Coronavirus is a scam

Don't know why I bother, but we'll give it one more shot

The only positive treatment shown so far in containing this virus is in China and South Korea, where movement is restricted and large groups of people avoided, which is the reason States, local authorities, and professional organizations instead of Trump are taking action. By the way, even your beloved Fox today is following suit (, must be their falling for the hoax also

Don't know why I bother, but we'll give it one more shot.

COVID-19: U.S. at a Glance*

Total cases: 1,215
Total deaths: 36
Jurisdictions reporting cases: 43 (42 states and District of Columbia)

And as I just explained to your comrade above, the WHO said the coronavirus has a mortality rate of 3.4%, transmission rate of 2/3, while the flu is .02 % mortality with a transmission rate of 1/1,

Don't know why I bother, but we'll give it one more shot.

COVID-19: U.S. at a Glance*

Total cases: 1,215
Total deaths: 36
Jurisdictions reporting cases: 43 (42 states and District of Columbia)

.....and even more important, the flu has a vaccine, a prevention vehicle, while the coronavirus has zero prevention method in existence

Don't know why I bother, but we'll give it one more shot. And even with a vaccine, 10,000 have died so far in the US of influenza. Only 36 from Corona virus.

Perhaps you are really mentally retarded and incapable of comprehending the OBVIOUS.
The WHO is an agenda based organization devoted to Socialism and world order. How do you think they get their funding? By telling everyone everything is fine and they aren't needed? Dumbass.

COVID-19: U.S. at a Glance*

Total cases: 1,215
Total deaths: 36
Jurisdictions reporting cases: 43 (42 states and District of Columbia)

Too funny, the socialists are to blame, however similar statistics have been endorsed by American scientists and the CDC, you going to tell us now they are all part of the "deep state" conspiring to get trump?

And the best part is that even omitting the facts, the coronavirus has no vaccine, lets repeat that, has no preventive measures, it is a virus spreading and it has no hurdles stopping it from spreading further. The only thing known is that it spreads best in groups, and now you are telling us that advice even issued by the CDC to avoid such gatherings is a hoax

As I always say, entertaining
I must say it's very good of those people in Italy, Iran, and of course China to die so the 'Demagogue Party' can pull a scam.
How did they get them to do it?

This from a douchebag in defense of Obamunsim for a disease that killed 284,000. Now these same douchebags want to support the mass hysteria over a disease that pales in comparison to the common flu.

Originally Posted by Taichiliberal
IMHO, it's just the latest phase in the unholy alliance between the FDA and pharmaceutical industry. When I saw that chick from the WHO declare a pandemic (and if she didn't, I'll take it back), I practically lept from my chair!

The worldwide death toll from this particular strain wasn't even enough to rate a percentage point as to how many people DIE annually in the USA from flu viruses that have been with us ever since I can remember.

Interesting that time tested cures and remedies have to wait YEARS before the FDA decides that they can market with declarations of they cure.....while suddenly VACCINES are being rushed through for the N1H1....a flu virus that compared to others is NOT even exceptionally lethal.

As the old saying goes, follow the money!
Too funny, the socialists are to blame, however similar statistics have been endorsed by American scientists and the CDC, you going to tell us now they are all part of the "deep state" conspiring to get trump?

COVID-19: U.S. at a Glance*

Total cases: 1,215
Total deaths: 36
Jurisdictions reporting cases: 43 (42 states and District of Columbia)

And the best part is that even omitting the facts, the coronavirus has no vaccine, lets repeat that, has no preventive measures, it is a virus spreading and it has no hurdles stopping it from spreading further. The only thing known is that it spreads best in groups, and now you are telling us that advice even issued by the CDC to avoid such gatherings is a hoax

As I always say, entertaining

FACT; even with a vaccine, the flu virus has killed over 10,000. As I always say, Arsecheese is a low IQ douchebag on steroids.

COVID-19: U.S. at a Glance*

Total cases: 1,215
Total deaths: 36
Don't know why I bother, but we'll give it one more shot.

COVID-19: U.S. at a Glance*

Total cases: 1,215
Total deaths: 36
Jurisdictions reporting cases: 43 (42 states and District of Columbia)

Don't know why I bother, but we'll give it one more shot.

COVID-19: U.S. at a Glance*

Total cases: 1,215
Total deaths: 36
Jurisdictions reporting cases: 43 (42 states and District of Columbia)

Don't know why I bother, but we'll give it one more shot. And even with a vaccine, 10,000 have died so far in the US of influenza. Only 36 from Corona virus.

Perhaps you are really mentally retarded and incapable of comprehending the OBVIOUS.

So now "truthie" is promoting the notion that we are overreacting to a virus spreading quickly that has no means of prevention because more people are too lazy or ignorant enough not to get the vaccine offered to prevent catching another circulating virus, beautiful. Like saying people during the Middle Ages didn't need to worry about the Black Death cause warfare killed more people

Can lead a horse to water, but you can't make it ..........
I must say it's very good of those people in Italy, Iran, and of course China to die so the 'Demagogue Party' can pull a scam.
How did they get them to do it?

People die in droves from the FLU all the time, in far greater numbers (we actually just had one of the worst flu seasons I've seen in my entire lifetime). People just don't hysterically track every step of its progress like a slow motion train wreck until now. It's completely arbitrary.

The United States has a significantly higher ratio of deaths to reported cases than other countries. Which shows that cases no not being accurately reported, until people are practically at deaths door. Because the government will not distribute tests, will not distribute aid, because that would be admitting there's a problem. And we criticized china's response! China nearly has more recovered than actual cases at this point, they have contained it because they took significant action. Our government will do nothing to help us, they will never admit there's a problem and will leave us to die if there is!
Too funny, the socialists are to blame, however similar statistics have been endorsed by American scientists and the CDC, you going to tell us now they are all part of the "deep state" conspiring to get trump?

And the best part is that even omitting the facts, the coronavirus has no vaccine, lets repeat that, has no preventive measures, it is a virus spreading and it has no hurdles stopping it from spreading further. The only thing known is that it spreads best in groups, and now you are telling us that advice even issued by the CDC to avoid such gatherings is a hoax

As I always say, entertaining

Yes, the common cold has no vaccine. Who cares? 80% don't have any symptoms at all, or get the sniffles. :bs:
So now "truthie" is promoting the notion that we are overreacting to a virus spreading quickly that has no means of prevention because more people are too lazy or ignorant enough not to get the vaccine offered to prevent catching another circulating virus, beautiful. Like saying people during the Middle Ages didn't need to worry about the Black Death cause warfare killed more people

Can lead a horse to water, but you can't make it ..........

How is it spreading more than the common flu you pompous dumbass? You keep bloviating about the flu vaccine yet 10,000 have died this year from it. Corona, 36 so far.

Talk about not being able to lead a jackass to water. :rolleyes:

Black death? Now this is the equivalency of the black death? You're going FULL retard on this aren't you Arsecheese?