ChristieFan banned?

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Seriously, there is such a short list of things which can get you banned, and Damn Southerner goes and deliberately violates one, and he isn't still banned... why?

Fucking Bullshit, Damo. :rant:

You serious? Watching DY self pwn every week is funnier than the yurtard show.
Who lied? You should be banned - absolute truth.

You also lied that the Solitary account was banned. It was deleted because some creepy sociopath was stalking it.

Solitary lied. And now with your last post you lied. I said that he was banned, meaning that he lost his posting privileges on that account.
Solitary lied. And now with your last post you lied. I said that he was banned, meaning that he lost his posting privileges on that account.

YOu said I was banned. I had my account closed. If I had been banned I would not have been able to open a new account on the same email with Damo's knowledge of who I was.

And no, you were not banned for telling the truth. In fact, your insistence that you were is a lie. You were banned for posting personal information.
But then, DY lying is not new.

He said Solitary was banned.
He said Solitary lost his job because of his posting here.
He said Solitary's wife left him.

Hmmm, how many other lies DY? I mean, if you are going to get all upset about lies, how about you own some of yours? I admitted I lied about being Solitary. I closed that account for a specific reason, and telling everyone I was Solitary would defeat that reason.

You, on the other hand, had no reason to lie that I lost my job. No reason to lie that I was banned. And no reason to lie that my wife had left me.

So if you want to talk about someone needing to "man-up", you need to do it yourself.
I'm from Detroit. Redneck isn't a southern thing, its closer to a blue collar thing. Damn Prole is just that, a fucking prole.

Well said. There are rednacks all over. If you are from the northeast, look at those guys wearing the plaid jackets and the hats with flaps. In Alabama they would be wearing a t-shirt without sleeves and a NASCAR ballcap.
Originally Posted by Taichiliberal
Fair enough. Thanks. You're describing a range war that has spanned a decade and (at least) 3 different discussion boards. Small wonder this didn't happen sooner, and one of the reasons I thank God and the creators of this format for the IA option. I hope Christie does come back and resists placating that silliness in the future. Good riddance to the USAloyal.

Yeah; I can see why you're so happy, seeing as how she pretty regularly spanked your ass.

Says who, Tempie...YOU? The Damned (Fool Posing as a ) Yankee? Yurt? The clumsy Ice Dancer? :o
Yeah, YOUR opinion and a Metro Card will only get you on the bus, Tempie. But do continue to piss in the wind over your compadre the Loyal End....I'll just enjoy another one biting the dust! (Christie has the OPTION of coming back, the Loyal End wussed out as expected). :thup:
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Originally Posted by Taichiliberal
USAloyal is part of the cabal of characters that have plagued several discussion boards for over a decade. That he was banned and bluffs that he chooses not to come back is a lame as all of his arguments....and there's NOT a damned thing YOU can do about it accept slip and fall on the ice while trying to dance around that simple truth. Good riddance to bad rubbish.

Hey dork puss...a 6th grade're improving, ID ;)ask Damo. I already did, genius, and he gave me a proper should check the threads before you type a response as it would lessen your stupidity. Loyal chose to stay away as her stupid ban was over yesterday.

No shit sherlock, I acknowledged as much.....I'm just surmising it's part of her immature and intellectually dishonest personality to stamp her widdle feet and throw a hissy fit because someone dared to make her mind her manners. Whatever excuse she gives that helps her (and evidently YOU) sleep at night is of little consequence to me. She's outta here...good riddance to bad rubbish. Now, continue to slip and sprawl, my silly Ice Dancer.
Originally Posted by Taichiliberal
USAloyal is part of the cabal of characters that have plagued several discussion boards for over a decade. That he was banned and bluffs that he chooses not to come back is a lame as all of his arguments....and there's NOT a damned thing YOU can do about it accept slip and fall on the ice while trying to dance around that simple truth. Good riddance to bad rubbish.

I agree but I don't know how many times you have been told that he is a she.

Like I give a flying fuck! She's outta here, which is good enough for me....but how much you want to bet that her compadres are begging her to come back just for pure grudge points?
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