Coronavirus is a scam

I got damn lucky with a gamble and put everything into a money market about a week and a half ago. When this bottoms out I go back into into index funds and I'll make a ton.

I had an instinct to pull everything out of the stock market about two months ago and so did my wife. Kicking ourselves now.

YOU miss the point. This is the story of EVERY common cold virus.

Um...obviously, by fearmongering the common cold into the Bubonic plague. What a stupid question. :palm:

We're not TALKING about imaginary hysteria. We're talking about REAL, Democrat-induced hysteria. Try to keep up. :cool:

There have to be torches and pitchforks in order for there to be hysterical fear-mongering over nothing? Nice logic. :laugh:

Absolutely none of what you repeated is true. You are looking through your distorted right-wing lens . So you believe silly crap like that. Of course, you do. But that does not make it true. It is wrong.
There is no hysteria except by rightys who have so much trouble accepting they bought into a con by a very stupid man. We are waiting for this craziness to end in Nov.
Repeating your silly statements without defending them is proof you have nothing. Calm down.
Corona is not the common cold.
I don't reveal personal information on here very often, but my background is microbiology. My wife processes coronavirus samples in a medical lab every single night. Working in a microbiology lab is how we met.

80% of those who get coronavirus will have mild or no symptoms. It is far less deadly than the flu, and pretty much the equivalent of the common cold. We are collapsing our stock market, gridlocking entire cities, and fleeing in terror like it's the Bubonic plague...and it's virtually the most trivial, ordinary, non-threatening virus ever discovered.

The Demagogue Party is deliberately stoking panic, exploiting ignorant mass hysteria, and celebrating the completely senseless paralysis of the economy...while falling over each other to weaponize this 100% manufactured crisis against Trump in an election year.

Trump has become a Democrat pussy:
President Donald Trump said Thursday that he is temporarily halting his trademark rallies — as his campaign bows to the coronavirus outbreak that is rapidly reshaping the nation’s political landscape.
Absolutely none of what you repeated is true.

Then explain away why Johns Hopkins says it's true (see the link in the OP).

View attachment 14586

You are looking through your distorted right-wing lens.

Johns Hopkins and the World Health Organization (the sources of the claims in the OP) are now "right-wing?" :rofl2:

Someone is getting pretty desperate to discredit things they don't want to be true. :laugh:

So you believe silly crap like that.

Silly crap like...Johns Hopkins and the World Health, sure. :dunno:

Of course, you do. But that does not make it true. It is wrong.

Does believing it make it true? Of course not. That's asinine. Only anti-science Democrats argue things based solely on their own arbitrary feelings ('your truth,' 'my truth' 'identifying' as something you aren't, etc.).

There is no hysteria except by rightys

Unless you listen to Johns Hopkins and the World Health Organization point out that all the media fear-mongering makes no sense with the facts, sure. :laugh:

who have so much trouble accepting they bought into a con by a very stupid man.

Says the person blowing off Johns Hopkins and the World Health Organization as "right wing" to instead believe media scaremongering about the sky falling due to the common cold.

We are waiting for this craziness to end in Nov.

Don't hold your breath. Democrats will just spend another four years inventing hoaxes and crying at the sky in their little vagina hats. :nono:

Repeating your silly statements without defending them is proof you have nothing.

I posted Johns Hopkins and the World Health Organization to back up my points, you posted nothing. Yet here you sit projecting your evidence-free posturing onto me. :lolup:

Calm down.

Say the only people who need to be told this. :dunno:

Corona is not the common cold.

Unless you listen to the experts, sure. :laugh:
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Trump has become a Democrat pussy:
President Donald Trump said Thursday that he is temporarily halting his trademark rallies — as his campaign bows to the coronavirus outbreak that is rapidly reshaping the nation’s political landscape.

They've got him spooked. Over the common cold. :palm:

I kiss my wife every morning after she spent the whole night testing coronavirus samples...because getting the sniffles for a couple of days isn't the apocalypse. People are fucking stupid.

I'm thinking, a lot of people have this and have already had it before. We just don't know because all of those ppl haven't been tested. I read somewhere they were coming up with a test to tell of someone had ever been exposed to it. That would be interesting for statistics.....
I'm thinking, a lot of people have this and have already had it before. We just don't know because all of those ppl haven't been tested. I read somewhere they were coming up with a test to tell of someone had ever been exposed to it. That would be interesting for statistics.....

I wouldn't mind having the extra information, but it's a lot of emotional over-reaction and wasted resources. No rational or sane person would want to track the common cold so closely. It's largely harmless.
I hope all those Democrats with 401Ks and stocks enjoy the calamity they are reaping. ;)
PoliTalker and a very few other left wing loons are cheering the economic loss to millions of Americans for the Chinese virus that China failed to control.

