ChristieFan banned?

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usaloyal has chosen to not come back- this board had run its course...sorry tom no more orgasm's over the idea of a perma ban :(

ah yes the ole "you can't fire me I quit" excuse.

She doesn't really have a choice at her disposal, despite whatever delusions she may have.
Salutations, I haven't forgotten your charming banter with Abrystal, regarding Christie, about double penetration and sloppy seconds on the old AOL board.

And your recolection has what to do with this??

By the way; I never uttered the phrase "double penetration", that was Chrispie who assigned the words.
I do wish you wouldn't respond to that oaf. I have him on ignore and can go for days oblivious to his obscene existence.
Why has Christie been banned? For years she has been attacked by the wicked witch of the west and her slightly larger Ice Dancer, or the Hater Skater as I like to call her. Anything Christie did will, I'm sure, be out of a degree of frustration that those two warped females continue unadmonished.
You have punished the victim here, Damo. This has been going on since way back on the AOL forum. There are only two people who should be banned or at least threatened with banning, USLoyal and it appears she has gone already, and her drooling, motorcycling village idiot of Phoenix, Dumbo.
Oh, and possibly myself.

OH, look!!
NoIQ has his panties in a knot and apparently it has slipped really deep into his backside.
Says who, Tempie...YOU? The Damned (Fool Posing as a ) Yankee? Yurt? The clumsy Ice Dancer? :o
Yeah, YOUR opinion and a Metro Card will only get you on the bus, Tempie. But do continue to piss in the wind over your compadre the Loyal End....I'll just enjoy another one biting the dust! (Christie has the OPTION of coming back, the Loyal End wussed out as expected). :thup:

I can see that reminding you of your continual spankings has you worked up.
You really need to come to grips, with the truth.
Can you explain to this troll, once again, whether or not you perma-banned Loyal?
Thank you

Not particularly. I said I was pretty much done with the subject before.

One can come back, the other chose to ask to cancel their account and will not return with that username. Whether we were going to permanently ban her is moot at that point.
Not particularly. I said I was pretty much done with the subject before.

One can come back, the other chose to ask to cancel their account and will not return with that username. Whether we were going to permanently ban her is moot at that point.

This is the first time I've ever seen you back away from something that you stated earlier and that was that you hadn't perma-banned Loyal; but instead she had asked you to delete her account.
This is the first time I've ever seen you back away from something that you stated earlier and that was that you hadn't perma-banned Loyal; but instead she had asked you to delete her account.

I haven't "backed away" from anything. Please re-read my posts in this thread. This conversation is done, at least for me it is.
Grind has definitely made a good point in a private conversation between us... and I have decided to explain further, even though it goes against my grain to constantly talk about this kind of stuff once it has been done. So here is what happened.

I originally banned usaloyal for a week, so we could make a decision. During deliberation we decided that what she had done went beyond the level of acceptable and to perma-ban her. However at the same time I received an e-mail to cancel her account. Because of that the account was canceled as she requested.

Christiefan crossed a line, but not one that was quite as bad. I banned her for a week, and that ban stood as she didn't quite go as far when crossing that line.

So, that is where we stand now.
Grind has definitely made a good point in a private conversation between us... and I have decided to explain further, even though it goes against my grain to constantly talk about this kind of stuff once it has been done. So here is what happened.

I originally banned usaloyal for a week, so we could make a decision. During deliberation we decided that what she had done went beyond the level of acceptable and to perma-ban her. However at the same time I received an e-mail to cancel her account. Because of that the account was canceled as she requested.

Christiefan crossed a line, but not one that was quite as bad. I banned her for a week, and that ban stood as she didn't quite go as far when crossing that line.

So, that is where we stand now.

Next time I notice someone banned, I'll just keep my mouth shut. lol This thread got sorta wild, didn't it?
I was banned for posting truthful information. Solitary perm-banned himself out of embarrassment, then opened a new account two weeks later claiming to be someone else. What a fucking liar.

The important thing is you've managed to get over it and get on with your posting life.

It would be terribly embarrassing if you'd have been obsessed with it for years, bringing it back up at every opportunity and making yourself look like a massive twat.
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