Christians are anti-science.

No matter how many lies Trump spouts at the debate on Tuesday, no matter how many childish attacks he launches or how many fits of rage he has when Biden bests him, you'll think he won the debate. And when he loses the election, you'll be convinced that it was due to cheating on some level.

Biden has never bested Trump at anything...and he has had 40+ years in government to try.
I gave you a definition of a god. Do you have any other?

The point is that there is no concrete definition. There are many religions and many claims of deities, and even within your Christianity, there are different definitions of "god."

Your definition of "god" is based in your particular religious beliefs. Strip away the religious belief, and what's left of your definition? Nothing, because you can't construct a purely philosophical definition of "god" that means anything in any context.
No, dude. It is YOU that is denying the 1st and 2nd laws of thermodynamics and the Stefan-Boltzmann law. You cannot just discard these theories of science in favor of your religion.

I don't have any religion. Also, what the fuck are talking about? You do realize that there is only one major political party in the world that actively and openly denies science, don't you? And it ain't the Democrats.
I wouldn't have an "excuse,"
I told you that I acknowledge your total and utter denial. You have been deluded into believing Biden has already essentially won. I get it.
So what will be your excuse (i.e. future tense)? Obviously you can't be using it yet (i.e. in the present); the reality of Trump's win hasn't set in yet. What will be your excuse for nothing you imagine actually materializing? Who will you blame for you getting it sooooo wrong? You clearly can't own up to the fact that you are a clueless and totally manipulated tool who has others doing his thinking for him ... so what will you claim instead and who will you blame?

But if he does win, it will only be with the electoral college again.
Bing-bing-bing ... we have a winner! That's how all Presidents get elected in this country. Both candidates are fully aware of this, by the way. Both political parties are fully aware of this, by the way.

There's no way he will win the popular vote.
... nor will Trump win the Governor's race in New Hampshire, i.e. he's not running in that race either. Trump is running for President which is determined by the electoral college (see previous point).

But I'm confident he'll lose because Americans are fatigued by him.
Yes, yes, you are in total denial and totally delusional. America can't get enough of Trump making America great. Only TDS-afflicted morons obsess over what Trump retweeted or what some anti-Trump hack claims Trump said. Americans are, for the most part, focused on Trump's list of substantive accomplishments that many initally mistake for War and Peace (it's very long). They will be voting for more of that. Perhaps you missed all the overfilled Trump rallies. Each one sees many thousands unable to even get in because of the huge numbers who drive from out of state to attend, even on very short notice. Nobody needs to be bussed in as they do for DNC candidates for whom very few will be voting.

So, underlying your delusional fantasy of a Biden victory, when your bubble bursts, who will you blame ... besides yourself, of course? Will you hold the people at the DNC who are doing your thinking for you accountable for the misinformation they have been feeding you.
I told you that I acknowledge your total and utter denial. You have been deluded into believing Biden has already essentially won. I get it.
So what will be your excuse (i.e. future tense)? Obviously you can't be using it yet (i.e. in the present); the reality of Trump's win hasn't set in yet. What will be your excuse for nothing you imagine actually materializing? Who will you blame for you getting it sooooo wrong? You clearly can't own up to the fact that you are a clueless and totally manipulated tool who has others doing his thinking for him ... so what will you claim instead and who will you blame?

Bing-bing-bing ... we have a winner! That's how all Presidents get elected in this country. Both candidates are fully aware of this, by the way. Both political parties are fully aware of this, by the way.

... nor will Trump win the Governor's race in New Hampshire, i.e. he's not running in that race either. Trump is running for President which is determined by the electoral college (see previous point).

Yes, yes, you are in total denial and totally delusional. America can't get enough of Trump making America great. Only TDS-afflicted morons obsess over what Trump retweeted or what some anti-Trump hack claims Trump said. Americans are, for the most part, focused on Trump's list of substantive accomplishments that many initally mistake for War and Peace (it's very long). They will be voting for more of that. Perhaps you missed all the overfilled Trump rallies. Each one sees many thousands unable to even get in because of the huge numbers who drive from out of state to attend, even on very short notice. Nobody needs to be bussed in as they do for DNC candidates for whom very few will be voting.

So, underlying your delusional fantasy of a Biden victory, when your bubble bursts, who will you blame ... besides yourself, of course? Will you hold the people at the DNC who are doing your thinking for you accountable for the misinformation they have been feeding you.

I skimmed this post. Lots of attacks and strawmen here. What are we even discussing at this point? I've become indifferent.
I don't have any religion.
You are a die-hard worshiper of a fanatical Global Warming faith that is based on hatred and intolerance and that targets scientifically illiterate losers for recruitment. You, obviously, fell for the pitch and allowed yourself to be indoctrinated. That's why you should have learned your science and not remained an uneducated moron.