How many adults are there in America?
18 years and over 209,128,094 74.7%
United States Demographic Statistics | Infoplease

How many adults are invested in the stock market?
In 2018, 55 percent of adults in the United States invested in the stock market. While that is a slight increase from the last two years, it remains below the levels before the Financial Crisis, having peaked at 65 percent in 2007. What is the stock market?Sep 23, 2019

Share of Americans investing money in the stock market ... - › statistics › percentage-of-us-adults-to-have-mon

Fifty five percent of 209,128,094 equals *115,020,451* people, not including families who are affected by the stock market losses.
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[Answering my question 'Where do you get that from?']

From the Johns Hopkins link in the OP.

I read the Johns Hopkins link. This is what it says - and it's IMPORTANT:

COVID-19: Approximately 127,863 cases worldwide; approximately 4,718 deaths reported as of Mar. 12, 2020.

That's 3.7% mortality.

The corresponding figure for flu is 0.03% - 0.06%.

Coronavirus is NOT "far less deadly" than flu. It's around 100 times MORE deadly. If it can be stopped in its tracks at this point, okay. Do you think it will be?
I wouldn't mind having the extra information, but it's a lot of emotional over-reaction and wasted resources. No rational or sane person would want to track the common cold so closely. It's largely harmless.
I agree. Just thought it might give a more accurate % which would tamp down the panic.
The problem with this virus is that it’s very contagious and there is no vaccine, the problem created is that the system is overwhelmed with sick people, this making the virus lethal to people who would have survived if they had treatment. China, Italy and Iran are having this problem. It is what the USA would prefer to avoid.

This is a massive pile of bullshit. We need hip waders when you low IQ leftists start to bloviate. :rolleyes:
I read the Johns Hopkins link. This is what it says - and it's IMPORTANT:

COVID-19: Approximately 127,863 cases worldwide; approximately 4,718 deaths reported as of Mar. 12, 2020.

That's 3.7% mortality.

The corresponding figure for flu is 0.03% - 0.06%.

Coronavirus is NOT "far less deadly" than flu. It's around 100 times MORE deadly. If it can be stopped in its tracks at this point, okay. Do you think it will be?

Swine Flu was far more devastating; here's what you said back then:

Originally Posted by Taichiliberal
IMHO, it's just the latest phase in the unholy alliance between the FDA and pharmaceutical industry. When I saw that chick from the WHO declare a pandemic (and if she didn't, I'll take it back), I practically lept from my chair!

The worldwide death toll from this particular strain wasn't even enough to rate a percentage point as to how many people DIE annually in the USA from flu viruses that have been with us ever since I can remember.

Interesting that time tested cures and remedies have to wait YEARS before the FDA decides that they can market with declarations of they cure.....while suddenly VACCINES are being rushed through for the N1H1....a flu viruse that compared to others is NOT even exceptionally lethal.

As the old saying goes, follow the money!
Yes; I am convinced that this has been stoked by the PHONY media in an attempt to bring down the Trump Administration.)

Shame about all those dead people conflicting with

Haw, haw...................................haw.

You should have a word with some of the people whose relatives and friends have died- you know- see if you can get them on your side.

You despicable old asshole.

They've got him spooked. Over the common cold. :palm:

I kiss my wife every morning after she spent the whole night testing coronavirus samples...because getting the sniffles for a couple of days isn't the apocalypse. People are fucking stupid.


Agreed. Like the downturn in the stock market should be seen as a buying opportunity, CORVID-19 should be seen as a means to "clean house". :)

Instead, ol' Bone Spurs shows his yellow streak again. Sad.
I read the Johns Hopkins link. This is what it says - and it's IMPORTANT:

COVID-19: Approximately 127,863 cases worldwide; approximately 4,718 deaths reported as of Mar. 12, 2020.

That's 3.7% mortality.

The corresponding figure for flu is 0.03% - 0.06%.

Coronavirus is NOT "far less deadly" than flu. It's around 100 times MORE deadly. If it can be stopped in its tracks at this point, okay. Do you think it will be?

This is the exact quote from the link provided:


COVID-19: Approximately 4,718 deaths reported worldwide; 38 deaths in the U.S., as of Mar. 12, 2020.*

Flu: 291,000 to 646,000 deaths worldwide; 12,000 to 61,000 deaths in the U.S. per year."

So in 2 months, coronavirus has killed almost 5k people total. Extrapolated out to a year, that's 60k people. Compare that to the flu killing 300k to 650k every year. This is known as the flu being far more deadly. :palm:

Also, ANY flu or common cold virus that infests places with exceedingly elderly populations, like Italy, is going to kill at a far higher rate short term. So you're not even right that way either.