"Christianity" in America

I hope we get some worthy responses. It's something I've puzzled over myself since The Great Turd came to be Kin... er, POTUS.

My husband's family are mostly fundie Xtians and conservatives as well. The only one of them I felt I could discuss this with during the election cycle was his youngest sister, we're pretty tight. She is a one-issue voter and that issue is abortion. She wanted someone who would fill that empty SCt seat with a conservative justice who just might overturn Roe v Wade. She agrees with me that Trump is a disgusting swine and probably not Christian in the least -- but if elected she would get the conservative justice she wanted.

It's people like that who freaked about the idea that if Hillary won she'd get a liberal justice. And not that long ago someone here said SCOTUS is supposed to rule without bias. If that were possible we'd need only one justice.

I'm not all the familiar with the prosperity gospel but am I mistaken in my understanding that it came about as a way to reach a new audience? Or basically Christianity had slow growth in this country and this was a way to reach out to new people.
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Hillary is a christian who actually goes to church. The people at the church Trump claims, have never seen him there. If religion ios your basis, of course you should have voted her over a time married liar.

Yep, Hillary's been in prayer groups and Bible study groups for decades. She was raised a Methodist and still practices..
I'm not all the familiar with the prosperity gospel but I am mistaken in my understanding that it came about as a way to reach a new audience? Or basically Christianity had slow growth in this country and this was a way to reach out to new people.

Yes sir. I think you are correct. The book “The Prayer Of Jabez” is another. I think both pedal the false notion that if one is just a good Christian and just prays that God “enlarge his borders” he will have riches here on earth. I can’t find that type of teaching in the Bible no matter how hard I twist it and wring it. But it has made Mr. Wilkinson and Mr. Olsteen a lot of money.

Now I’m not going to be the judge of anyone in the final say but I can judge teaching by the book.
It's people like that who freaked about the idea that if Hillary won she'd get a liberal justice. And not that long ago someone here said SCOTUS is supposed to rule without bias. If that were possible we'd need only one justice.

I know, right? I don't think the abortion-issue voters are very well informed about how the whole SCt review process even works. They can't just get a majority of anti-abortion justices who just declare out of the blue that that's it, no more abortion. A case has to wind its way through all the lower levels of the court system before they can even agree to hear it. After 44 years it's pretty unlikely that a case will make it over all those hurdles to the SCt.

And what did they think would happen if Hillary *had* appointed a "liberal" justice? Mandatory abortions?
I'm not all the familiar with the prosperity gospel but I am mistaken in my understanding that it came about as a way to reach a new audience? Or basically Christianity had slow growth in this country and this was a way to reach out to new people.

It's more like a new way to fleece the flock. In essence it's some sort of spiritual pyramid scheme wherein you give away some of your wealth (preferably to the evangelist) and then God will magically bless you with lots more riches and goodies. "It works! Just look at MY $14M mansion, yacht, plane, plastic-surgery-enhanced wife, and new cars!"
I know, right? I don't think the abortion-issue voters are very well informed about how the whole SCt review process even works. They can't just get a majority of anti-abortion justices who just declare out of the blue that that's it, no more abortion. A case has to wind its way through all the lower levels of the court system before they can even agree to hear it. After 44 years it's pretty unlikely that a case will make it over all those hurdles to the SCt.

And what did they think would happen if Hillary *had* appointed a "liberal" justice? Mandatory abortions?

I laughed at your last sentence. One of our former posters used to say "get nine abortions, the 10th one is free" to make fun of some anti-abortion people.

I also wonder how many conservative women are secretly pro-choice but afraid to speak out about it. Obviously con women have abortions.
I know, right? I don't think the abortion-issue voters are very well informed about how the whole SCt review process even works. They can't just get a majority of anti-abortion justices who just declare out of the blue that that's it, no more abortion. A case has to wind its way through all the lower levels of the court system before they can even agree to hear it. After 44 years it's pretty unlikely that a case will make it over all those hurdles to the SCt.

And what did they think would happen if Hillary *had* appointed a "liberal" justice? Mandatory abortions?

Judges are important to a lot of people. You can read threads on this board the day before the election where that was probably the biggest topic.
Yes sir. I think you are correct. The book “The Prayer Of Jabez” is another. I think both pedal the false notion that if one is just a good Christian and just prays that God “enlarge his borders” he will have riches here on earth. I can’t find that type of teaching in the Bible no matter how hard I twist it and wring it. But it has made Mr. Wilkinson and Mr. Olsteen a lot of money.

Now I’m not going to be the judge of anyone in the final say but I can judge teaching by the book.

I vaguely recall Christ advising someone to sell all that he has, give to the poor, and "follow Me," but "when the young man heard that saying, he went away sorrowful: for he had great possessions. (23) Then said Jesus unto his disciples, Verily I say unto you, That a rich man shall hardly enter into the kingdom of heaven." (Matthew 19: 22-23)
I vaguely recall Christ advising someone to sell all that he has, give to the poor, and "follow Me," but "when the young man heard that saying, he went away sorrowful: for he had great possessions. (23) Then said Jesus unto his disciples, Verily I say unto you, That a rich man shall hardly enter into the kingdom of heaven." (Matthew 19: 22-23)

That's the verse I always think of too.
I'm guessing it's a send-up pitched to people who start threads about Muslims who commit crimes and say the religion is to blame.

Is that what he said? He expressly stated HIS reason for the quotes and you still ha e to guess?

Is there any length you won't go to in order to not criticize some you politically agree with?

Comey on Christiekins, you can do better.
Is that what he said? He expressly stated HIS reason for the quotes and you still ha e to guess?

Is there any length you won't go to in order to not criticize some you politically agree with?

Comey on Christiekins, you can do better.

What was his reason? All I saw was "a big round of applause for the religion of peace."

Btw yurtsie, did you catch this thread? https://www.justplainpolitics.com/showthread.php?91990-Deceptive-God-Incompetent-Messiah

How about this one? https://www.justplainpolitics.com/showthread.php?92001-There-is-only-one-cure

Would you call this poster a Christian?
I laughed at your last sentence. One of our former posters used to say "get nine abortions, the 10th one is free" to make fun of some anti-abortion people.
I also wonder how many conservative women are secretly pro-choice but afraid to speak out about it. Obviously con women have abortions.

I imagine that the ones with integrity probably just don't say anything about it. The hypocrites are out there marching with the pro-lifers at PP clinics.
I imagine that the ones with integrity probably just don't say anything about it. The hypocrites are out there marching with the pro-lifers at PP clinics.

That sounds right. Like PA's Tim Murphy, repub pro-lifer who suggested his extramarital girlfriend get an abortion when she thought she could be pregnant.