Coronavirus is a scam

I don't reveal personal information on here very often, but my background is microbiology. My wife processes coronavirus samples in a medical lab every single night. Working in a microbiology lab is how we met.

80% of those who get coronavirus will have mild or no symptoms. It is far less deadly than the flu, and pretty much the equivalent of the common cold. We are collapsing our stock market, gridlocking entire cities, and fleeing in terror like it's the Bubonic plague...and it's virtually the most trivial, ordinary, non-threatening virus ever discovered.

The Demagogue Party is deliberately stoking panic, exploiting ignorant mass hysteria, and celebrating the completely senseless paralysis of the economy...while falling over each other to weaponize this 100% manufactured crisis against Trump in an election year.
I don't have enough info to say one way or another, but what really scares me is the response of the people. TP will become more valuable than gold if this keeps up for much longer.
People overreacting to a provably common cold-level nothingburger establishes that the common cold really is the apocalypse?


Let's hope you survive to amuse the sober! :)
I don't have enough info to say one way or another, but what really scares me is the response of the people. TP will become more valuable than gold if this keeps up for much longer.

Never be the guy fighting for the last loaf of bread at the hamster feeder (grocery store). We are always one Katrina or LA riots or fake common cold apocalypse away from being out of food and everything we need.
Never be the guy fighting for the last loaf of bread at the hamster feeder (grocery store). We are always one Katrina or LA riots or fake common cold apocalypse away from being out of food and everything we need.
For sure I'm not of the hysterics, but I am taking this as a wake up call. I will be stocking my place better over the next few weeks.
Sorry to break this to you bu noting LW bias among reporters is one thing, but claiming they are all involved in a conspiracy is nuts.

Agreed. Which is why I claimed they were deliberately and dishonestly scaremongering the country into a state of hysteria through biased exaggeration instead of by conspiring with one another. Got reading comprehension issues? :palm:

Example of the difference: the media rushing in to dishonestly pronounce Trump guilty of Russia collusion based on nothing but DNC-funded Russian propaganda only to humiliate and discredit themselves...that is NOT a conspiracy. It's just a bunch of dishonest hacks telling the same lie. But media outlets deliberately coordinating dossier leaks while omitting the fact that the dossier was manufactured partisan trash? That IS conspiring. What I'm alleging here is not conspiring, just Democrats lying a lot (the usual).

Comprehend the difference yet? :cool:

Not that them conspiring would exactly be unprecedented.

Shooting Survivor: CNN Gave Me "Scripted Question"

CBS, NBC Censor Obama Admin. Admitting ObamaCare Premiums Skyrocketing

'Call Them Racists'...How "journolists" tried to suppress the news

The Fix was in: Journolist e-mails reveal how the liberal media shaped the 2008 election
And pointing out that they are wildly dishonestly exaggerating and scaremongering people isn't implying that they are conspiring with each other to accomplish their lying demagoguery.

Example of the difference: the media rushing in to dishonestly pronounce Trump guilty of Russia collusion based on nothing but DNC-funded Russian propaganda only to humiliate and discredit themselves...that is NOT a conspiracy. It's just a bunch of dishonest hacks telling the same lie. But media outlets deliberately coordinating with Steele to peddle the dossier while omitting the fact that it's manufactured partisan trash? That IS conspiring. What I'm alleging here is not conspiring, just Democrats lying a lot.

Comprehend the difference yet? :palm:

Not that them conspiring would exactly be unprecedented.

Shooting Survivor: CNN Gave Me "Scripted Question"

CBS, NBC Censor Obama Admin. Admitting ObamaCare Premiums Skyrocketing

'Call Them Racists'...How "journolists" tried to suppress the news

The Fix was in: Journolist e-mails reveal how the liberal media shaped the 2008 election

QED. Thanks for exemplifying my point about your conspiracy theories.

Most Americans, meaning the sane, intelligent and educated ones, understand that "the media" is a business and all good businesses give the customers what they want. In the US we like sex, violence and controversy so that's what "the Media" gives us. Media that shows Boy Scouts helping little old ladies cross the street or Girl Scouts working in a retirement home will see people switching channels.

One problem in our nation is a lack of critical thinking skills. Too many Americans can't tell the difference between a factual "news" show and an opinion show. Part of the problem in the US is the 24/7 news cycle. All of that air time needs to be filled and Americans aren't happy with just watching the same hour of news play over and over again for 24 hours. The result was an explosion of Opinion shows where they give 2-5 minutes of actual news then spend the next 50 minutes talking about it and voicing their opinions.

Add to the the proliferation of cable news channels. People rarely channel surf all of the cable news networks; they usually have their preference. This is called "confirmation bias" where they select the channel that best matches their preconceived views and swallow it whole without double-checking the opinions expressed.

This is no vast, wide Left Wing conspiracy among the "MSM". It's just capitalism and the competition for customers.
QED. Thanks for exemplifying my point about your conspiracy theories.

Thanks for failing to comprehend what a conspiracy theory is and requiring it to be so graphically spelled out. :good4u:

Most Americans, meaning the sane, intelligent and educated ones, understand that "the media" is a business and all good businesses give the customers what they want.

Which is why trust in the media is at an all-time low...because these "good businesses" get caught blatantly lying to us at every turn. They care more about endlessly smearing Trump than telling the truth.

In the US we like sex, violence and controversy so that's what "the Media" gives us. Media that shows Boy Scouts helping little old ladies cross the street or Girl Scouts working in a retirement home will see people switching channels.

And you can GIVE people drama and controversy without being lying propagandists. Try again. :cool:

One problem in our nation is a lack of critical thinking skills.

As you have masterfully demonstrated thus far. :hand:

Too many Americans can't tell the difference between a factual "news" show and an opinion show.

And people who think the common cold is the apocalypse.