You do realize that there is only one major political party in the world that actively and openly denies science, don't you? And it ain't the Democrats.
Too funny! This is more of what the DNC, who does your thinking for you, has told you to regurgitate. The fact is that the DNC targets the scientifically illiterate masses like yourself and tells them to believe that they are science geniuses and that the Republicans are the science deniers. You, being scientifically illiterate yourself, and extremely gullible, absorb without question what you are ordered to regurgitate and spout it off at every opportunity like a good and OBEDIENT member of the congregation.

The DNC has the highest concentration of active science deniers. Why don't you bring your most educated Democrats and show me to be wrong.

What's that? Did I just hear you mumble some sort of excuse under your breath? Did you just try to rationalize some sort of lame justification for getting out of throwing this back in my face to my utter humiliation?

Bring it on Mr. Science genius. Bring it on. All the Christians I know understand science much better than you, so back up your claim that Republicans are somehow the stupid ones, not you. Back it up, moron. Back it up.
You are a die-hard worshiper of a fanatical Global Warming faith that is based on hatred and intolerance and that targets scientifically illiterate losers for recruitment. You, obviously, fell for the pitch and allowed yourself to be indoctrinated. That's why you should have learned your science and not remained an uneducated moron.

Too funny! This is more of what the DNC, who does your thinking for you, has told you to regurgitate. The fact is that the DNC targets the scientifically illiterate masses like yourself and tells them to believe that they are science geniuses and that the Republicans are the science deniers. You, being scientifically illiterate yourself, and extremely gullible, absorb without question what you are ordered to regurgitate and spout it off at every opportunity like a good and OBEDIENT member of the congregation.

The DNC has the highest concentration of active science deniers. Why don't you bring your most educated Democrats and show me to be wrong.

What's that? Did I just hear you mumble some sort of excuse under your breath? Did you just try to rationalize some sort of lame justification for getting out of throwing this back in my face to my utter humiliation?

Bring it on Mr. Science genius. Bring it on. All the Christians I know understand science much better than you, so back up your claim that Republicans are somehow the stupid ones, not you. Back it up, moron. Back it up.

Wow. There is a lot of anger in your post. I wonder if there is a deeper issue going on with you.

Anyway, here's an atmospheric physicist laughing at deniers like yourself.

I skimmed this post. Lots of attacks and strawmen here.
No stawmen in my post, just your EVASION here. My posts are really for the benefit of others since I don't think you can really read, as you pretty much demonstrate here. Just keep "not reading."

What are we even discussing at this point?
How Trump will win in November and how the DNC's base is full of mindless morons who have become self-deluded.

I've become indifferent.
You remain an uneducated moron who never really knows quite what to think ... which is why you turned over your thinking to others.
Wow. There is a lot of anger in your post.
Did the words "Too funny!" give you that impression. I already told you that I don't expect you to be able to read.

I wonder if there is a deeper issue going on with you.
Well yes, there is deeper thinking going on with me. I have never turned my thinking over to anyone else. I am not totally gullible like you.

Anyway, here's an atmospheric physicist laughing at deniers like yourself.
Great. Bring this guy to this board so I can pick him apart in front of you. I'll only need about five minutes.

Losers like yourself think that doing a face-palm automatically wins the argument, specifically because you see that there's no thinking involved on your part. Find your "thmartetht thienth geniuth" who can best argue/preach Greenhouse Effect so I can rip him a new one. We all know that you aren't that guy.
Did the words "Too funny!" give you that impression. I already told you that I don't expect you to be able to read.

Well yes, there is deeper thinking going on with me. I have never turned my thinking over to anyone else. I am not totally gullible like you.

Great. Bring this guy to this board so I can pick him apart in front of you. I'll only need about five minutes.

Losers like yourself think that doing a face-palm automatically wins the argument, specifically because you see that there's no thinking involved on your part. Find your "thmartetht thienth geniuth" who can best argue/preach Greenhouse Effect so I can rip him a new one. We all know that you aren't that guy.

Let's get serious here for a moment.

You posit that the entire international scientific community is lying about global warming.

Why? What motive would they have?
Must have been one of your other "personalities".
I don't post under any other names or accounts and I haven't for over a decade. Nobody else has any problem discerning me from others. Nobody else has a problem discerning atheists from Christians. Nobody else has problems recognizing huge, glaring differences.

The problem is on your end. This is why you can only bash on others ... because everyone else is the same person in your mind; you cannot discern differences and cannot tell people apart. You are relegated to wandering around in confusion. At least you admit to it.

Just for laughs, why do you believe that I am someone else? Refresh my memory.
Let's get serious here for a moment.
What do you mean? ... like "grim"?

You posit that the entire international scientific community is lying about global warming.
I hate to break it to you. There is no "Justice League"-type of organization of superheroes called the International Scientific Community. If there were then I'd be in it. You are gullible and naive.

