Conservatives may have to create a new party after the GOP became ‘corrupted’ by Trump, Liz Cheney suggests

Give me the proof that Trump is a pedophile, a rapist and a traitor. Of course you have no proof. All those accusations are just more bullshit and propaganda coming from you brain dead radical lefties.
It’s dripping from the skies

You just can’t see it

You have no eyes

You are not a human

You are a disinformation bot hole

Don’t worry

It won’t hurt when we force Russia to shut your program off
It’s dripping from the skies

You just can’t see it

You have no eyes

You are not a human

You are a disinformation bot hole

Don’t worry

It won’t hurt when we force Russia to shut your program off
Take a breath booster shot before you stroke out.
It is not a party now. It is 2 groups welded together until the election is over. They have little common interest. For many, they hate Trump and the damage he can do, but they want to keep their seats. If he wins, Trump would purge the party. Only 100 percenters who pledge undying blind loyalty to Trump will survive.
One can actually register as a ‘republican’ or as a ‘moderate republican’ in AK.
Blah Blah Blah

Just stop, you're not qualified to debate

Let adults do the talking

Too funny.

The most juvenile mentality on the board telling someone else about what adults do.

I bet your friends in the 7th grade get a big laugh out of you and your typical trumper trolling.
I think she is being unrealistic.

The party of Eisenhower and Gerald Ford was a party of white, Anglo-Saxon mainline Protestants. Say what you will about Episcopalians, Presbyterians, Methodists, but by disposition they tended to instill a moderate and understated temperament in the faithful (e.g., the noted atheist Richard Dawkins said he has never met an Anglican vicar who wasn't just a really nice person).

At this point in the 21st century, far rightwing evangelical fundamentalism has displaced the old High Protestant traditions, and confrontation and apocalyptic rhetoric is far more typical of the disposition of these religious communities. They even advance a kind of team ethos, where rightwingers who aren't even really Christians will do their bidding. Just look at all the fake phony rightwing Christians on this board who never actually attend service or actively participate in a religious community.
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I think she is being unrealistic.

The party of Eisenhower and Gerald Ford was a party of white, Anglo-Saxon mainline Protestants. Say what you will about Episcopalians, Presbyterians, Methodists, but by disposition they tended to instill a moderate and understated temperament in the faithful (e.g., the noted atheist Richard Dawkins said he has never met an Anglican vicar who wasn't just a really nice person).

At this point in the 21st century, far rightwing evangelical fundamentalism has displaced the old High Protestant traditions, and confrontation and apocalyptic rhetoric is far more typical of the disposition of these religious communities. They even advance a kind of team ethos, where rightwingers who aren't even really Christians will do their bidding. Just look at all the fake phony rightwing Christians on this board who never actually attend service or actively participate in a religious community.
You are a Christian if you accept Jesus Christ as your lord and savior. There are no requirements to have congregated on judgement day.

You obviously are faithless as you don't get it. You still have time to get on your knees.
You are a Christian if you accept Jesus Christ as your lord and savior. There are no requirements to have congregated on judgement day.

You obviously are faithless as you don't get it. You still have time to get on your knees.
I see. You are the type that sits on your couch, and proclaims yourself saved, without having to do anything else consistent with the Christian life.

If you read Saint Paul's epistles in the New Testament, or Acts by Luke, you will become aware that actively participating in the religious community and the Christian way of life is an important part of the faith.
We already have a functional conservative party in America...the Democratic Party.
They would be the right-center party in any other democracy in the world.

What we need is a genuinely progressive liberal party.
I think she is being unrealistic.

The party of Eisenhower and Gerald Ford was a party of white, Anglo-Saxon mainline Protestants. Say what you will about Episcopalians, Presbyterians, Methodists, but by disposition they tended to instill a moderate and understated temperament in the faithful (e.g., the noted atheist Richard Dawkins said he has never met an Anglican vicar who wasn't just a really nice person).

At this point in the 21st century, far rightwing evangelical fundamentalism has displaced the old High Protestant traditions, and confrontation and apocalyptic rhetoric is far more typical of the disposition of these religious communities. They even advance a kind of team ethos, where rightwingers who aren't even really Christians will do their bidding. Just look at all the fake phony rightwing Christians on this board who never actually attend service or actively participate in a religious community.
Good points here.
How they failed to see they were being seduced by this absurdity of a national leader will be studied and written about for many years.
Agreed. Sociology, psychology and political science Masters and PhD theses will be written about this era.

FWIW, I think Trump has already got what he wanted in the first place; unimaginable wealth and a solid place in the history books. Being insatiably greedy, he wants more, but even if he fails, his desire for wealth and fame is secure.