Coronavirus is a scam

Johns Hopkins and WHO say that you're the idiot. :dunno:


As members cease to post here and do not return is it safe to assume that they are coronavirus fatalities ?

Um...only if there is a wildly disproportionate amount of the immuno-compromised population on here. :dunno:
Tell the dead...that just as many of them died as those who got the flu or the common cold? Um...okay. For what? :dunno:

Any amount of people dying does not = There is no option but to shutting down all of society. That's idiotic on its face. :palm:

People die in cars all the time too. By your logic, if you tell me that doesn't mean we need to act like the world is coming to an end, I should hysterically lash out with irrational guilt trips like, "TELL THAT TO THE DEAD!"


Are you so fucking dumb that you're comparing the millions that get cold and flu,to the few 100 that have got this new C-virus?
Nevermind you are that fucking dumb!
You've been a nasty cunt almost from the getgo on here, a real fucking twat!

He's also assuming that working in a lab means you can only be the lowest-level employee there is. Completely baseless assumption from someone clearly desperate to deny reality. :dunno:


So triggered, petty, and mean-spirited. :laugh:
Just put me on ignore and you can safely hide from the truth. Much easier than you maintaining a rectal-cranial inversion stance.

The guy constantly veering off from facts and evidence posted from Johns Hopkins and W.H.O. to hurl ad hominem smears is the guy taunting others about avoiding the truth? :thinking:

Nice additional ad hominem diversion, guy who accuses others of avoiding the debate. :laugh:


Thanks for an excellent example of a person losing complete control of their emotions and, therefore, letting go of logic.

FWIW, I strongly doubt highly emotional people are stable enough to hold a scientific job.

When did Havana Moon claim to hold a scientific job? You don't seem stable enough to comprehend who you're talking to at the moment. :lolup:

Tough to say. I've been on forums for over 20 years (only the last 9 or so on political forums) and have lost members to fatal accidents, one to prison for murdering his mother (he was a LW nutjob!), a few to cancer or other unspecified illnesses. Some are just banned and find a nicer place to visit.

FWIW, I never understood why people who are banned keep coming back for more. It's a bit "off", to put it nicely. Masochistic at best, possibly Bipolar at worst. Thoughts, anyone? Why would a person who is banned from one forum change names and come back for more?

Translation: Has anyone noticed that I'm into psychology? I'm into psychology, by the way. Did you notice? Let me insert more psychology references to make sure you saw it. :rofl2:

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The guy constantly veering off from facts and evidence posted from Johns Hopkins and W.H.O. to hurl ad hominem smears is the guy taunting others about avoiding the truth? :thinking:

Nice additional ad hominem diversion, guy who accuses others of avoiding the debate. :laugh:

When did Havana Moon claim to hold a scientific job? You don't seem stable enough to comprehend who you're talking to at the moment. :lolup:

Translation: Has anyone noticed that I'm into psychology? I'm into psychology, by the way. Did you notice? Let me insert more psychology references to make sure you saw it. :rofl2:[/SIZE]

Dude, like Trump, your own posts are your own worst enemy. Sad
Anyone besides me see how juvenile it is to claim someone is on ignore then brag about it. Arminus isn't the first person I've seen do this, he's just the latest, so not singling you out dude. I'm just curious what purpose is serves.

Ignoring juvenile tantrums is being juvenile? Nice logic. :laugh:

The post being ignored clearly validates him being put on ignore. :dunno:

Need a tissue?

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Ignoring juvenile tantrums is being juvenile? Nice logic. :laugh:
The post being ignored clearly validates him being put on ignore. :dunno:
Need a tissue?
View attachment 14616

Yeah, I'll be crying myself to sleep tonight over not getting your approval. :laugh:

Obviously I've upset you very much. My apologies since it's wrong of me to deliberately antagonize a person I know is suffering.
Clearly, as evidenced my me ridiculing your easily debunked points. :laugh:
Someone's off their meds. :laugh:

This is just more evidence of the pain I was PMing others about when discussing very angry, hateful people on the forum.

People who are perpetually angry, always hateful and continually seeking to spread such negative emotions are examples of a person in great pain. Any man who was with his wife during childbirth likely saw how angry a person gets when in pain.

Anger is a natural and mostly automatic response to pain of one form or another (physical or emotional). Anger can occur when people don't feel well, feel rejected, feel threatened, or experience some loss.
The type of pain does not matter; the important thing is that the pain experienced is unpleasant. Because anger never occurs in isolation but rather is necessarily preceded by pain feelings, it is often characterized as a ''secondhand'' emotion.
