Consumers have made the switch to electric vehicles

Don't forget:

No trip to the gas station. Charge your EV in your garage.
No noxious fumes polluting the air.
No radiator flushes.
Regenerative braking - One pedal driving.
Better resale value.


I charge mine on my home's solar PV system and effectively have driven for free for 3 years now! It's a great car. Not perfect, but it does 99% of what I need from a car. I love mine.

I charge mine on my home's solar PV system and effectively have driven for free for 3 years now! It's a great car. Not perfect, but it does 99% of what I need from a car. I love mine.

That's great. You are a man of great wisdom and insight.

What kind of EV are you driving?
I have a Tesla Model Y Long Range Dual Motor.
That's great. You are a man of great wisdom and insight.

What kind of EV are you driving?
I have a Tesla Model Y Long Range Dual Motor.

OOooh, the Tesla Y has those funky doors doesn't it? Jealous.

I drive a Chevy Bolt. We looked at a Tesla Model 3 and I was ready to pull the trigger and get one, but the Chevy Bolt allowed us more options with color and how tricked out it had to be. Plus every review we read said it compared favorably to the Model 3.

My dream now is a Lucid Air. Don't know how good they are but they have a 500 mile range if I understood correctly.
OOooh, the Tesla Y has those funky doors doesn't it? Jealous.

I drive a Chevy Bolt. We looked at a Tesla Model 3 and I was ready to pull the trigger and get one, but the Chevy Bolt allowed us more options with color and how tricked out it had to be. Plus every review we read said it compared favorably to the Model 3.

My dream now is a Lucid Air. Don't know how good they are but they have a 500 mile range if I understood correctly.

The Model Y doesn't have the wing doors. You're thinking of the Model X, I believe.
I almost bought a Model 3 but my wife talked me into buying a Model Y because it has more room. But more room means bigger car.
Now, I'm wishing I bought the Model 3. I'm thinking in two years when the warranty expires, I'll sell the Y and get a Model 3.
Another good thing about EVs is they have a great resale value.
Consumers have made the switch to electric vehicles

"The performance envelope and the drivability of an electric vehicle makes it so much more desirable than an alternative," he said. "Buying a non-EV just feels very old. Aside from carbon emissions and environmental responsibility, it's just not interesting."
Scaringe also sees a change in the way manufacturers have responded to electric vehicles.
"Up until not too long ago, electrification was sort of a thing you had to do to generate some credits and to look responsible as a company, but they weren't really committed to it," he said. "Now, most big vehicle manufacturers have begun to really lean into their electrification strategies."
Looking ahead, Scaringe said that he believes "policy is going to ping-pong around a little bit, unfortunately."
"Electrification and sustainability have become politicized — it makes no sense at all that it has been, but unfortunately it is," he said, "So as a result of that, you will see a little bit of variation there.*But I don't think, at a macro level, [the trend] is going to change."*
"The slope of the curve is going to continue to be policy that drives toward electrification, policy that drives toward moving off of fossil fuels," Scaringe added. "I think*consumers have made the switch and it's a diode-like switch — it's one directional."

More liiberal propaganda
SIZE=5]Consumers have made the switch to electric vehicles[/SIZE][/B]
No, they haven't. This is a blatant lie.
SIZE=2]COLOR="#FF0000"]"The performance envelope and the drivability of an electric vehicle makes it so much more desirable than an alternative,"
Another blatant lie. While they accelerate better, their handling sucks due to the heavy battery.
he said. "Buying a non-EV just feels very old.
A classic novelty fallacy.
Aside from carbon emissions and environmental responsibility, it's just not interesting."[/COLOR]
Gasoline cars don't emit carbon unless there is something wrong with the engine. There is also nothing wrong with carbon. It's a fuel. There is nothing 'environmental' about an EV.
Scaringe also sees a change in the way manufacturers have responded to electric vehicles.
"Up until not too long ago, electrification was sort of a thing you had to do to generate some credits and to look responsible as a company, but they weren't really committed to it," he said. "Now, most big vehicle manufacturers have begun to really lean into their electrification strategies."
Is that why Ford and Toyota are getting out of EVs?
Looking ahead, Scaringe said that he believes "policy is going to ping-pong around a little bit, unfortunately."
"Electrification and sustainability have become politicized
It certainly has.
— it makes no sense at all that it has been, but unfortunately it is," he said,
Maybe it's the mandates (fascism) and subsidies (communism).
"So as a result of that, you will see a little bit of variation there.*But I don't think, at a macro level, [the trend] is going to change."*
Going to EVs is the change. Staying with gasoline cars is not the change. EVs are an unsustainable change. It will fail.
COLOR="#FF0000"]"The slope of the curve is going to continue to be policy that drives toward electrification,
This 'policy' is fascism and communism.
policy that drives toward moving off of fossil fuels,"
Fossils aren't used as fuel. Fossils don't burn.
Scaringe added. "I think*consumers have made the switch and it's a diode-like switch — it's one directional."[/COLOR]
He's hallucinating, much like other believers in the Church of Green.
EV sales just hit a major milestone — showing a surge in popularity as electric cars keep getting cheaper

