Coronavirus is a scam

It's literally just like every common cold or flu virus. But only this particular (election-year) common cold-level virus requires shutting down the economy and fleeing in terror like it's the apocalypse.

So you think we'd be better off doing nothing in spite of the results in Italy and China?
Of course. Look what happens when you DON'T make that adjustment. The text all but vanishes. But by all means, go on telling me what's REALLY behind enlarging the text. :laugh:
Disagreed. OTOH, perception is an interesting part of behavioral psychology.

One example is seeing images or hearing sounds in static. For those old enough to remember analog TV, when a channel completely went off the air, not even a test signal, people could look at static and see vague images. This is normal, but the perception of images is imaginary.

In your case, you are claiming the necessity of oversized text because you choose to use oversized pictures or are under the delusion that the oversized picture drowns out your text, which it does not.

I don't reveal personal information on here very often, but my background is microbiology. My wife processes coronavirus samples in a medical lab every single night. Working in a microbiology lab is how we met.

80% of those who get coronavirus will have mild or no symptoms. It is far less deadly than the flu, and pretty much the equivalent of the common cold. We are collapsing our stock market, gridlocking entire cities, and fleeing in terror like it's the Bubonic plague...and it's virtually the most trivial, ordinary, non-threatening virus ever discovered.

The Demagogue Party is deliberately stoking panic, exploiting ignorant mass hysteria, and celebrating the completely senseless paralysis of the economy...while falling over each other to weaponize this 100% manufactured crisis against Trump in an election year.

Tell that to the dead!
So you think we'd be better off doing nothing in spite of the results in Italy and China?

Yes. Just like every other common cold or flu virus, advise people to use universal precautions (hand washing, coughing into your arm, etc.), and let nature run its course. That's all you can do. Even when a patient tests positive, there is no treatment except for the symptoms. It's a virus. You just let it run its course. Locking down entire economies like this is moronic in the extreme.
Disagreed. OTOH, perception is an interesting part of behavioral psychology.

One example is seeing images or hearing sounds in static. For those old enough to remember analog TV, when a channel completely went off the air, not even a test signal, people could look at static and see vague images. This is normal, but the perception of images is imaginary.

In your case, you are claiming the necessity of oversized text because you choose to use oversized pictures or are under the delusion that the oversized picture drowns out your text, which it does not.


Yes, tiny text crowded out by giant images is only imbalanced to the delusional, and enlarging the text to match it MUST mean something else. Who is delusional here? :thinking:

Tell that to the dead!

Tell the dead...that just as many of them died as those who got the flu or the common cold? Um...okay. For what? :dunno:

Any amount of people dying does not = There is no option but to shutting down all of society. That's idiotic on its face. :palm:

People die in cars all the time too. By your logic, if you tell me that doesn't mean we need to act like the world is coming to an end, I should hysterically lash out with irrational guilt trips like, "TELL THAT TO THE DEAD!"

I don't reveal personal information on here very often, but my background is microbiology. My wife processes coronavirus samples in a medical lab every single night. Working in a microbiology lab is how we met.

80% of those who get coronavirus will have mild or no symptoms. It is far less deadly than the flu, and pretty much the equivalent of the common cold. We are collapsing our stock market, gridlocking entire cities, and fleeing in terror like it's the Bubonic plague...and it's virtually the most trivial, ordinary, non-threatening virus ever discovered.

The Demagogue Party is deliberately stoking panic, exploiting ignorant mass hysteria, and celebrating the completely senseless paralysis of the economy...while falling over each other to weaponize this 100% manufactured crisis against Trump in an election year.

So you and your wife are $12/hr technicians at a medical testing lab?




Your opinion on this matter is still only slightly more valuable than that of the guy who does oil changes at Jiffy Lube.

This message is hidden because Nomad is on your ignore list.

You must have an IQ of 40 or higher to ride this ride. :dunno:
As members cease to post here and do not return is it safe to assume that they are coronavirus fatalities ?
So you and your wife are $12/hr technicians at a medical testing lab?




Your opinion on this matter is still only slightly more valuable than that of the guy who does oil changes at Jiffy Lube.

You've been a nasty cunt almost from the getgo on here, a real fucking twat!
Let me know if you come up with any actual counterpoints, rather than just off-topic psychobabble ad hominems. :cool:

Just put me on ignore and you can safely hide from the truth. Much easier than you maintaining a rectal-cranial inversion stance.
You've been a nasty cunt almost from the getgo on here, a real fucking twat!

Thanks for an excellent example of a person losing complete control of their emotions and, therefore, letting go of logic.

FWIW, I strongly doubt highly emotional people are stable enough to hold a scientific job.
As members cease to post here and do not return is it safe to assume that they are coronavirus fatalities ?

Tough to say. I've been on forums for over 20 years (only the last 9 or so on political forums) and have lost members to fatal accidents, one to prison for murdering his mother (he was a LW nutjob!), a few to cancer or other unspecified illnesses. Some are just banned and find a nicer place to visit.

FWIW, I never understood why people who are banned keep coming back for more. It's a bit "off", to put it nicely. Masochistic at best, possibly Bipolar at worst. Thoughts, anyone? Why would a person who is banned from one forum change names and come back for more?

This message is hidden because Nomad is on your ignore list.

You must have an IQ of 40 or higher to ride this ride. :dunno:

Anyone besides me see how juvenile it is to claim someone is on ignore then brag about it. Arminus isn't the first person I've seen do this, he's just the latest, so not singling you out dude. I'm just curious what purpose is serves.
Anyone besides me see how juvenile it is to claim someone is on ignore then brag about it. Arminus isn't the first person I've seen do this, he's just the latest, so not singling you out dude. I'm just curious what purpose is serves.

Because you're a cunt and obviously someone's sock!
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Because you're cunt and obviously someone's sock!

Wrong on both counts, but I suspect you've had a lifetime of being wrong which would explain why you are so angry all the time. Sad.

You're lies and name-calling don't anger me since I pity you. Life is short and here you are wasting it on screaming, yelling and hating on others. Truly pitiful.