convict Biden? Then he pardons himself?

Constitutionally you cannot convict a sitting President for a Federal crime. You can only impeach. You can then try and convict should he be impeached for an actual crime (that is not necessary in impeachment, "high crimes and misdemeanors" leaves much open).

One cannot "pardon" themselves out of impeachment as it is not a criminal trial event (shown in the fact that it specifically does not attach for double jeopardy). Now he could "pardon" himself for the crimes if he does it before the vote in the Senate, but it is very likely that act itself would ensure removal from the office as it is admitting guilt (no need to pardon yourself if you are not guilty).

It is not codified in law

I bet you this idea that it is not codified would be made very clear if a president walked into congress with a weapon of war and murdered half the senate

The president would be immediately arrested and charged with murder

Only Trump believes a president can pardon himself. It is not true. The pardoning power is supposed to right wrongs. Some people are overcharged. A lot of people got terrible sentences for having weed. The presidents can change that. Trump is the first one to pardon guilty people he worked with and they did crimes for him. He probably did it so they would not turn on him. That is NOT what the pardoning power is for.