Part of the problem in the US is the 24/7 news cycle.

News being on all the time doesn't require "journalists" to lie their asses off. :bs:

All of that air time needs to be filled and Americans aren't happy with just watching the same hour of news play over and over again for 24 hours. The result was an explosion of Opinion shows where they give 2-5 minutes of actual news then spend the next 50 minutes talking about it and voicing their opinions.

That's fine as long as they are properly labeled, which conservatives do and Democrats don't. Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity openly advertise themselves as opinion journalists. The hilariously ultra-partisan hacks at CNN and MSNBC pretend to be real journalists. And everyone who smears FOX focuses entirely on false examples (opinion journalists like Hannity) while FOX has far more Democrat hosts, commentators and contributors than any other network has conservatives. It is only DEMOCRATS who need to be told about this distinction you are making between opinion journalists and actual journalists.

Add to the the proliferation of cable news channels. People rarely channel surf all of the cable news networks; they usually have their preference. This is called "confirmation bias" where they select the channel that best matches their preconceived views and swallow it whole without double-checking the opinions expressed.

Wrong again (speaking of critical thinking skills). Confirmation bias is seeing evidence that there are holes in your argument and excluding them because you are insisting on filtering out everything that doesn't confirm your pre-existing bias.

This is no vast, wide Left Wing conspiracy among the "MSM".

No one is claiming otherwise. You're literally just too stupid to comprehend what is being argued. The media being run by leftists who lie to hurt Republicans is about BIAS, not a conspiracy.


-the coronavirus hoax
-the Russia collusion hoax,
-the "Investigating Biden's corruption is worse than Biden BEING corrupt" hoax,
-the Covington Catholic hoax,
-the Roy Moore pedophile hoax,
-the Kavanaugh rape gang hoax,
-the "repealing Net Neutrality will destroy the Internet" hoax,
-the Jussie Smollett hoax,
-the Charlottesville "very fine people" hoax,
-the Duke Lacrosse team hoax,
-the fake Ukraine transcript hoax,
-the Trayvon Martin hoax,
-the "Trump admitted to sexual assault" hoax,
-the "penises cause climate change" hoax,
-the "uninsured crisis" hoax,
-the "Trump denying passports to Latinos" hoax,
-the multitude of college hate crime hoaxes,
-the "Mission Accomplished" hoax,
-the "deceptively edited video" Planned Parenthood hoax,
-the "children in cages" hoax,
-the Michael Cohen perjury/contacting the Russians hoaxes,
-the SPLC "hate group" hoax,
-the "Trump mocking people with disabilities" hoax,
-the "you can keep your doctor" hoax,
-the "immigrants are rapists, criminals, animals" hoax,
-the Kavanaugh "white power symbol" hoax,
-the "Trump asked Putin to hack the DNC" hoax,
-the polar bear dying from climate change hoax,
-the "Trump made it easier for the mentally ill to purchase guns" hoax,
-the Scaramucci Russian bankers hoax,
-the "Muslim ban" hoax,
-the global warming "consensus" hoax,
-the "Obama's scandal-free presidency" hoax,
-the Trump Jr. WikiLeaks hoax,
-the Iran nuclear appeasement hoax,
-the "polls show Trump will lose" hoax,
-the "Obamacare will never fund abortions or illegal immigrants" hoax,
-the "Hillary exonerated" hoax,
-the "white privilege" hoax,
-the voter suppression hoax,
-and the "hands up don't shoot" hoax.

It's just capitalism and the competition for customers.

This is provably false. If it were money and not ideology driving the decisions, CNN, MSNBC, and virtually the entire rest of the news media would not constantly move in the opposite direction of where all the money is (see the repeated failure of liberal talk radio, the dominance of FOX News, the repeated failure of left-wing books and the success of conservative ones, etc.).

BuzzFeed to Cut 15 Percent of Staff
Another Wave of Job Cuts Hits Embattled CNN
Jim Acosta’s Book Plummets to #363 on Amazon
CNN’s Brian Stelter Lost over 40% of Viewers This Year
Serial Loser Donny Deutsch’s MSNBC Show Canceled After Just 13 Episodes
Anti-Kavanaugh Book Written by New York Times Reporters Flops
CNN Presidential Town Hall Bombs In TV Ratings
Fox Notches 29th Month As Number One Cable Network

Anything else you'd care to humiliate yourself being wrong about or are you good for now? :awesome:
Last edited:
Thanks for failing to comprehend what a conspiracy theory is...

Disagreed, but I'm content to let others decide that point for themselves.

I skimmed your rant. Thanks for caring so much to take the time to write it out. I know it must have taken a good part of your time, so that part is appreciated.

Have a good day, sir!
Well, let's hope it rids you of your fatman. Hadn't you noticed that he had changed his merry song? Look out for the Security Police, kiddo! :)

He looked a little under the weather during his speech the other night. I'm betting the odds are good he has the virus. I doubt he'd die since he has the best medical care our government can provide, but it might take him out of action for a week or two. Should be interesting to see what happens.
I don't reveal personal information on here very often, but my background is microbiology...

Your class in microbiology aside, it appears Trump is now convinced Coronavirus isn't a scam.

His two latest Tweets:

Attending meetings on Covid-19 in the White House. Working with States and local governments, many of whom have done a great job. Full report latter!
Arminius is listing every single insane right-wing conspiracy and demonstrating he believes them all. What crap. He claims expertise and demonstrates none. He is a right-wing political conspiracy nut, and that is all he is.
Disagreed, but I'm content to let others decide that point for themselves.

I skimmed your rant. Thanks for caring so much to take the time to write it out. I know it must have taken a good part of your time, so that part is appreciated.

Have a good day, sir!

Let us know if there is anything else you'd like to get caught being wrong / lying about. :good4u: