Coronavirus is a scam

It is the most stunning event of mass hysteria I have seen in my lifetime. I feel sorry for my millennial children who have to live with this moronic shit for many more years than I have left.

The common cold now = the Hunta virus.

Interesting, the WHO said the coronavirus has a mortality rate of 3.4%, transmission rate of 2/3, while the flu is .02 % mortality with a transmission rate of 1/1, and even more important, the flu has a vaccine, a prevention vehicle, while the coronavirus has zero prevention method in existence

Tell us again how the coronavirus is like the common cold and less dangerous than the flu

I refer you to the JohnsHopkins link provided in the OP. You know, actual medical experts, as opposed to your political organization.


COVID-19: Approximately 4,718 deaths reported worldwide; 38 deaths in the U.S., as of Mar. 12, 2020.*

Flu: 291,000 to 646,000 deaths worldwide; 12,000 to 61,000 deaths in the U.S. per year."
Interesting, the WHO said the coronavirus has a mortality rate of 3.4%, transmission rate of 2/3, while the flu is .02 % mortality with a transmission rate of 1/1, and even more important, the flu has a vaccine, a prevention vehicle, while the coronavirus has zero prevention method in existence

Tell us again how the coronavirus is like the common cold and less dangerous than the flu

The WHO is an agenda based organization devoted to Socialism and world order. How do you think they get their funding? By telling everyone everything is fine and they aren't needed? Dumbass.

COVID-19: U.S. at a Glance*

Total cases: 1,215
Total deaths: 36
Jurisdictions reporting cases: 43 (42 states and District of Columbia)
Yes; I am convinced that this has been stoked by the PHONY media in an attempt to bring down the Trump Administration. If they reported the news responsibly, the kind of information you are sharing would be predominant. But instead, they wish to ignore reality and pretend like this is a pandemic that is out of control.

I am in my 60's and have never seen mass hysteria on this level over NOTHING. It is stunning to watch. Market tumbling 8,000 points. NBA, NHL and NCAA canceled. Disneyland is closing for two weeks. NLB postponed. Mass runs on gorcery stores the remind me of the hurricane buying in Florida before they appraoch of a hurricane.

It is mind boggling. All because:

COVID-19: U.S. at a Glance*

Total cases: 1,215
Total deaths: 36
Jurisdictions reporting cases: 43 (42 states and District of Columbia)

Don't know why I bother, but we'll give it one more shot

The only positive treatment shown so far in containing this virus is in China and South Korea, where movement is restricted and large groups of people avoided, which is the reason States, local authorities, and professional organizations instead of Trump are taking action. By the way, even your beloved Fox today is following suit (, must be their falling for the hoax also

And as I just explained to your comrade above, the WHO said the coronavirus has a mortality rate of 3.4%, transmission rate of 2/3, while the flu is .02 % mortality with a transmission rate of 1/1, and even more important, the flu has a vaccine, a prevention vehicle, while the coronavirus has zero prevention method in existence
I don't reveal personal information on here very often, but my background is microbiology. My wife processes coronavirus samples in a medical lab every single night. Working in a microbiology lab is how we met.

80% of those who get coronavirus will have mild or no symptoms. It is far less deadly than the flu, and pretty much the equivalent of the common cold. We are collapsing our stock market, gridlocking entire cities, and fleeing in terror like it's the Bubonic plague...and it's virtually the most trivial, ordinary, non-threatening virus ever discovered.

The Demagogue Party is deliberately stoking panic, exploiting ignorant mass hysteria, and celebrating the completely senseless paralysis of the economy...while falling over each other to weaponize this 100% manufactured crisis against Trump in an election year.

This is exactly my thoughts on this shit. They want to crash Trump's economy and have a crisis to pin on him. The elite are using the crisis to shake the stock market tree and get people to sell off in a panic so they can scarf up the devalued assets for future returns.