This is what happened. You are a loser and you are desperate to be/feel important and relevant. Some recruiters for the Church of Global Warming prescreened you for scientific illiteracy and you passed with flying colors. They therefore advanced to phase II and actively pursued your recruitment with standard disinformation that plays on your ego and on your gullibility. They told you that you could become a scientific genius and become an important planet-saving superhero in the Climate Justice League! The price for admission, you were told, was trivial. All you had to do was to believe with all your heart that you were a scienctific genius and a Climate Justice superhero and it would become TRUE! If you were to ever waiver in your faith, you were told, even for a second, all your superpowers would vanish, so you cling to your faith with a G.I. Joe Kung Fu grip. Of course your clergy will be periodically updating the faith you must believe and you are required to regurgitate what you are told ... lest the clock strike midnight and you return to being a mere mortal denier.

The ones who are lying are the ones who are doing your thinking for you. There is no science supporting your stupid religion. No body of matter in the universe can spontaneously increase in temperature without additional energy. That is truly basic science. You are the one being scammed. You can verify this by noting that you are still a scientifically illiterate moron who has never been presented with any science supporting what you are told to believe. You know that the first thing you are taught in any science class ... is SCIENCE. You, on the other hand, were happy just to be told what to believe under the auspices of it being "thettled thienth" without ever once demanding to be shown any science. You have never once asked me to explain any actual science to you so you can't claim that you have ever actually looked into the matter beyond asking those who do your thinking for you exactly what you are to believe.

Why? What motive would they have?
To control you as they are successfully doing. They have made you proud of the mindless warmizombie that you have become.
Translation: I know I'd lose that bet because I'm talking out of my ass.
Translation: I had better not take him up on his bet because he's going to win ... but I have to make it appear as though he's at fault somehow.

I prefer money.
Irrelevant. For when you lose, only what I want is relevant. But it's moot since you are already weaseling out of the bet you yourself proposed! Too funny! Let me know when something changes, like you start being honest.

I don't post under any other names or accounts and I haven't for over a decade. Nobody else has any problem discerning me from others. Nobody else has a problem discerning atheists from Christians. Nobody else has problems recognizing huge, glaring differences.

The problem is on your end. This is why you can only bash on others ... because everyone else is the same person in your mind; you cannot discern differences and cannot tell people apart. You are relegated to wandering around in confusion. At least you admit to it.

Just for laughs, why do you believe that I am someone else? Refresh my memory.

Your honesty is underwhelming since you've already made several false statements directly against me and others. "Never trust a liar" is good advice.

You forget that your fake forum is not only open for all to read, but for anyone to join. ;)
Translation: I had better not take him up on his bet because he's going to win ... but I have to make it appear as though he's at fault somehow.

Irrelevant. For when you lose, only what I want is relevant. But it's moot since you are already weaseling out of the bet you yourself proposed! Too funny! Let me know when something changes, like you start being honest.[/QUOTE]You forget that everyone can see you refused the bet terms first....even before you asked about payment and amounts. Since you are a well known liar and bullshitter, why should anyone trust you about anything?

[QUOTE="IBDaMann, post: 3927282, member: 8245"][QUOTE="Dutch Uncle, post: 3928107, member: 8069"]Care to make another bet on that?[/QUOTE]I don't want your money. I want you to change your signature block to the graphic I make for you ... for six weeks.

What do you mean? ... like "grim"?

I hate to break it to you. There is no "Justice League"-type of organization of superheroes called the International Scientific Community. If there were then I'd be in it. You are gullible and naive.

This is what happened. You are a loser and you are desperate to be/feel important and relevant. Some recruiters for the Church of Global Warming prescreened you for scientific illiteracy and you passed with flying colors. They therefore advanced to phase II and actively pursued your recruitment with standard disinformation that plays on your ego and on your gullibility. They told you that you could become a scientific genius and become an important planet-saving superhero in the Climate Justice League! The price for admission, you were told, was trivial. All you had to do was to believe with all your heart that you were a scienctific genius and a Climate Justice superhero and it would become TRUE! If you were to ever waiver in your faith, you were told, even for a second, all your superpowers would vanish, so you cling to your faith with a G.I. Joe Kung Fu grip. Of course your clergy will be periodically updating the faith you must believe and you are required to regurgitate what you are told ... lest the clock strike midnight and you return to being a mere mortal denier.

The ones who are lying are the ones who are doing your thinking for you. There is no science supporting your stupid religion. No body of matter in the universe can spontaneously increase in temperature without additional energy. That is truly basic science. You are the one being scammed. You can verify this by noting that you are still a scientifically illiterate moron who has never been presented with any science supporting what you are told to believe. You know that the first thing you are taught in any science class ... is SCIENCE. You, on the other hand, were happy just to be told what to believe under the auspices of it being "thettled thienth" without ever once demanding to be shown any science. You have never once asked me to explain any actual science to you so you can't claim that you have ever actually looked into the matter beyond asking those who do your thinking for you exactly what you are to believe.

To control you as they are successfully doing. They have made you proud of the mindless warmizombie that you have become.

And you wonder why nobody takes you seriously.