that the Bible (particularly the NT) doesn’t condemn the rich just because they’re rich. In fact, Christians who happen to be rich were given particular instruction on how to use their riches.

1 Timothy 6:17-19
Instructions to the Rich
Command those who are rich in this present age not to be haughty, nor to trust in uncertain riches but in the living God, who gives us richly all things to enjoy. Let them do good, that they be rich in good works, ready to give, willing to share, storing up for themselves a good foundation for the time to come, that they may lay hold on eternal life.

This wasn’t intended to turn into a Sunday school lesson but it really bothers me to see the misrepresentation of the word some claim to be upholding .... seemingly just for profit, like the Prosperity Doctrine type of stuff. And it gives overall Christianity a bad name, IMO.

Good post, thanks.

Conversely, I have seen/heard many conservatives use Mark 14:7 ("You will always have the poor with you. And whenever you want to, you can give to them. But you won't always have me here with you.") as saying that there's always going to be poor ppl, helping them is optional. It's nearly always used when the topic of social welfare programs is being discussed.
Not sure if you were on here before the election but I received all types of sh*t for being a Republican who wasn't going to/didn't vote for Trump. I got it in real life too. I was told I was a coward from a couple of close family friends for voting for Gary Johnson. So if your belief is you have to vote for one of the two candidates, and third party is "throwing away your vote", then you have to make a choice.

So you get people like LR who is a Pastor and voted for Trump because of guns.

When you're a Republican in CA, your vote doesn't matter either way. If you were a Republican in a swing state, and voted Gary Johnson... you'd be a real turd sandwich :toilet:
Wow, color me impressed. So you were trying to equate Christianity with Islam all along. It must have really chapped your ass when I called it, less than 10 minutes after you started your thread. :laugh:
But you waited until post #119 to "spring your trap", such patience.:laugh::laugh::laugh:

A lot of people at JPP should be more clear.

Yet day after day we are bombarded with one thread after another claiming every follower of Islam is evil, thanks to the actions of a microscopic number of extremists.

Wow, it's like you liberal idiots just can't blame the perpetrator. When an evil person does something evil with a gun, you blame the gun. Now a guy who happens to be a preist does the above and it's Christianity that's too blame. The overwhelming majority of Christians do not condone that type of behavior. Let me guess, your response will either bring up pedophile priests or Islam....
I laughed at your last sentence. One of our former posters used to say "get nine abortions, the 10th one is free" to make fun of some anti-abortion people.

I also wonder how many conservative women are secretly pro-choice but afraid to speak out about it. Obviously con women have abortions.

killing babies always gets Chrispy excited.......
I vaguely recall Christ advising someone to sell all that he has, give to the poor, and "follow Me," but "when the young man heard that saying, he went away sorrowful: for he had great possessions. (23) Then said Jesus unto his disciples, Verily I say unto you, That a rich man shall hardly enter into the kingdom of heaven." (Matthew 19: 22-23)

Considering the vast wealth accumulated by so many "men" (and women) of god, it almost makes you wonder if they even believe in heaven and hell because they sure don't behave as if they do.
Considering the vast wealth accumulated by so many "men" (and women) of god, it almost makes you wonder if they even believe in heaven and hell because they sure don't behave as if they do.

Billy Graham's net worth was pretty astonishing and he was always promoting wars with his access to the WH. He was gung ho for the invasion of Iraq.
Quote Originally Posted by ThatOwlWoman View Post
I vaguely recall Christ advising someone to sell all that he has, give to the poor, and "follow Me," but "when the young man heard that saying, he went away sorrowful: for he had great possessions. (23) Then said Jesus unto his disciples, Verily I say unto you, That a rich man shall hardly enter into the kingdom of heaven." (Matthew 19: 22-23)
That's the verse I always think of too.

thats the difference between us then, I always think of the verses that follow.....
25 When the disciples heard this, they were greatly astonished and asked, “Who then can be saved?”

26 Jesus looked at them and said, “With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.”
Considering the vast wealth accumulated by so many "men" (and women) of god, it almost makes you wonder if they even believe in heaven and hell because they sure don't behave as if they do.

No, it's just a racket to make themselves fabulously wealthy, thanks to the generosity of the American taxpayers and our tax code that lets them live off the rest of us tax-free.
Billy Graham's net worth was pretty astonishing and he was always promoting wars with his access to the WH. He was gung ho for the invasion of Iraq.

Why, do you think?

I was pretty appalled when, after his passing, I learned that he was extremely wealthy. Kind of shattered my perception of him as a man of god. My mom liked him quite a bit and had several of his books, listened to him on the radio, and occasionally sent donations as well for his supposed missionary work. They were the same age.
Why, do you think?

I was pretty appalled when, after his passing, I learned that he was extremely wealthy. Kind of shattered my perception of him as a man of god. My mom liked him quite a bit and had several of his books, listened to him on the radio, and occasionally sent donations as well for his supposed missionary work. They were the same age.

I think he was at heart an opportunist......
No, it's just a racket to make themselves fabulously wealthy, thanks to the generosity of the American taxpayers and our tax code that lets them live off the rest of us tax-free.

You mean like the millions upon millions of social welfare freeloaders that, thanks to the tax code, live off the rest of us for nothing?