Coronavirus is a scam

I agree. Just thought it might give a more accurate % which would tamp down the panic.

If the panic were accidental or incidental, that would make sense to me, but it is being manufactured through deliberate deception and exaggeration. The situation becoming more clear won't impact people willfully lying and misinforming the public to harm Trump during an election year. I gave up on Democrats having an iota of integrity four treasonous hoaxes ago.
I see that someone is still spreading bovine excrement with a straight face.

Maybe I should feel sorry for him?
Agreed. Like the downturn in the stock market should be seen as a buying opportunity, CORVID-19 should be seen as a means to "clean house". :)

Instead, ol' Bone Spurs shows his yellow streak again. Sad.

And viruses like this disproportionately impact urban populations, where the dumbest people are the most heavily concentrated. It's kind of a natural cleansing of low-IQ deadweight from society. :dunno:
And viruses like this disproportionately impact urban populations, where the dumbest people are the most heavily concentrated. It's kind of a natural cleansing of low-IQ deadweight from society. :dunno:

LOL. A point I never considered. Kudos!
And viruses like this disproportionately impact urban populations, where the dumbest people are the most heavily concentrated. It's kind of a natural cleansing of low-IQ deadweight from society. :dunno:

Yes. It will clean out the White House and the Congress.
If the panic were accidental or incidental, that would make sense to me, but it is being manufactured through deliberate deception and exaggeration. The situation becoming more clear won't impact people willfully lying and misinforming the public to harm Trump during an election year. I gave up on Democrats having an iota of integrity four treasonous hoaxes ago.

Disagreed about "manufactured" or any other conspiracy theories. S**t happens.

What lies are you claiming are being told? Do you believe the virus is as hoax? Do you believe everything Trump has said such as anyone who wants a test can get one?
Yes. It will clean out the White House and the Congress.

Sad, but I truly believe it would be best for the nation.

Let's not forget that human beings probably would not exist if an impact event hadn't taken out the dinosaurs. If Coronavirus wipes out the political dinosaurs on both sides, I think it would truly be a new dawn.
LOL. A point I never considered. Kudos!

Disagreed about "manufactured" or any other conspiracy theories. S**t happens.

I'm not saying there's any conspiracy, just that our dishonest partisan media are contradicting themselves to crucify Trump and stir up panic during an election year. The hysteria is what's manufactured.

What lies are you claiming are being told?

That this is some kind of life or death contagion to be avoided like the Bubonic plague, that it is offing people in droves all across the globe in wildly disproportionate numbers, etc.

Do you believe the virus is as hoax?

It's as harmless as the common cold or flu. The arbitrary FEAR-MONGERING about it is the hoax.

Do you believe everything Trump has said such as anyone who wants a test can get one?

I have no idea whether that's true and would never care enough to look it up...since getting tested for the common cold is utterly meaningless.
I'm not saying there's any conspiracy, just that our dishonest partisan media are contradicting themselves to crucify Trump and stir up panic during an election year. The hysteria is what's manufactured....

Dude, that's a conspiracy theory.

con·spir·a·cy the·o·ry
a belief that some covert but influential organization is responsible for a circumstance or event.

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An IQ of 40 or higher required to ride this ride. Sorry. :dunno:
He's not that bright enough to understand the difference.

My bachelor degree was in behavioral psychology. Although I never worked in the field, I've applied it my entire life and continue to have an interest in the behavior of people. Most people are normal, but it's the abnormalities which are the most interesting. I have a particular fondness for conspiracy theorists on the Internet.

While I'll readily agree he doesn't know the difference, I'm not sure it's due to being "bright" or not. IMHO, CTers have a mild form of mental illness; a fear of the chaos in the world. Formulating a conspiracy theory on why things are the way they are allows them to believe there is order in the Universe, thus giving them comfort.
Hypocrisy is not a conspiracy theory. :nono:

Agreed but you composed a conspiracy theory:
If the panic were accidental or incidental, that would make sense to me, but it is being manufactured through deliberate deception and exaggeration. The situation becoming more clear won't impact people willfully lying and misinforming the public to harm Trump during an election year. I gave up on Democrats having an iota of integrity four treasonous hoaxes ago.
My bachelor degree was in behavioral psychology. Although I never worked in the field, I've applied it my entire life and continue to have an interest in the behavior of people. Most people are normal, but it's the abnormalities which are the most interesting. I have a particular fondness for conspiracy theorists on the Internet.

While I'll readily agree he doesn't know the difference, I'm not sure it's due to being "bright" or not. IMHO, CTers have a mild form of mental illness; a fear of the chaos in the world. Formulating a conspiracy theory on why things are the way they are allows them to believe there is order in the Universe, thus giving them comfort.

You do have a very good point. He could be a genius for all we know. Terry A. Davis comes to mind. R.I.P.
You do have a very good point. He could be a genius for all we know. Terry A. Davis comes to mind. R.I.P.

The fine line between genius and insanity? Genius is rare, but mental illness is a lot more common than most people believe; about 25% of the population. Unlike being pregnant, it's a matter of degrees, not if one has it or not.

Not sure if I posted it here or not, but my observations over the years have taught me that there is a higher percentage of mentally ill online than IRL. The main reason being that the mentally ill ranting and raving on the street are subject to being punched, kicked or having rocks thrown at them. Online they are safe. Another reason is that they can often be in a facility which allows Internet access.