"Christianity" in America

You don't have to go back in time very far at all to find plenty of ppl who would vehemently disagree with you. We have indigenous elders here in this area that would quietly tell you how very wrong you are about that. Children were forcibly taken from their families, forced into "boarding schools" where they were forbidden to speak their language or practice their spirituality, beaten, deprived of food and love, and in some cases they died. This was within your lifetime, and mine.


I should have been more clear and said I was referring to actions in the OP. That was my fault
I think there must be lots of Americans who never knew about the Indian schools.

I learned about them many years ago but had no idea of the extent of the abuse, or that the kids going to them were not there by choice. This isn't taught in the white world, at least to youngsters.
I learned about them many years ago but had no idea of the extent of the abuse, or that the kids going to them were not there by choice. This isn't taught in the white world, at least to youngsters.

I learned about it in my 30s when I met my daughter's classmate's mother who had been in an Indian school.
It's the enemy of my enemy is friend mindset. It's not that many like Islam per se but they dislike right-wing Christians who speak ill of Islam so they stand up for Islam or go after Christianity. (that's not to suggest Christianity is above reproach because it's not but you get the point)

I disagree. You don't have to dislike Christianity to dislike lies about other religions.
I disagree. You don't have to dislike Christianity to dislike lies about other religions.

I don't see any Democrats on this board (small sample size I know when just talking about this board) calling out fellow Democrats who are atheists when they say negative comments or lies about Christianity (edit: other than Owl in this post). Hell, Owl was the only person in this thread that I saw (granted I've missed a number of posts) that called out Zap's lie that this act was done in the name of Christianity and shows Christianity has been taken over by extremists.
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are you going to pretend Dare to Discipline is the equivalent of honor killing?.......

Do you even read threads or do you just pick out comments by people you dislike and respond to them without looking at context?

This wasn't even meant to be a comparison to honor killing, except in your own mind.
so is honor killing in Missouri......Dobsen promoted setting firm guidelines about child behavior and upholding them with non-physical punishment.....Chrispy thinks not treating them equally is hypocritical....

Dobsen advocates physical punishment of children if it's done "lovingly and properly." I think that's just sick.

Is Spanking Healthy Discipline?

By Dr. James Dobson

Question: It just seems barbaric to cause pain to a defenseless child. Tell me why you think it is healthy to spank him or her.

Corporal punishment, when used lovingly and properly, is beneficial to a child because it is in harmony with nature itself.
Why don't you understand that this is cultural and existed long before Islam?

So you're good with a culture that discriminates and beats women?

Mike Pence says he doesn't sit at a table alone with a women, and you lib feminists lose it and put vaginias on your head.
So you're good with a culture that discriminates and beats women?

Mike Pence says he doesn't sit at a table alone with a women, and you lib feminists lose it and put vaginias on your head.

Cultural means it's not limited to Muslims. Just like FGM in Africa is also practiced by Christians.