Thu, August 31, 2023 at 6:45 AM EDT

Electric vehicles (EVs) are quickly becoming cheaper around the world as the future of transportation clearly appears to be electric.

While most car sales are still gas-powered models, EVs have reached an important milestone. In 2022, one in 10 new car sales around the world were EVs.

This 10% figure may not initially seem impressive, but considering how fast sales are increasing — EVs have tripled in market share since 2020 — the number is notable in many ways.

Across the world, over 7.8 million fully electric cars were purchased in 2022, about 68% more than were sold in 2021. And by the end of the decade, the percentage of new electric cars sold could be up to 40%, meaning it could take just seven years for the current figure to quadruple.

Even Darren Woods, the CEO of dirty energy giant Exxon Mobil told CNBC that by 2040, all new cars will be EVs.

ExcessLies wets pink panties

Twice nothing is still nothing.

Less than 1% of the cars on the road are EVs.
EVs use almost twice the energy of a similar sized gasoline car going the same distance.
There is nothing dirty about oil.
I'm sure that some have,
and some of those are probably content that they did.

I have nothing against electric vehicles,
but I don't think that I'm obligated to make that drastic a change at my stage of life.

I've already had too many drastic changes IMPOSED on me

like those fucking head restraints that don't let me wear my hats.

Remove them. They are easy to remove.
SIZE=2]Nobody's forcing you to buy an EV.
Blatant lie. See the laws in the SDTC and in Europe.
But you will in time.
Just like you eventually bought a personal computer once they became popular and affordable.
An EV doesn't cost $1000. They are considerably more expensive. I can buy 2-3 new gasoline cars for the price of one EV.
EVs clearly have many advantages over gas cars.
Acceleration. That's it. Everything else is a disadvantage.
It's only a matter of time when there are more EVs on the road than gas cars
Less then 1% of the cars on the road are EVs.
and people will be reluctant to buy another gas car because of the fear they will become obsolete.
The EV is obsolete. Gasoline cars are not.
It's only a matter of time...[/SIZE][/B]
Not happening.
If I live long enough, I probably will.
This isn't something about which I'm adamant.

The ICE car did a super job, but it did come out in 1895.
How much can we ask of it?

Quite a lot, actually. It has improved a lot since 1895. The latest FADEC engines now have gaskets in them that last essentially the life of the car, they have a lot of power, can tow heavy loads long distances, are so convenient to refuel they essentially have unlimited range, can be maintained using common tools, are light in weight, giving them superior handling and braking, are cheaper, can easily go off road (and even build new roads!), and some of them even fly or are amphibious.

EVS have NONE of these advantages, and can catch fire just sitting there, burning like a firework. Water will not put out that fire until the car is destroyed. They require special facilities to maintain them, making them essentially dealer only repair for EVERYTHING. They are very expensive, insurance is higher, they waste energy, their handling sucks (other than acceleration), can't handle off road or remote uses, and are easily damaged to the point of being totaled. They require hours to days to recharge, making them impractical for heavy loads, long distance driving, remote driving, etc.

The EV is just an expensive commuter car.
Of course you will. When your old gas car is on its last legs, you'll do the research and most likely come to the same conclusion that millions of people around the world came to.
EVs are superior to the 100 year old technology of gas cars.

FADEC engines are not 100 years old. These engines improve with each passing year. The are lightweight, compact, and powerful.

