Cop Beats Retarded Black Woman to Death with Taser

Yeah I get picked on for bush bashing, but we also have a cop basher on here.
I did not vote for any of those cops.

I guess since the blimp deflated.....
Well, I will be sure to pick on you and the cop basher in the future.

Not because I love cops (just the uniforms), and not because I love Bush (but Jesus, uscitizen, we all know he sucks), but because I am an equal opportunity jackass. I have to keep you partisan hacks in line.
Well, I will be sure to pick on you and the cop basher in the future.

Not because I love cops (just the uniforms), and not because I love Bush (but Jesus, uscitizen, we all know he sucks), but because I am an equal opportunity jackass. I have to keep you partisan hacks in line.

LOL, fair nuff :clink:

I actually have an adversion to uniforms.
The criminal justice system is seen as a necessary state function, even by many libertarians. If we cannot trust the state there how in the hell can we trust them with healthcare or policing sports. Of course, knee jerk retards on the right always rush to defend the cops and assume the "criminal" (i.e., black person) is guilty and deserved it.
Such anger and hostility bottled up there dude. That is not good for ya.

You know I am a bit confused about something.
Libertarians hate authority , but are so eager to follow Ron Paul with an almost worshipful zeal ? Whazzup with that ? Swapping authority figures there ?
The criminal justice system is seen as a necessary state function, even by many libertarians. If we cannot trust the state there how in the hell can we trust them with healthcare or policing sports. Of course, knee jerk retards on the right always rush to defend the cops and assume the "criminal" (i.e., black person) is guilty and deserved it.

Ignoring the fact that you are a racist for equating criminals to black people, I think that the real issue is that most of society has the capability of realising that nothing is perfect. There will never be a perfect police system.

However, it seems like some people think that there can be, or that no police system is better than an imperfect one. Tough shit, that is how life works-- things aren't always fair. What you don't post thread after thread of are the thousands of arrests a year that 1) deserved it 2) didn't involve cops using excessive force 3) didn't end in a fatality or poor tasered brown person 4) involved white people.
People are to unconditionally accept authoritarian abuses. -- Romans 13

1. Everyone must submit himself to the governing authorities, for there is no authority except that which God has established. The authorities that exist have been established by God.
2. Consequently, he who rebels against the authority is rebelling against what God has instituted, and those who do so will bring judgment on themselves.
3. For rulers hold no terror for those who do right, but for those who do wrong. Do you want to be free from fear of the one in authority? Then do what is right and he will commend you.
4. For he is God's servant to do you good. But if you do wrong, be afraid, for he does not bear the sword for nothing. He is God's servant, an agent of wrath to bring punishment on the wrongdoer.
5. Therefore, it is necessary to submit to the authorities, not only because of possible punishment but also because of conscience.
6. This is also why you pay taxes, for the authorities are God's servants, who give their full time to governing.
7. Give everyone what you owe him: If you owe taxes, pay taxes; if revenue, then revenue; if respect, then respect; if honor, then honor.

As usual, you misrepresent Bible verses, and for all I know take them out of context.
Such anger and hostility bottled up there dude. That is not good for ya.

You know I am a bit confused about something.
Libertarians hate authority , but are so eager to follow Ron Paul with an almost worshipful zeal ? Whazzup with that ? Swapping authority figures there ?

You do not make any sense. Why would there be a contradiction in supporting a candidate that wished to devolve power from the President and the federal government?
It seems to me it says people must accept totalitarian abuse because all governments are sanctified by god.

It doesn't say anything about totalitarian fact, all it mentions is authority.

Not only that, but you are trying to put modern connotations and values on to an ancient piece of text-- at that period in time it was illegal to be a Christian and Christians were often executed; this combined with the fact that some believed Jesus to be a sort of revolutionary leader did not bode well for early Christians.

Since Romans is a letter instructing Christians (who were outlaws) what to do, it is telling them not to try anything crazy like lead a revolution or trying to fight against the Roman government.

But of course, you would have use logic to draw these conclusions, not running on a tank full of batshit crazy.
Ignoring the fact that you are a racist for equating criminals to black people, I think that the real issue is that most of society has the capability of realising that nothing is perfect. There will never be a perfect police system.

However, it seems like some people think that there can be, or that no police system is better than an imperfect one. Tough shit, that is how life works-- things aren't always fair. What you don't post thread after thread of are the thousands of arrests a year that 1) deserved it 2) didn't involve cops using excessive force 3) didn't end in a fatality or poor tasered brown person 4) involved white people.

I am denouncing the thinking of most knee jerk righties, not using it retard.

The woman beaten off camera, skateboarder, wheelchair guy (I think he was) were all white.

Yes, we all know that cops actually do arrest some real criminals. That means we are supposed to turn a blind eye when they are breaking into homes, beating the crap out of citizens, filing phony charges, lying in court and framing people?

Oh life's not fair... fucking cop out for you to ignore the real threat to our liberties. No, let's all bitch about a candidates middle name and obsess over what his wife said.
You do not make any sense. Why would there be a contradiction in supporting a candidate that wished to devolve power from the President and the federal government?

You do not understand where I am coming from. And I really did not expect you to. perhaps someday.
Ignoring the fact that you are a racist for equating criminals to black people, I think that the real issue is that most of society has the capability of realising that nothing is perfect. There will never be a perfect police system.

However, it seems like some people think that there can be, or that no police system is better than an imperfect one. Tough shit, that is how life works-- things aren't always fair. What you don't post thread after thread of are the thousands of arrests a year that 1) deserved it 2) didn't involve cops using excessive force 3) didn't end in a fatality or poor tasered brown person 4) involved white people.

Yep we are Hooman Beans and nothing we make will be perfect.
I am denouncing the thinking of most knee jerk righties, not using it retard.
Well, you should learn not to be smarmy unless you want people to take you literally every once in a while.

The woman beaten off camera, skateboarder, wheelchair guy (I think he was) were all white.
So I guess it isn't solely a black problem.

Yes, we all know that cops actually do arrest some real criminals. That means we are supposed to turn a blind eye when they are breaking into homes, beating the crap out of citizens, filing phony charges, lying in court and framing people?
No, it means that you prosecute and arrest the offending cops, the same as you would any other criminal. But it does also mean that they get their day in court the same as anyone else, not a lynching by the court of public opinion.

Oh life's not fair... fucking cop out for you to ignore the real threat to our liberties.
Your liberties have not been violated, and it is a gross exaggeration to act as if liberties are in danger because of the actions of some dirty cops--hardly the same thing as a state-sanctioned threat to liberties. But it is fun to watch the super-libertarians bitch about everything as if it is the biggest threat to democracy and freedom in the history of democracy and freedom.
No, let's all bitch about a candidates middle name and obsess over what his wife said.

I haven't said a word about Obama's middle name (I don't give a shit) and I don't listen to his wife. This election sucks on both sides for me, so I'm taking a rain check and doing a write-in once November rolls around.