Cindy McCain says she will never release her finances

BS. The reason she said that is because people are calling for her to release the records.

As it stands, does she deserve no privacy?

As for Teresa Heinz, she refused as well, it was online petitions and other things that "demanded" it.

I can't believe you asked if she deserves privacy. You mean like Hillary got in the 90's, like that? You mean like they gave to Heinz-Kerry?

And I assume that these same people are now busy circulating petitions about Cindy, right?

I can't believe you asked if she deserves privacy. You mean like Hillary got in the 90's, like that? You mean like they gave to Heinz-Kerry?

And I assume that these same people are now busy circulating petitions about Cindy, right?

I asked it in the same vein as that. It wasn't a partisan question.
I think she release a couple of pages if I'm not mistaken.
Yeah, I was trying to correct that.

she released some of the records, saying that releasing all of them would also release info on her sons. Total BS too. Taxes on a trust only show the filer's information.
did hillary release hers when she was first lady to bill? i never saw the whitewater stuff.

Chap, heinz-kerry had to release hers. Cindy Mccain will play by the same rules. Period.

I dont even want to get into the fact that you and I paid many millions of dollars to investigate every paper the first lady ever touched duriing the 90's. If you can even ask that question, you were asleep, so whatever.

But four years ago, Heniz-Kerry was forced to release hers, and Cindy mcCain will be no different. That's all.

Liberals aren't forced to play by different rules than Republicans anymore. We used to have to, but then came the internet.
She's may not be giving the campaign any cash, but she is certainly helping the campaign by providing it access to her corporate jets and such. Flying around the country non-stop isn't free.
Well, that horse has left the barn, sorry.
If it was "wrong" before why would that change now?

I don't suggest that she shouldn't have to. Just that if we want people to act a certain way, we should expect it from ourselves too.
If it was "wrong" before why would that change now?

I don't suggest that she shouldn't have to. Just that if we want people to act a certain way, we should expect it from ourselves too.

Yes. We should live in a world where Republicans throw every filth they can dream up at democrats, and people like me should say "that's wrong!" and then when we are running, we should say "I'm not going to do that, that's wrong!" and lose, and then the Republicans can throw every filth at us again while we comfort ourselves with "That's wrong!", and then we can have one party rule, which will make you happy, while you pretend otherwise and I can go to bed with my morals. know, we can try something different.
Yes. We should live in a world where Republicans throw every filth they can dream up at democrats, and people like me should say "that's wrong!" and then when we are running, we should say "I'm not going to do that, that's wrong!" and lose, and then the Republicans can throw every filth at us again while we comfort ourselves with "That's wrong!", and then we can have one party rule, which will make you happy, while you pretend otherwise and I can go to bed with my morals. know, we can try something different.
We should live in a world where people reject the "filth" rather than rub it on themselves and proclaim it "justice".