EVs use batteries developed in the mid-80s, are heavy cars, making handling terrible, and are expensive both to buy and maintain. They also waste energy.
I actually do have a navy blue one in my collection.
As for the head restraints, the new ones don't come off.
Yes they do.
It pisses me off more than I can express in words.

I don't see many people that young wearing them
because only a very few in my own "boomer" generation still wear them.

My dad's generation did, and I have always worn them as well---

until the new fucking head restraints.
Remove them.
Electric vehicle demand shoots upwards again

Demand for electric vehicles in Britain has trounced last year’s figures once again as some 17,243 of the models were registered in August, marking an increase of 72.3%.
In total, 85,657 new cars were registered in the UK in August, according to the Society of Motor Manufacturers and Traders (SMMT).
This marked a 24.4% growth overall, pushed up by a surge in large fleet and business registrations, the industry body explained.
“While August is typically a quieter month with many buyers choosing to wait until the September numberplate change, an increase […] means the sector is now entering a second year of growth,” SMMT said.
Volkswagen Group (XETRA:VOW) was the bestselling brand, followed by Ford Motor Company (NYSE:F) and then Audi.

Ford is getting out of electric cars.
Volkswagen reveals a strong offensive push into electric vehicles amid ongoing price war

European carmakers are looking to challenge Tesla's EV dominance.

One of the biggest hurdles to mass EV adoption involves the historically high price tags associated with these cars. Faced with high inventory and discouraged buyers, carmakers have recently become entangled in a price war, as legacy and EV firms alike have been forced to slash their prices (and cut into their margins) in an effort to beat out the competition and entice buyers.*
In an effort to challenge Tesla's* (TSLA) dominance of the market, Volkswagen* (VLKAF) unveiled a few new concept EVs at the IAA Mobility motor show in Munich over the weekend, highlighting a long-term plan to offer the widest available EV range on the market, increasing accessibility while also tapping into luxury.*
The European automaker said Sunday that by 2027, it will launch 11 new fully electric models, the most accessible of which will be priced at fewer than 25,000 euros ($26,800). Tesla's cheapest model, the Model 3, starts at around $37,000 before tax incentives.
Volkswagen plans to produce only electric vehicles in Europe by 2033 at the latest

Due to mandates (assuming open revolt doesn't take place first!).
Q2 2023 Global EV Sales Grow 50%; Divergent Segment Trends Emerge Between China and Worldwide Markets

Q2 2023 Global EV unit sales grew 50% YoY driven by strength in Western Europe, nascent markets, and NAM
China’s domestic market continued to dominate globally.
Global OEMs extended share of higher-tier mid & full-sized categories, while Chinese groups dominated lower-tier sub-compact and compact segments
Beijing, New Delhi, Boston, Seoul, London – August 31, 2023

According to Counterpoint Research’s latest Global Passenger Electric Vehicle Tracker, Q2 2023 battery electric vehicle (BEV) unit sales grew by 50% YoY, driven by Western Europe, North America and nascent markets across Asia.


According to the EV propaganda, they are taking over the world! :rofl2:
Very little maintenance cost.
Blatant lie. EVs cost MORE to maintain because they require special facilities to maintain them. Dealer only repairs. EXPENSIVE!
Gasoline cars can be maintained at home using common tools.
No oil changes.
Awwwww. The baby whiner can't afford taking 30 minutes out of his year. :rolleyes:
Massive (MASSIVE) acceleration
Big hair deal. It's not a drag race, moron. In all other respects of handling, EVs suffer badly due to their heavy batteries.
No gears, no transmission.
EVs have both. The have oil and liquid coolant too.
Don't forget:

No trip to the gas station. Charge your EV in your garage.

What if you have no garage?
No noxious fumes polluting the air.
Blatant lie. That power plant you charge from uses coal, oil, natural gas, or nuclear fuel. An EV uses about twice as much energy as a gasoline car.
No radiator flushes.
Also true with gasoline cars. Some of them are air cooled, no radiator at all.
Regenerative braking -
coupled with friction braking. Tesla has two recalls on it's brakes because stopping that heavy car with the small brakes it has overheats them.
One pedal driving.
Just like a gasoline car.
Better resale value.
Nope. Gasoline cars can go UP in value. No EV does that!